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The degrading community


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But people leave and with them a part of the community disappears (I don't mean this literally). A good and sad example is Shiva. He was in my opinion a great person, he was so kind to everyone. He replied even the dumbest questions with a kind and serious anwser. When he died, tif lost something valueable that couldn't be replaced. And a lot of the great people who made tif what it is today have left.


That is exactly what I believe, thanks for putting it into better words for me. I believe because the "leaders" of TIF have left, very few have replaced them and there was thus a void. Since there was a void to be filled, you have what you see now, a new community/generation.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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But people leave and with them a part of the community disappears (I don't mean this literally). A good and sad example is Shiva. He was in my opinion a great person, he was so kind to everyone. He replied even the dumbest questions with a kind and serious anwser. When he died, tif lost something valueable that couldn't be replaced. And a lot of the great people who made tif what it is today have left.


That is exactly what I believe, thanks for putting it into better words for me. I believe because the "leaders" of TIF have left, very few have replaced them and there was thus a void. Since there was a void to be filled, you have what you see now, a new community/generation.




I mourn the loss of Shiva. Truly a sad day when the community heard the news.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Just look at the first page......




Heck, I tried to start some discussion with my KBD vs. Metal Dragons thread. But still doesn't go around with all the retarted threads that keep poping up.




Some people join tip.it fourms to Rant because they are allow to say they got scam or w/e but can't say that in RSOF or because their F2P.




Other things have downgraded as well. That Hello, Mr. Runescape article was horrible as it tried to stretch the truth a little too much.




All we can do is just wait.




Edit: I hate how people seem to think that General is the place to ask question....

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I would have to agree the community is degrading, but it isn't just the new members who are causing it. I often don't post much in General Discussion/Old P2P, I stick to Help and Advice.




Now I'm not having a go at all of you, but some of our "older" members (joined for longer) are contributing to the degrade just as much as newer members. Some of these feel they need to get on and flame every single topic there is. Even those with legitimate discussion get flamed by these people. These people really get me annoyed. Why bother using these forums if all you ever do is be an old cow and flame everything people say and then turn around and post random crap that has nothing to do with topics (albeit flame). As many a mod has said, "See spam, don't reply to it, report it". Listen to this advice. If you see a pointless/spammy topic, don't just get on your soapbox at about how pointless these threads are and start flaming. Just report the thread and let the mods take care of it.




Like I said, I'm not having a go at everyone, and I agree wholeheartedly what you have said mario_sunny. You, in my opinion, are the kind of people we need more of in this forum. You post, well thought out and well written posts that make sense. A good topic written by someone with poor grammar and "1337 speak" is just as bad as a pointless topic. I won't read a topic when I can't understand the message people are trying to get across.




One solution is this, some of you should post a "legitimate discussion". If you see so many poor threads, create some good and well thought out posts and leave the poorly written ones alone. I think Latinoking's discussion on the KBD was good, and we had people flaming the topic saying it was more pointless spam when it IS a good discussion.




I will say this, if you want a good discussion, head to the Debate Club. I sometimes go there and there are some dam good topics there to have a debate on.




In my opinion, this community will only get better if the older members take the reins and start posting good, legitimate topics. Simply sitting here complaining will do nothing at all.



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The reason the F2P general board was full of junky threads is because all of the good topics that are able to apply to P2P have either already been posted. There has not really been much new F2P content since the begining of Runescape, so the board is just stagnant.




But, I haven't been on the forums long, so I can't really see how they have degraded, because I can't truly compare them to an earlier time. But, the IRC community is kinda nice and small, which I honestly like it a bit more than the forums.

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