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1. Perfect health for myself and everyone whom I love dearly.




2. Ability to duplicate any object of my choosing. (money, chocolate etc.)




3. One Hundred....Billion....more wishes! (in the Dr Evil Voice)

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1. Perfect health for myself also




2. Imortality




3. Something to detroy all the autoers and gold farmers

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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1) Unlimited box of Tim-Tam's (Woot)


2) The Genies mum... In bed... :uhh:


3) To be the sexiest sexy beast of sexy sexyness ::' (That likes to sex?) #-o

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




I would as well, but for a different reason. I like what I have, and I like knowing that I've worked for everything I've had instead of having it given to me. A wish wouldn't be worth it.


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World peace would be a waste of a wish because as Rebdragon a.k.a The Full Metal Alchemist says, humans would no longer exist.


Aside from that..




1. Immortality for myself and one other person :wink: for as long as we wanted it.




2. To be able to fly ::'




3. I'd save the last one, who knows what's going to happen in the future, eh? :wink:


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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




Wishes always go bad :| . Unless the being granting the wish is Cosmo or Wanda, it'd probably be a stupid idea to make a wish :P .




"I wish for world peace." BAM, no more human race.




Every single wish on this thread could be twisted to hurt you so easily :-w . That genie's been locked away for over a thousand years, he doesn't want to obey you, he wants to have some fun :P .




Oh, yeah right! Like you wouldn't wish for the perfect girl, unlimited money or the president of the world!

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1) To find the perfect lover and life partner tomorrow and to spend the rest of my life with them.




The rest of the wishes I'd save so I could dig myself out of a situations when I need to.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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You're all forgetting the wish rules!!




Hey and no more wishing for more wishes.




Rule number ONE! I can't kill anybody [slip] so don't ask!


Rule number TWO! I can't make anybody fall in love with anybody else. Mwah, you little cutie, you!


Rule number THREE! I can't bring anybody back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture, I DON'T LIKE DOING IT!!




Source: Genie, Aladdin. Disney corp.

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I'd wish that the lamp was destroyed, and that I nor anyone else got any more wishes from this genie.




Wishes always go bad :| . Unless the being granting the wish is Cosmo or Wanda, it'd probably be a stupid idea to make a wish :P .




"I wish for world peace." BAM, no more human race.




Every single wish on this thread could be twisted to hurt you so easily :-w . That genie's been locked away for over a thousand years, he doesn't want to obey you, he wants to have some fun :P .




Oh, yeah right! Like you wouldn't wish for the perfect girl, unlimited money or the president of the world!


Perfect girl: Break up with me in less than a week o_O. Perfection requires perfection.




Unlimited money: Inflation o_O. Holy crap that's a lot of inflation o_O. Like, economy crashing o_O.




President of the world: Time until next assassination attempt: 3 minutes.




And all of that is not only the tip of the problems with those wishes, but none of them are in any way twisted by the genie. Think if the genie actually did twist them. *shudder* (i.e., when you wish for the perfect girl you become the perfect girl :P ).




Though, I'll admit that instead of throwing away the lamp, I'd probably side with the T-Rex on page 1. Well, his first decision, anyways.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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