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Everything posted by Personcowcow

  1. The clock, watch, and sextant play no significance in level 1 clues, let along Uri clues. They are only used in level 2 and 3 clues - there is no need to carry them around while doing a level 1 clue.
  2. Yes, the fastest way to make nature runes is through the abyss - however, your combat level should make you safe there. Most abyssal PKers are level 80+, and ones your level usually won't have teleblock, so you can just use a one-click teleport if you get attacked. Your defence level might mean you would have to eat some food every now and then, but it's unlikely you would die from the abyssal monsters.
  3. That's just brutal. Surprisingly, not everyone on this planet has even the simplest form of logic - you should just have to answer another question if you get it wrong. It may seem brutal if it wasn't on tutorial island, but if it's on tutorial island, (preferabley near beginning) then an inocently banned person has spent next to no time on their account. Also, accounts banned for missing the question could be deleted so the user could pick the same name again. But look at this from a fresh new player's perspective. They just started playing this game their friends told them about, they're in awe at the graphics, everything seems so cool.. "If I take away 10 apples from a supply of 12, and then place 4 back, how many apples do I have?" Now this player isn't very good at logic, plus they accidently misread the question as saying "does it have". So they say 6. "Sorry! Your character has been deleted forever! Have a nice day." "...I quit."
  4. Have you started Jungle Potion? You can't get it if you haven't started the quest.
  5. This is a great idea! Personcowcow - add me. EDIT: I would fall under the Skiller and CWer categories.
  6. Do you mean the island with jungle spiders on it, that also has Hazelmere? If so, it's right east of Yanille. It's also fairy ring co-ordinate CLS.
  7. That's just brutal. Surprisingly, not everyone on this planet has even the simplest form of logic - you should just have to answer another question if you get it wrong.
  8. Probably because they don't speak German. You don't need to speak German to be able to play there, you just need a basic knowledge of what things are, you need to know what and where everything is without needing to read the text. German worlds exist for a reason - so people who do not know English or are poor in it but know German, perhaps even natively, can play the game with other people who speak the same language. It's just rude to invade them when you can't even speak German. I'm not a skiller, but let me just speak for them for a moment: No. The average skiller will probably like to be saver in or close near a bank and a average skiller absolutely doesn't care about being unsave in a forrest they won't get in anyway. If you don't know where you are talking about than plz don't talk at all oke ;) and especially NOT for others, because they will probably feel ashamed for you. ..huh? Could you please rephrase that? I cannot understand what you are trying to say. I can only make out the part at the end where you suggest that I should not talk and especially not speak for others, as they will be ashamed at the mere thought that a level 3 skiller would not just suddenly, out of the blue, decide to start getting combat levels for the sole purpose of not being attacked by monsters which they can capably run away from.
  9. I would love to come and send penguins all over, if it weren't at 8 AM. You might want to make it a bit later, since a lot of people live in PST.
  10. Freeze! This is the Grammar Police! :D Please participate in the action of not moving for a short period of time, whilst one politely yet savagely corrects your misspellings and errors in grammar. All right, would you please place your hands behind your back, while I take out these handcuffs? Now please wait quietly, while I correct your spelling and/or grammar. All right, people, he is clean.
  11. I read this last night, and I thought "finally, something to do with the fishing potions I made". But I saw you needed 70 fishing, which I don't have, so I put it aside in my mind. So now, I thought about it again, and remembered something - the Warrior's Guild sells attack, strength, and defence potions (although 3 dose), with 10 in stock and a decent restocking time. So, if you don't have any potions you want to use roe on, but don't have 70 fishing to get caviar, you can world switch and buy tons of attack and strength potions (defence needs caviar), and add roe to them. They're pretty cheap - I don't think the attack and strength potions get higher than 18 each - so you're getting some pretty cheap experience, although you'll have to spend time getting the roe. Plus, if you don't need the mixes, you can just empty the potions and fill them with water - getting you cheap water filled vials. This could be a great way to earn Herblore experience.
  12. Then people would just have their friends buy stuff from their stall, then their friends would put those bought items on their stall, then the person would buy those items back, and so on and so on - you could just keep on getting levels by buying 1 item back and forth.
  13. Well, I'm happy. If not for the fact that it was combat-based, I'd probably start playing PC now. It sounds like now it'll be a fun minigame - more importance placed on defence - I think it'll finally be a minigame worth playing.
  14. If I had money to spare, I would buy one in a second.
  15. Probably because they don't speak German. I'm not a skiller, but let me just speak for them for a moment: No.
  16. Intriguing idea - does the egg appear on the ground, or does a player get it if the chicken bumps into them? If a player is bumped into, should they be stunned? And shouldn't it be clockworks instead of steel bars? I would assume it would appear on the ground. And clockworks? I've never heard of them. :P Clockworks are made from steel bars on any level crafting table in an POH workshop. They are used to make clockwork toys, like cats, toy soldiers, mice, penguins..
  17. Intriguing idea - does the egg appear on the ground, or does a player get it if the chicken bumps into them? If a player is bumped into, should they be stunned? And shouldn't it be clockworks instead of steel bars?
  18. Every level in the skill the tears are being applied to makes the tears worth more - but it stops increasing at level 30.
  19. How about this: Scatter Magnet moves up to level 45, and H.A.M. mage moves up to level 83, and the price also moves up to 25,000 coins. Fireworks are moved up to level 75, and cost 50,000 coins, and the band is moved up to level 86 and costs 175,000 coins - to make room for a new form of entertainment, the fairy. Fairy - Level 64, 20,000 coins, 4 teak planks, 75 cosmic runes, 75 air runes, 75 water runes, 75 earth runes, 75 fire runes The fairy cannot be activated while a dropper is activated, and vice versa. When activated, a fairy will walk around throwing fairy dust on players for 30 seconds. If a player has fairy dust thrown on them, they will be turned into an animal for a few seconds, or made to perform an emote. Like that weird stuff that happens in Zanaris these days. "I suddenly feel the uncontrollable urge to dance!".
  20. Wouldn't this ruin the teletab market?
  21. New Room: The Party Room! Level: 35 Cost: 25,000 GP Are you tired of holding drop parties that get crashed by people who aren't invited? The Seer's party room has so much potential, but it's a public area, anyone can waltz in and pop balloons. NO LONGER!! With the party room, you can hold your own private drop parties with a myriad of ways to perform it! Hotspots: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââChest For you to place items in. The owner of the house can set the chest to one of three modes: everyone, approval, or owner. If set to everyone; then anyone in the house can put items in the chest. If set to approval; anyone can put items in the chest, but the owner must approve them before they are dropped. If the owner does not approve them, they go back to the person who put them in. If set to owner; only the owner of the house can put items into the chest. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââDropper What drops the items. While a dropper is activated, Telekinetic Grab cannot be cast. Only the owner of a house can activate the dropper. All items dropped by droppers show up in 20 seconds instead of 60. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââDecoration A decoration that displays your family crest. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââEntertainment Something pretty for your guests to gaze at in awe. Possible Things To Build: Chest: Oak Chest - Level 35, 4 oak planks, does not support the "approval" mode, only 15 items and stacks may be placed in it at once Teak Chest - Level 44, 4 teak planks, supports all modes, only 25 items and stacks may be placed in it at once Gilded Chest - Level 53, 4 mahogany planks, 1 gold leaf, supports all modes, no storage limits Dropper: Catapult - Level 36, 6 oak planks, 4 iron bars The catapult works like a traditional drop party, except no one is walking around dropping things. The catapult will fire an item every 15 seconds into a random square inside the party room, until the items run out. Scatter Magnet - Level 45, 4 teak planks, 5 iron bars, 5 steel bars The scatter magnet will repulse an item every 15 seconds until the items run out, sending it to a random square within the house's doors and gardens. It will not send items over to any empty space around the actual built up part. Balloons - Level 58, 8 teak planks, 8 bolts of cloth The balloons work just like the balloons in the party hall. They will start falling all over the house when activated. H.A.M. Mage - Level 83, 25,000 coins, 4 teak planks, 1 set of H.A.M. robes, 25 law runes The H.A.M. mage, when activated, will begin teleporting monsters taken prisoner by H.A.M. into the house. These monsters are low-levelled, from levels 1 to 25, with relatively low hitpoints. They give no combat experience, so skillers can fight them too. When a monster dies, it may drop one of the items that were in the chest. Twice the number of monsters will be summoned as there are items, and a new monster will appear once every 3 seconds. Decoration: Oak Decoration - Level 16, 2 oak planks Teak Decoration - Level 36, 2 teak planks Gilded Decoration - Level 56, 3 mahogany planks, 2 gold leaf Entertainment:: Knights of the Party Room - Level 42, 10,000 GP, 4 teak planks, 2 bolts of cloth, iron full helm, iron platebody, iron platelegs Just like the Knights of the Party Room in Seer's, they dance on a table, but have different dialogue. Mimes - Level 53, 25,000 GP, 4 teak planks Mimes will stand on a stage for 30 seconds and perform random emotes. At the end of the 30 seconds, they will all wave and disappear. Fairy - Level 64, 20,000 coins, 4 teak planks, 75 cosmic runes, 75 air runes, 75 water runes, 75 earth runes, 75 fire runes The fairy cannot be activated while a dropper is activated, and vice versa. When activated, a fairy will walk around throwing fairy dust on players for 30 seconds. If a player has fairy dust thrown on them, they will be turned into an animal for a few seconds, or made to perform an emote. Like that weird stuff that happens in Zanaris these days. "I suddenly feel the uncontrollable urge to dance!". Fireworks - Level 75, 50,000 GP, 4 diamonds, 4 rubies, 4 emeralds, 4 sapphires, 3 tinderboxes Colourful white, red, green, and blue fireworks will start exploding in the room for 30 seconds. Band - Level 86, 175,000 GP, 4 mahogany planks The hit new punk band, The Black Knights, will run onto the stage and perform one of their new hit singles! --- Maybe all items still on the ground are teleported back into the chest and all guests are kicked out. The chest is then safely locked until you come back later and get your stuff. Any items that were already picked up by a player are kept by that player. The same happens if you switch to building mode. Any items dropped outside the party room will be lost when you log out or switch to building mode. Only items dropped in the party room by the dropper are teleported back into the chest. If the item was dropped by a player its gone forever. Supporters: 1. Brenman94 2. H3lixdrom 3. flava0falcon 4. tripsis 5. Jeda45 6. killerred005 7. Seth161991 8. PastyGangsta 9. Master_Smither 10. Doughnut 11. mchainmail 12. Borgi3 13. Harrington 14. yoda9931 15. ColonialMarine 16. coonas 17. andy_matthews 18. thefoo1000 19. WolfhunterXZ 20. gaberdude 21. kemikalkadet 22. Masterthias
  22. "You enjoy games that require patience and strategy" It is, however, a game that requires ALOT of patience. And to say there is no strategy isn't completely true either. I don't see why it should be changed. The grouping gave examples for both strategic and strategy games. The only reason there is patience in Monopoly is because it overstays its welcome by at least 10 times, so you have to be patient to not go insane playing it. The game is all about getting lucky with dice. Sure, there is a minuscule amount of strategy, but with all the luck in it, it hardly counts.
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