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The new Pickaxe Types!(I did not copy the other thread)

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The new Pickaxe Types!




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[hide=Obsidian pickaxe!(level 61 Mining required)]




Now this pick axe will be dropped by the new Tzhaar-Joe(as you can see IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m full of creative namesÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ lol). Joe will be level 200 and will only drop the pick axe head. notice how I said head? Well as you know all good pickaxes have handles so you will need to buy a handle for about (my guess would be 3mil because you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t buy them anywhere, please inform me if IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m wrong. By saying this i mean that since they will be so high in demand when they come out there price between players will be about 3mil, b/c high levels players don't want to wait around for their pickaxe to break.Understand???? Send me message if you don't).




This pickaxe would make iron pure meaning that when you smith the iron you always get an iron bar instead of the 50% chance you get with normal iron. This new type of iron will be called ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅIron Ore(P)ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Not bad. Not the most ingenious ideas, but still quite good. Just one question. What would happen if you use an Iron Ore(P) to make steel? Would it be higher grade or something, or just normal?

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Not bad. Not the most ingenious ideas, but still quite good. Just one question. What would happen if you use an Iron Ore(P) to make steel? Would it be higher grade or something, or just normal?




well i've though about that and you only need 1/2 fo an iron ore so you can make more steel bars/ inventory! The "iron ore(1/2)" is untradeable

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well i've though about that and you only need 1/2 fo an iron ore so you can make more steel bars/ inventory! The "iron ore(1/2)" is untradeable




Iron ore (1/2)???


Why not just halve the amount of coal needed or something like :-k




The coal is what refines/ heats the furnace enough to smelt steel. Therefore if the the Iron ore is already refined enough to make iron bars without fail, then you shouldn't need much coal to heat the furnace to refine the iron even further into steel. Also, how can you possibly make half an ore? Use a knife with it?

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well i've though about that and you only need 1/2 fo an iron ore so you can make more steel bars/ inventory! The "iron ore(1/2)" is untradeable




Iron ore (1/2)???


Why not just halve the amount of coal needed or something like :-k




The coal is what refines/ heats the furnace enough to smelt steel. Therefore if the the Iron ore is already refined enough to make iron bars without fail, then you shouldn't need much coal to heat the furnace to refine the iron even further into steel. Also, how can you possibly make half an ore? Use a knife with it?




No it his half of what the iron ore used to be ore 1/2. So you use 1/2 rion and 2 coal/steel bar. Get it?

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well a 3m requirement for pick handle is stupid because i can just get any kind of pick and mine until the head comes off which might take a while but will cost 0gp...apart from that elves are not really open to the wide world if you dont know and i dont think they will have a mining palace out of elvish lands :XD: ...and why getting a degraded pick axe?! by the way i doubt the barrows brothers had anything to do with mining :uhh: ...


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

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I don't like the idea of a degrading pickaxe and pickaxe handles .... Just let the monsters drop them whole pickaxe.




Automaticly dropping the ores would be nice tough altough I don't think Jagex is doing to put this back in the game since it caused lots of people using autominers in rsc. Like a right click option "Drop all ores" would be nice, no warning dialog, already to many of them in rs.






Hmmm I just came up with an idea: why not let the new pickaxes be dropped by.... rock golems?


They are already in the game, rare and have a comparable difficulty to all levels.




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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Hey you stole my thread!




Joke, joke.




Anyways you seem to have thought through your ideas well enough. I'm not sure about a 3mil pickaxe handle, that seems a little stupid, and as flava said you could just mine until a normal pick broke. The barrows ones 'drop ore' idea is nice, I like it, but it would probably make power mining too easy. I'm not sure I understand the crystal pickaxe... do you just need 100k? Or 3mil? You say you buy a crystal pickaxe handle and smith it with a pickaxe handle? So you smith a handle with a handle? How do you get the head?



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I don't like the idea of a degrading pickaxe and pickaxe handles .... Just let the monsters drop them whole pickaxe.




Automaticly dropping the ores would be nice tough altough I don't think Jagex is doing to put this back in the game since it caused lots of people using [rulebreaker] in rsc. Like a right click option "Drop all ores" would be nice, no warning dialog, already to many of them in rs.






Hmmm I just came up with an idea: why not let the new pickaxes be dropped by.... rock golems?


They are already in the game, rare and have a comparable difficulty to all levels.


i LOVE the golem thing!!! nice thinking!


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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I don't like the idea of a degrading pickaxe and pickaxe handles .... Just let the monsters drop them whole pickaxe.




Automaticly dropping the ores would be nice tough altough I don't think Jagex is doing to put this back in the game since it caused lots of people using [rulebreaker] in rsc. Like a right click option "Drop all ores" would be nice, no warning dialog, already to many of them in rs.






Hmmm I just came up with an idea: why not let the new pickaxes be dropped by.... rock golems?


They are already in the game, rare and have a comparable difficulty to all levels.


i LOVE the golem thing!!! nice thinking!




i will put this into my thread if you guys can think of a new type of pickaxe not mentioned above and not dragon.

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I support but in your sig:




Remeber 007 you have a license to kill, not to break driving rules




It should be:




Remeber 007 you have a license to kill, not to break traffic laws




Sorry I did a 007 summer holiday marathon in the year 2007




(That is watched one each night for the first few weeks of the holdiday and then watched them all again again. =)

.sigs these of many too read have you backwards this read you If


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When he dies he drops the pickaxe, 30k coins, and 100 law runes. You then go back to the bankers and return the pickaxe to them.




End of Quest




Reward: 100k mining xp, access to barrows, crystal and obsidian pickaxes, and 100k tokkul.




Far too huge a reward. 100k mining EXP? 100k tokkul? Even the law runes and coins are a bit much for such a simple quest. Also, Swan Song and Garden of Tranquility should be requirements for the quest - if you kill the WOM, then you can't use him for either of those quests anymore and the game breaks.



People with fluffy pink avatars are generally expected to be nice.
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When he dies he drops the pickaxe, 30k coins, and 100 law runes. You then go back to the bankers and return the pickaxe to them.




End of Quest




Reward: 100k mining xp, access to barrows, crystal and obsidian pickaxes, and 100k tokkul.




Far too huge a reward. 100k mining EXP? 100k tokkul? Even the law runes and coins are a bit much for such a simple quest. Also, Swan Song and Garden of Tranquility should be requirements for the quest - if you kill the WOM, then you can't use him for either of those quests anymore and the game breaks.

how about some sort of evil/good twin WOM has?could be nice :wink: :thumbup:


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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When he dies he drops the pickaxe, 30k coins, and 100 law runes. You then go back to the bankers and return the pickaxe to them.




End of Quest




Reward: 100k mining xp, access to barrows, crystal and obsidian pickaxes, and 100k tokkul.




Far too huge a reward. 100k mining EXP? 100k tokkul? Even the law runes and coins are a bit much for such a simple quest. Also, Swan Song and Garden of Tranquility should be requirements for the quest - if you kill the WOM, then you can't use him for either of those quests anymore and the game breaks.

how about some sort of evil/good twin WOM has?could be nice :wink: :thumbup:




i'll update tghe quest soon, but i ahve 5 minutes left so..... i'll do it tomorrow, k?

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I support but in your sig:




Remeber 007 you have a license to kill, not to break driving rules




It should be:




Remeber 007 you have a license to kill, not to break traffic laws




Sorry I did a 007 summer holiday marathon in the year 2007




(That is watched one each night for the first few weeks of the holdiday and then watched them all again again. =)




i'll update that and i can't believe you noticed that, lol.....




I'm updating the quest right now....




Thx for the support guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crystal Pickaxe!




This would be a pickaxe made out of crystal!




Oh, no way? I thought crystal pickaxe would be made out of bronze, omg you killed my faith =(=(=(




mining does need an update. :-w




lol? There's plenty of people who can deal with as it is..

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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Crystal Pickaxe!




This would be a pickaxe made out of crystal!




Oh, no way? I thought crystal pickaxe would be made out of bronze, omg you killed my faith =(=(=(




mining does need an update. :-w




lol? There's plenty of people who can deal with as it is..

mining NEEDS an update...so does smithing, slayer, maybe herblore, agility, fishing, firemaking (REALLY NEEDS), woodcutting would be nice...well need for updates is not new...


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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Crystal Pickaxe!




This would be a pickaxe made out of crystal!




Oh, no way? I thought crystal pickaxe would be made out of bronze, omg you killed my faith =(=(=( Edit by me(slickmovedud) i though it would be made out of something like iron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooooo




mining does need an update. :-w




lol? There's plenty of people who can deal with as it is..

mining NEEDS an update...so does smithing, slayer, maybe herblore, agility, fishing, firemaking (REALLY NEEDS), woodcutting would be nice...well need for updates is not new...




i'm thinking up an upadate for the wood skills right now, lol.....

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When he dies he drops the pickaxe, 30k coins, and 100 law runes. You then go back to the bankers and return the pickaxe to them.




End of Quest




Reward: 100k mining xp, access to barrows, crystal and obsidian pickaxes, and 100k tokkul.




Far too huge a reward. 100k mining EXP? 100k tokkul? Even the law runes and coins are a bit much for such a simple quest. Also, Swan Song and Garden of Tranquility should be requirements for the quest - if you kill the WOM, then you can't use him for either of those quests anymore and the game breaks.




yeah i was gonna mention that that reward is massive... 100k mining exp? 100k tokkul? plus 100 laws and 30k from the wicked old man? no way.

has anyone considered the possibility that lauren1211 is homosexual? anyone, anyone at all?
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50k mining xp and 50k tokkul is still too much maybe 10k tokkul and 15k xp?




i'll make it 25k mining and 25k tokkul........

ITS STILL TOO MUCH! either you make the quest A LOT harder or you take my first suggestion about a reward....


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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