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Lieing and friends who do it.


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Take it easy on the Barrett .




I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what the phrase means. :-s

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I don't hate the friend who lied but what caused it. Shame that that it had happened...




Friends are friends for a reason, and to lose them would be sad.

Two men were walking through the forest. When they got out, they saw a war. One said cool, and ran forward, the other turned back. Later, both envied the other's decision. Who was right?


~It's not done till you're done with it~

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Why don't people like you in the first place?


Or better yet, what have you DONE to make them dislike you?

hows the weather up there. where the rich people live. currently, in the poor area its -1.
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Why don't people like you in the first place?


Or better yet, what have you DONE to make them dislike you?




It's probably something as simple as he is more mature than the people his age and people his age don't find this 'cool' at all.




Seriously, the things teenagers will do to be accepted and to be liked by everyone else is ridiculous.




Every 'popular' person in my high school dropped out, failed, got pregnant by a one night stand, in jail, committed suicide, died in street racing or is wanted for drug raids.




Not to stereotype those who were and are popular in high school, just giving my scenario.




He has probably done nothing wrong at all.




Chances are, this other 'friend' of his is more popular than what he is and if he 'hangs out' with this other friend, other people will 'like him more'.




All those who ever got ditched by someone they thought was their friend in high school because they became friends with someone more popular than you, say I.








All those who have ditched someone in highschool even though they were friends with that person in primary school, because they became the schools laughing stock, say I.








I am not not proud of it but we are human and wanting to be accepted at that age is only natural.




So is survival, who honestly wants to be bashed or bullied or hang around in the lesser 'popular' group at his age?




Noone I know.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Aww man, I feel bad for you. My friend told me(runescape alert!) that he could gold trim blurite, saradomin armour, in rsc! I was a bit skeptical at the time, but i believed him #-o he still is my friend, and i have forgotten totally about it.I just don't care.


Btw, if you want a friend, just sign up for an off-school team activity(I hope your in school...)

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Every 'popular' person in my high school dropped out, failed, got pregnant by a one night stand, in jail, committed suicide, died in street racing or is wanted for drug raids.




That's a depressing list :cry:




That's the kind of person that I absolutely would not put up with, you can do better than him. If you can't trust someone, stay away.


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When I think of my mates I always think of this quote;


A friend is always there to bail you out of jail, a true friend is sitting there right beside you.




Hah, that's roughly the same quote I think of when I think of my close friends. There's no way I'd ditch them and just from the last 2 days I know they deserve a title better than 'best friends' in my book.

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