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What would YOU do? (..after a great loss)


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I still like my idea of smothering them with n33bspeak the best.




(4 thos of u who wana kno dis is n33bspeak, were u tak wif rally bad spelin an use incoherent gramer; maek sure to inevrt lots of leters an use words leik wif, dat, and dis. )

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Firstly, I always ask (nicely) if they will hop.


If they say they will, I thank them for being courteous.


If they say they won't, I focus on outdoing them or messing them up if it is possible. I don't hop, ever. If I am second to the goods, I ALWAYS hop unless it is something that my influence doesn't really effect (WCing for example).




Say I have hopped through 20 worlds and finally find a hunter spot open. People appear and hop, or I ask them to and they do. About 10% of the time they refuse. So, I lay my traps on a spawn and only set them up if they fall over or capture something. Then I proceed to kill every single chin that spawns. After a couple minutes (one time was 2 hours!) they give up and hop after "Stupid noob!111!!!!" and I go back to hunting.






There is simply no reason to be rude and whenever I get the chance, I try to assist people in realizing that fact. :-w


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

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New situation:




  • *You're minding your own business, training a nice AFK skill, such as woocutting. Since you have a Party Hat, you decide to flaunt it and wear it while you train. As you do, a person comes up*




You: Hey, how are you?


Other: Good, how about yourself?


You: Pretty good.


Other: Wow, nice party hat!


You: Thank you =P


Other: How'd you get it?


You: Oh, I just got it over time. You know.. skilling, merchanting.


Other: Ah, that's pretty cool.


  • *You carry on a conversation with the other player, and become friends. After a while, he asks you if you'd like to talk on MSN*


You: Sure!


  • *Seeing as you've known him for a while now, you can trust him. So you give him your MSN name and you two begin to talk*


You: So how're you doing today?


Other: Pretty good.


You: Oh hey, wait, I just got a Tree Spirit random.


  • *Today you're woodcutting and you get a random. But this is where it all changes. The new "friend" begins to spam your MSN with random messages,which causes your computer to freeze up. You try what you can to fix it, but nothing works. You're still fighting the tree spirit, too.
    When you get everything fixed and log back in, you find yourself in Lumbridge with your axe and two magic logs.*


You: OMG!!! He scammed me!!!!


  • *The other player deletes you from his friends list and from his MSN and never talks to you again. You're crushed about the loss of your party hat.*




But now what would you do? Why? If you agree with someone else, great, but try to explain your reasoning. If you disagree with someone, then tell why and then tell us what you would do.






Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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6/19, just hop world or go to a different mining spot, its not worth the hassle of arguing with some people.


6/20, nat craft like a git. Once I got a decent amount merchant, buy back the phat and run it in the other guys face. But you should use a different messenger if msn slows your pc down that much.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
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    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Joe, it's not that the MSN slows the computer down. It's that the other person floods you with messages in an attempt to make your computer freeze up. Pretty much, you get so many messages at once that it just floods up your memory and CPU, which makes you unable to do anything else on the computer because it's going so slowly. I don't know if it is so much now, but I've heard that it's been used before as a scamming technique.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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i would stop playing

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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I would create another MSN account and play it off as if I were someone else to get his trust, and then when his guard is down, I'd send him a .gif file with a keylogger attached. :twisted:




Meh, I am 122 combat and I never skill without my whip equipped (to deal with randoms.. It adds no weight, so it is to my benefit to wield it.) so chances are I wouldn't die to it anyway.

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:-k hmmmmmz




during my days any time id get hacked/scammed/pked id usually go back out and try to pk somthing even better. pking/staking is a great way to go from 1m to 100m

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I'd be really annoyed about losing the party hat, but i'd still have plenty to get me by because i'd never be stupid enough to buy a party hat and have next to nothing left over. So i'd just make do with what i have left and build myself up. Ofcourse i'd keep thinking what if i didn't lose it etc. but it would be tough luck, i'd never quit over it now though.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Hmm... I like the idea involving the Keylogger... :-k I'd probably leave a note in his friends list that would be something along the lines of this, "Who's laughing now noob?" But, if I didn't use a keylogger, I'd probably just save up and buy another one.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Say that im never gona play again and moan for a bit and then get on it the next day.




Probably something like that. I think anyone would be pissed, having wasted all the time and effort. But there's nothing you could really do about it afterwards, besides trying to work to get it back.

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For the first one, I keep going until I realize either it's pointless to try or I drive the other person out.




For the second, losing the party hat, I'd just pick myself back up and keep going. Might not play for a day or two, but then I'd go right back, and invest my money in something else. After all, I don't let death drag me down.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.



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