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Snake and noob(SEASON 2 BEGINS!!!)


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I had to live with the ruddy coach-lag so why should you get extra time off...




The BlueJay Chronicles Part I




BlueJay carefully went to look around the corner. A sudden wail told him to wait, a second later a silver sphere hurled passed. He quickly moved round and entered the house.


"HuffleSticks" it was barely a whisper as it passed his lips.




The door opened to reveal a cramped room with perhaps thirty people or so. The room was the size of a normal(Runescape House) room and sported a sink and a teak larder. There was a stove as well but it had been smashed in and served as a fire instead. This was one of the safe houses for people who opposed the ADVERT COMPANY. Ever since Archimage Aquan's quiet rise to power there had been people fleeing the cities and towns, just so they would not be liquidated. BlueJay had been on the run ever since Fairy Nuff had been 'Liberated', he knew that he was going to be caught sooner or later. He knew because of the tracker that everyone had. Archimage never used them because it wasn't good sportsmanship, but for delivering letters. But if the hunt went on for too long BlueJay was sure that he would use it.




There was the foul smell that accompanied thirty people living in such an enclosed space. It was hard to believe that less than a month ago this had been a pizzaria, times had changed so rapidly it was scary. In fact the whole thing was scary, no matter which way you looked at it. Archimage had crushed all opponates and even the return of Rachet looked like a futile gesture, he had already claimed jet lag...could it perhaps be that Archimage had already got to him? BlueJay pushed the voice from his head. No! He must not give up hope. He set him self down near the fire and got out a few lumps of meat. The room was suddenly alive with excitment, many had not seen food in some time. BlueJay carefully handed out the little food he had left. Whatever happened next it would be on an empty stomach.




It was early the next morning; when exactly didn't matter, the searchlights obliterated the sun that got through the smoke of the factories; BlueJay was pulling on his backpack, which was now complety void of food and anything but his trusty tee-shirt sporting BLUEJAY'S FOREVER. Given to him when he was very young it was his life line to the past. Moving in the night was sucide, no one moved at night. It was by pure luck he had evaded them as long as he did. The early morning rush would cover his movements, but there wasn't alot he could really do now. With no weapons, no support and very little money he didn't have a strong suite to play with. A light flared across the sky and a moment later the people poured into the streets. That was the sign that curfew was over. BlueJay looked towards the posters that encompassed every last square inch of building. He hated them, no one had the money to buy them anymore, but they were still there. A reminder of how stupid they had been. "He's just another bussinessman", "It will be over before you know it." But this wasn't any bussinessman, this was Archimage A. The chances just seemed to leap out of nowhere.




BlueJay headed to the marketplace, it still stocked food and some goods. Mainly bread and bronze though, it had even become a slogen of sorts. He bought a dagger and a few loaves, guards roamed freely here so fights broke out over anything...you just paid what they said and then some to be on the safe side.




There was another crack in the sky. It was the sign that noon had come. This was BlueJay's sign. He swiped the guard closest to him and twirled on the spot, sending another flying. A wild scream of painic caused the crowd to bolt for thier homes, BlueJay and his dagger were sent flying. He tried to stand up but people rushed all around him. He rolled towards a table hoping to stand up, only to find rations and weapons. He grapped a simitar, it looked rune, but that was too much to hope for, he felt it. Mithril. The food was lobsters. Common before, but now they were a rare treasure. He thrust them into his pack and lunged from the table at a guard, his scimitar cutting though his chin and coming out his forhead, the back of the blade sliced through brain as he brought it down. From his left another guard yelled for help, BlueJay kicked a table towards him. There was a thud and a splintering of wood. Almost everyone had left, if he didn't run soon he would be at their mercy, at which he was almost already.




They closed tightly around him, it was an over zelous mage that saved him. Sending a water bolt straight for him, but BlueJay sliced through it with the scimitar. The water struck two guards to the side and he took his advantage. Cartwheeling to the left he grabbed the gravel that lay around him, unwrapping his shirt as he did. A moment later as he righted outside the ring he flung the stuff with a swish and flick of the shirt. It hailed down on them and as some of them lunged to get at him others fell about themselves, their eyes cut and arms bleeding.






That night no one would take BlueJay. He may have killed a fair dozen guards but at what cost? Bronze was now completely off the market, and bread supplies were cut in half. It was only with the offer of Lobsters that he got into a house. It wasn't so much a house as a quater room, but it was just him and this guy so it was less cramped than normal.




"So BlueJay, quite a stunt you pulled out there. Must have been some of my best agents you killed."


"Err your agents, oh !@#@" BlueJay lunged, whoever this guy was he worked for Archimage, well he wasn't gonna be taken without a fight. He unsheathed his scimitar and wirled it towards the neck. The figure meerly moved his hand and the weapon bent cleanly to the side, smashing into the wall and then crumperling into nothingness. Who the hell was this guy?


Well it didn't matter he was gonna kill him no matter what, he had nothing to lose after all. He backfliped a Cresent Moon Kick, he went somehow short, as though the room had expanded suddenly. Indeed as he looked back towards the figure he noticed he was in what looked like an endless room, with a checkered floor.




"Who the @#$# are you?" He didn't wait for a responce, he pulled a cord on his backpack and three runes slid into his hand. "INFERNO!!" The runes coiled into a snake a fire and shot towards the figure. It couldn't miss. The fire connected, no one could surive that spell. BlueJay had made it that way. 1 Cosmic, 1 Lava and 1 Blood. It made an incredible combo. But something was wrong, the fire hadn't gone out, in fact it was growing larger and larger, as if it was being fed by something. It exploded outwards and BlueJay thrust his arms up to take the force of the blow. It didn't come. He looked up. The wall of fire suddenly crashed down upon him. But it didn't burn. The tiles around him melted into slag but he stayed completely protected. Someone up there liked him.




"You were right about that" The figure seemed to be refering to nothing in particular and to the casual obsever it would have seemed ramberlings, but BlueJay suddenly felt an icy chill as his blood seemed to turn to ice. It wasn't possible, mind reading just wasn't possible.




He pulled another cord and cast. The shot landed square in front iof him....Right were he aimed. The Cosmic and Chaos rune bent the laws of Nature, the third rune. BlueJay began to spirt towards the character. Each of his steps only just out done by the magic that created the path he was on. He jumped into the air and tried a Flying Lariet, arm around the neck and spun on. Snapping their neck and kicking anyone hiding behind them. BlueJay felt the connection, but then...There wasn't a connection, he was sailing through the person as if they were not there. He was sent sprawling onto the floor. The slag molding onto his hands. "ARGGGGGG" He screamed as he felt the stuff soliderfying. His hands were encased, useless.




The figure looked on in delight. There was pure hatred in BlueJay. So strong in fact that a bolt of red flashed from his hands and cracked the slag and sailed towards the figure. It seemed to take the blast well... But then blue rings of electricity began to spark from him. BlueJay looked around to see that he was back in the quater room. There was the sound of electricity coursing all around him. BlueJay fell towards the wall, his weigh and speed plunging him through. He was on the roads, and any second the guards would be upon him.




But before anything could happen a brilliant white light shone through the hole he had created. Followed by a shockwave and then black.




It was perhaps an hour later BlueJay awoke. A hand was clamped over his mouth and he heard a voice "Don't say anything or I will break your neck." BlueJay didn't even nod a reply, he just froze. "Good. Your little stunt has destroyed most of the street. If I wasn't there you would have been caught and believe me Liberation isn't the worst they can do. That thing was created by Archimage himself. I have known alot of young fighers, and old mages go in there, you are the first to leave it alive. Tales say it absorbs a persons skill after they die. Explains why it is so powerful. A forunner, he was gonna come back. Take the thing, and make a million copies. Guards that never die, never sleep, never rebel. Or so the tale goes anyway. You have set him back quite a way, he sacrifced one if his best commanders to get it working."




BlueJay tried to move his, the hand was clamped so tightly he could feel the teeth burying themselves in the gums. "Oh right you wanna see me I suppose." The voice was that of a young man, a noble boy, probably never felt a woman's touch, but many slave boys. The body didn't match, neither did the speach. As though someone had taken this guy and put a prince inside it. "Prince Gyold, I appologise for my appearance. Like I said, there are worse things than Liberation. I was unfortunate enough to be captured and transformed. Something went wrong I suppose and I escaped, I don't know my strength and..." It all seemed too much for the man, he simply broke down crying. BlueJay wasn't sure what to do, here was a man who could crush him like a paper cup, but all the same needed someone. He layed his hand on his shoulder. It seemed to trigger a change in the man. Not an instant change, the sort of change that a man gets when he realises that he can have whatever he wants. All to late did BlueJay realise what this meant for him.




He escaped the next morning. Pain still running rife through his body. How could he have been so foolish, he was a prince, and had the muscle to back it up...He was gonna make you do anything...At least now I can believe there are somethings worse than Liberation. He walked towards the city gates, Varrock no longer held his fortune. But even as he approached the gates he knew he was wrong. They were closed, guards across them and on the battlements. He was screwed...well more so than he was. The dark humour made him wince slightly, whatever was going to happen need to happen here, because there was no way of getting out.




...To be continued...


I am gonna try and keep this up but you know how these things get...Oh and BlueJay...I think you owe me one now...

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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The BlueJay Chronicles Part II


An Archimage sponsered hunt/production.




Hunger reared up inside BlueJay, sleeping little and fighting Archimage's creations took what little energy he had left and ripped it to shreds. The whole of the street was packed with mercents but they all sold the same stale bread. That was all that got though now, the other cargo vanished on the way. "Freedom Fighters" the papers told, "Too busy eating your food to fight for you." Few believed it but it still there, and to everyone it seemed plausible. Adventurer's ate more than anyone else. He tried to put his mind off his stomach but there little around to do. Everyone was milling about looking for the least stale bread, or they were working. Everyone was in offices now. Metal and ore had been stopped because of problems at the mines, wood only trickled though because of the raiders. It was all jsut believable enough to make them doubt that it was Archimage's fault. But for BlueJay that didn't happen. He was gonna be liquidated, maybe not today, maybe not tommrow, but as long as Archimage was in control....The sword of Damocles hung just there.




BlueJay knew the quest for less stale bread was hopeless, all of it came from the same convoy. It was only the hopelessness of the situation and the lack of any other task or job they could busy themselves with that made them carry on. For him there was another task, find another home, he could probably find one if he still had those lobsters, but they had been burnt to cinders by the fireball. Archimage was playing an elborate game of cat an mouse, and he was on the losing end. Something inside him told him that Archimage predicted his every move, he had know that we would survive the fight so had destroyed his food...why though? If he was caught...He stopped in mid sentance. There was always going to be another option open to him, but taking it was almost as preferable as handing himself in. No he needed to find a way out of the city. The sewers? Would it be possible to make his escape though them? He looked for a manhole, but everyone was covered by peoples feet, and pulling on up would only attract attention. He needed a diversion. Something that would clear the people and hold back the guards.




Rock shards broke though the stalls and rained on the people. Screams ran rampant as women and men both ran for cover. Another building exploded outwards. Bluejay had set the runes with a time delay. From below the covering he could head the screams as another building erupted into fire and plaster. There was a crack from above, it was the sign that everyone should lay down where they were, or face death. The screaming stopped instantly, a single voice rang out. "This is the work of Freedom Fighters. They are here in our very city." As if on que someone screamed and from what the guards shouted seemed to have thrown something at the speaker. "Enough" The voice drowned out the guards and the man, the was a sound that was like what had happened to his Scimitar the night before. Then a bloodcurdling scream. BlueJay knew that the man was dead before the voice confirmed it. "That man was a Freedom Fighter. He would rather kill me than he would help you." Another cry rang out, this was the cry of a child though.


"You killed my father!"


"Your father was a traitor to his people. Come with me, or remain here. I am giving you a choice." Archimage used that saying alot...@#$% if he hadn't gone down this manhole he could have fought him. He knew that the boy did actually have a choice. For what Archimage said was the truth. It always was. Or at least it was always how he saw the truth. "Come with me or stay here, the choice is yours." He repeated it for effect and BlueJay heard the boy's slow but steady footsteps towards Archimage. "I look after the weak, I will always be here to protect you from those who want to give you 'freedom' how many of you were actually free before me? You were all slaves to your money. As soon as I have crushed this rebellion there will be more food, more goods and no money for all. Everything will be free!" He paused for effect again, a light cheer came up from the guards, then a second cheer, and the final cheer was from everyone. "I declare the rest of this day an Freedom Day. Return to your homes, and tommrow this street will be back to normal. If your house was one of these unfortunate ones then come with me and I will put you up at the castle. Never say that I am not generous."




As BlueJay climbed the ladder down he thought of the Prince, and of the thing he had attacked before. Those people weren't going to be coming back...Not as they left anyway. It was how he recruited people, out of 'Gratitude' they would join him to fight the Freedom Fighters. The smell hit him, full on as he carried on down. His eyes were watering but he carried on regardless. This was safer than the streets, or indeed anywhere on the surface. At least this place's threats were not there when his feet touched the semi-solid ground. He felt them being sucked under but he had no choice but to carry on.




Walking maybe for an hour he finally came to an alcove. It was damp and was filled with who knows what, but a water bolt or two clear that, and a wind strike made it dry enough to sit upon. In all the time he was here, he had not seen a single rat. Ok he wasn't gonna get eaten in the night, but he wanted something to eat now....As though his prayers were answered a backpack floated passed in the guttering. He grabbed it with his foot and reached down to get it. It was tightly wrapped so nothing could get in, and for a few minutes he couldn't either. practically ripping the top off sent cakes flying everywhere. BlueJay recoiled in horror as the cakes sank beneath the sewage that was around him. Inside the bag there was a note, afixed to the bottom.




Dear BlueJayFan Number Ninty Four


This is your survival pack. It will need to get you through the next few weeks so it would probably be best not to open the rest of it like you did this part. As you know I can track your every move, but what you haven't quite accepted is that I can see the rest of your future laided out ahead of you, coiling into the distance as some great dragon. Your future involves me, alot of me. Again it would be a good thing if you controlled your self better, then again you would not have defeated my creation if you had. I had to give you that after session though...to teach you that instinct is not always right. I can see you will be returning there in the future so I would recommend sleeping first. Again for the final time be more careful in the future. Your past and present are symbols of that.


Oh and there are no rats, or indeed any living things below the city. There are, like you, a few Non-Persons. Refuses to be collected, nothing more. You can ally yourself with them if you wish, but be aware they will betray you in the end.






Archimage Underscore A




P.S. Aim to the right.




BlueJay looked up trying to digest the letter. Nausea overcame him and remembering the advice he turned to the right. He then sank back into this little place. Wondering exactly why he should turn to the right rather than the left. Hunger battled Nausea until it forced him to pick up the pack and find what remained. There was another seam sewn into the bag, he carefully unpicked it and to his suprise found a swordfish. Ravernously he ate it. Once his stomach had stop its revolt against him he pulled back the rest of the second seam. There were two more swordfish, along with a Scimitar. It was Adament and had somesort of goldern pattern running in a spiral on both sides of the blade. Along the bottom there was another, this time shorter letter.




Dear BlueJayFan Number Ninty Four


I hope that you enjoyed your first swordfish. The scimitar is a personal gift. The pattern is my own design, it will increase your cunning. Those sparks of inspiration you suddenly get when fighting are drawn to it. Below this letter is the final part of the pack. There are three potatos, each with a seperate assortment of fillings. If I were you then I would wait until you need them, then cook them. There is also a shield. More information on that will be with it.




Wishing you the best of luck,


Archimage Underscore A.






He tested the sword on the air. It had perfect grip and even better hang time. He felt more powerful with this weapon in his hand. A little voice inside his head told him to get rid of it. Get rid of the whole lot. It sounded like his father. "Everything" he used to say "Everything you need to do on your own. Trust no one and you will never be let down." It had become the parties slogan and his father was quietly rubbed out. He wasn't sure who he hated more, those @#$@#$# for doing it. Or Archimage, he reversed their move but he looked at himself. He was a mess. Archimage had destroyed him. The only way he could get back to where he was...was Archimage's death. He looked back at the sword. Archimage was a good sport, if he said something it was at least partly true. He looked back over the letter. It didn't say it was good or bad, it just said it was a personal gift...Did that mean he would react bardly if he got rid of it...No he needed a weapon and Archimage was giving him a chance. He unpicked the final seam on the pack. As promised there were three potatoes, each had three packs with them. One containing cheese, one containg tuna and corn and the last containing mushrooms and onion. Under them was a shield. It too was Adament, but had another strange symbol on. Sort of an arrow head half enclosed in a circle.




Dear BlueJayFan Number Ninty Four


The shield is another of my particular inventions. Like the Scimitar is is enchanced with a symbol. This symbol will draw the powers of someone you kill into yourself. As the young prince told you, that guard absorbed great power before you arrived, that was how it was able to stand up to you for so long. In the end though your rage triumphed. Hold the shield in your right hand, your weaker hand, and you will absorb all the energy should you kill your foes in the future. Hold it with both hands, or just your left, or stronger hand, and you will gain nothing. If you carry it in your pack then you will gain the strength of your foe, but you will be no be able to defend yourself. There is one final ability to go with the shield. It has an energy function. If, in the future, you are faced with something like that fireball, you can switch the sheild to absorb it. Since it is touching you it will also absorb part of your skill while you do it. If the power exceeds the amount you put in, then you will get all the power you put in, and the power of the attack back. If it is less than the energy you put in though...Then the sheild will not protect you and you will be drained for no reason.




Oh and Birthday Wishes,


Archimage Underscore A.




What? He wouldn't forget his own birthday...surely...He tried to remember a few weeks ago, when he was free...He had seen something, something in Fairy Nuff's planner. Birthday...How had he forgotten his own Birthday. Even his boss, who had sacrificed his life so that he might escape, had remebered his Birthday. Well this was a pretty crummy birthday anyway. He was in a sewer...Although he had gained food, shelter and weapons. So it couldn't be all bad...Surely? It didn't matter too much anyway. Now that Nausea and Hunger had left him alone his mind turned to the other major part of him...Sleep. The stone slab were perfectly even and it was that that made them so uncomfortable. There was nothing else to lay on and his shoes were covered in gunk. Looked like he would be in for a restless night. Using the pack as a pillow he settled in. It would be early the next afternoon that he would awaken, as he turned the light through a crack would catch him. The sounds from just along the tunnel would give him the sudden awareness he needed to wake up. But that would be tommrow, another day entirely.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dearest Archiemage,




Sorry Archiemage... under Article MXII of the Federation of the Advancement of Birds, your corporation is being terminated due to insufficient funds. The liquidators apparently withdrew an "extra" 50 billion from your bank account, and since you surpassed the generous credit line of 12 gp, you company's licenses have been terminated, and please await while you are tried for unlawful imprisonment of 13 birds! May death row be upon you.










President of the Federation of Advancement of Birds,


and the Organization of Lawful Imprisonment.


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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Dear Kam42705




Due to a celerical error of a celerical error that has errored in my favour you have arrested the wrong man. Archiemage has been freed as his licence to shoot members of the 'Federation of the Advancement of Birds' has been updated to include your name. You have also forced my hand and so....




You have be terminated from the Organisation of Lawful Imprisonment. You will remain were you are. Liquidation squads are enroute!




Please note that under paragraph 29B-433D/Baker 23 you have agreed to this.




You will at no time critise anything the ADVERT COMPANY does.


And under Paragraph 342T-9923S/Alpha 332D you have agreed to be teriminated.




You will, if you break any rules or if commanded to, wait quietly for liquidation squads to arrive to 'liberate' your soul from its fleshy structure.




And finally under PS33232E\FAQ25




Our meaning when we say liberate is to remove all your skin and then peel back each progressive layer until we reach the bone. We will then use an angle grinder to break through, and then search for your soul. If we cannot find one we will set fire to your remains, while keeping you alive through the Alive-o-matic, or if this is unavalible we will simply hook your heart and brain to the mains electricity.






Besides everybody knows that my multi trillion Gp based funds are locked safely away in the vaults at Archimage Studios. The equivant of Fort Doorbell(Runescape version of the US Fedal reserve). So I am quite safe from the credit line of twelve pence you gave me.




Addtional no birds were imprisoned at any time, as this photo clearly indicates they stayed of their own accord:






Please remember liquidation squads are expensive so do not try to kill anyone....We will of course 'Liberate' you as 'Quickly as possible' regardless.




We hope you enjoy your after life.






Archimage Underscore A




Head Producer of Archimage Studios


Your Boss


Your Master


Future King of the Realm




123 God Mode On




Assorted other titles that you will not be able to read before liquidation.






Dear Kam42706




You have been promoted after Kam42705's liquidation. We hope that you are wiser than your former boss.


Your new directives will be on your desk tommrow morning, look over them and if you disagree then it would be safer to take early retirement, unless of course 'Liberation' appeals to you, in which case argue.




Best wishes,


Archimage Underscore A




Just found my new character to join the story with BlueJay!!! Probably write it tommrow though...

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dearest Archiemage,




Apparently, as your army of liquidators drew ever so closer to my undisclosed location, I was forced to terminate my own life, and liberate my soul. I do give you my greatest condolences for the loss of liquidation. As my soul was liquidated, it reincarnated into Kam42706, who is eagerly awaiting meeting you in person tomorrow. Please be advised that under Article LXVII of the Worker's Compensation Act, Paragraph 44DD-36E-5674, Kam42706 is hereby exempt from all punishments, rewards, consequences, or any other forms of negative physical, mental, or verbal abuse. Also, Kam42706 is hereby granted the privilege of becoming master of Advert Company, along with Head Producer of Archimage Studios, while Archimage Underscore A has been officially demoted to a rank of nil. This rank is reserved for Archimage Undrscore A for the rest of eternity. The above statements are in effect immediately, and may not be superceded by any claim, waiver, act, law, rule, or regulation, whether it was passed in the past, present, or future. Have a nice day Archimage Underscore A whose rank is nil, the lowest rank possible within this realm.




















Your New Boss




Your Master




Your Successor to the Director of ADVERT COMPANY, Head Producer of Archimage Studios




Future King of the Realm








Assorted other titles that you will not be able to read before liquidation.


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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Dear Kam42705




Yet another set of clerical error has been made on your part. Which is highly worrying because one of them was the same as last time.


Archiemage is still under the protection of his new licencing agreement so after he had killed your delievery boy; who I am told was quite cute, which is a dire shame as we could have had some fun; after which the note was brought to my attention. After which another error was drawn into the light.




You have foolishly quoted from 'Article LXVII' of the 'Worker's Compensation Act'. This is highly distressing as this act and all subsquent documents based on it were repealed shortly after my rise to power. So unfortunatly your citation was invalid. This was a terrible shame as it reminded me of the act that I replaced it with, and under 'Article II VV II(2 20 2)' of the 'Worker's Repressionary Act:


All terminations are final, unless under the 'Archimage is ALWAY Right Paragraph'.


And Article II VV III


All resulting fallout will be directed by Archimage A. All other acts, except the 'Archimage is ALWAY right' paragraph, are automatically over ruled by this.




Following this I was drawn to the humorous notion that any document was beyond my control. However being that you will probably not accept this I was forced to find yet another Celrical Error.




and may not be superceded by any claim, waiver, act, law, rule, or regulation, whether it was passed in the past, present, or future




First off this is a fallacy. EVERYTHING can be superseded by me. The fact you mispelt it only highlights our inability to take control.


Secondly you have not taken into account Verse 2 of the Archimage is ALWAYS Right Paragraph:


All acts and reactions need to be varifed by Archimage Underscore A. All actions and reactions which are not are immediately called into question and consquently dumped.


I have not varfied this at any time. So it has been dumped. Yet again you may argue that you have outlawed this so finally I must use another loophole.


123 God Mode On


This has reinstated all of my power, although it never techinquelly left me. It highlights the fact that you are now completely disabled from inferring your rule.




The final and some what trivial


Assorted other titles that you will not be able to read before liquidation.


At no point did you say I was to be liquidated.


That really does finally prove that your power in this field has collapsed. Now then should you be escaping your Liquidation, which I have forseen, you will no doubt be on the run. I would suggest you travel to the sewers, which again I have forseen. There you will meet with BlueJay. But if you want to look up some more outdated laws and send them to me, you of course can.


Between forseeing the future, reading and imgaining new ways to teach my citizens that 'Liberation' actually is the best punishment avalible. These correspondences make a jolly fun diversion.


Oh and I can see a relationship in your future, but it will not be one that you enjoy, at least perhaps at first.




And remember that BlueJay bruises easierly...So play nice.




Have fun,


Archimage Underscore A


Now and Forever Master of Destiny.


Your Lord and Master.


Your God.


Your Salvation and Damnation.




P.S. I have changed the God code, and your hand cannot draw most of the symbols inside it.






Is your signature piece from the intro of Red Alert 2?


And your Avatar from Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War?

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Look I can drag this out for...the next 23 hours...don't push me...anyway I am going to bed so it will be up....maybe in 13 hours. If I come backa nd find you moaning it will be 23!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Soon as but I NEED SLEEP!!!! :)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dearest Archiemage,




Your self assurance and confidence continues to amaze me. Although you show extensive knowledge of the law, there is one fact that you fail to realize, the person you are searching for is nonexistent. To that extent, however, you are searching for a machine, one far beyond your wildest speculations. In that regard, your dispatched liquidators have been liquidated themselves- their brains harvested and their bodies disposed. I shall not disclose the gruesome deaths, however, I have the pleasure to inform you that liquidation, in its most basic form, is rebirth, and through liquidation, your minions have been reborn as my own, where they shall avenge their liquidation by doing the bidding of their liquidator. I'll have much pleasure when this occurs. Thank you.
























Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse






They are actually both as you stated... maybe you are more intelligent than you seem :thumbsup:




Never mind that... but I do have to say that this is a great story... Especially enjoyed reading the news posts. Wait, before I get off topic (again), I'll just say its fun writing these posts...


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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Dear Kam42705




There is no maybe about it...


There is one small problem with your supposed FACT....I know the truth.


You may HAVE a super machine of the description your have aforely mentioned, but you are an organic and imperfect being.


My Hunters will track you and BlueJay down. But for now I must scry the future and record my findings.






Your Lord and Master,


Archimage Underscore A.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dear Archiemage,




Your ignorance shall never cease to amaze me, for one day, you shall be liquidated yourself. The future you are so willing to see is one entwined with doom- your own. Please remember to keep this is mind as you foolishly act upon the bidding of your master. His name shall not be disclosed, but the truth has been uncovered. Lying upon your desk today, a paper has taken, and replaced by this letter. Upon that piece of paper, I have disclosed the location of your master, and have hidden it under your desk. Please be advised that I will inform your master of this, and as he is immune to liquidation, there is nothing you can do to stop him.














Your Lord, Master, Saviour, and Emperor


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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Dear Kam42705




I am afraid that you are interupting my scrying. This is most distressing for me but needs must.


My master, Rachet, has been...Removed for the forseeable future.


So I am quite safe from you and which ever master or idol you wish to focus on.




There is a final line between ignorance and confindence, and I walk it only with the aid of Precogantivity, and Mastery of Destiny, for what I decide will become fact and that is there end of the matter.




Best Wishes on your sewer life,


Archimage Underscore A.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dear Archimage,




I have recruited forces from your very own liquidation squad in order to begin your own process of liquidation, as your ignorance of the world has forced me to conclude that there is simply no other solution. Therefore, please await your liquidators, and do not attempt to scurry, hide, or otherwise impale any of the liquidators, as you do know they are quite expensive. Once liquidated, you shall be reborn as Archimage Underscore B, and shall lead a normal life, however, you must sever the ties to the ADVERT Company and Archiemage Studios. Doing so will prevent further harm to you and society. Thank you.












Your Lord, Master, and Saviour


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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Dear Kam42705




I am glad that you are returning my forces to me. As my lastest scrying report will demonstrate they will be of great help once I reprocess them, and reprocessing is so much cheaper than starting anew.




Other than that I would ask that you yourself prepare for your humilation and torture from the Scrying report.




As for Society...It is doing quite well under my new laws. Lumbridge is exceling rapidly, and will soon become a major city. I fear that you experiances in Varrock have driven you from the noble cause I fight for. No matter soon you will see through new eyes.






Archimage Underscore A.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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The BlueJay Chronicles Part III


An Archimage sponsered hunt/production




BlueJay jumped to this feet. The voices were getting closer. He readied himself to defend from these mystery voices. The sword and shield would come in useful alot sooner than he had thought and the voice inside his head had become silent. There was no doubting Archimage's intentions, it was clear that he would have to defend himself from these attackers. What the hell do I do? BlueJay tried to calm himself but at the last moment his nerves exploded in a trumiph of death. He sprinted to the corner, a Flying Lariat connecting with the first attacker. His neck snapped in two as his body fell uselessly down. BlueJay's momentum carried him round to the other man, his feet impacted on his chest and he was sent flying back to the wall.




BlueJay looked at the two bodies. The first was dressed in Iron armour, in fact if he had waited any longer there would have almost been no contest the now dead man would have won. The second person was still breathing, dressed in civilan clothes which were ripped across most parts, it was clear that he was the first man's prisoner. BlueJay rifled through their backs and pockets. Neither had any money or food on them. BlueJay suspected that the prisoner had left his pack wherever he was living, and the guard would have a base above ground, or below quite possibly. The armour was somehow welded onto the bones of the guard, there was no way to take it from him, without deboning him, and although BlueJay had become more skilled that was one skill he didn't really want. The weapons were a Mithril Longsword with a Symboled handle, and a small Steel Square, that had been painted red and yellow. The prisoner had nothing. There were two letters in the guards back.




Dear Smoking Eagle Number Forty Four


As a testement of your serivces I present you with this sword, it has been marked by Archimage with the power of illusion, while it appears to be a mere Mithral Sword it possess the power of the Dragon.


To many long years of continued services.






Commander Niffle




The second letter read somewhat differently, BlueJay immediately recognised Archimage's handwriting




Dear Kam42705


Following your open defence of characters unbecoming of the future I have been forced to exile you. This I do for your own safety and your weapons are...




The rest of the message has been torn off. BlueJay looked very carefully at the second person. They were in a red and orange set of normal clothes. They appeared to be coming round and once they noticed they were free they would surely join him. Surely. BlueJay grabbed his scimitar and shield, and thrust a blow into the dead guard. The effect was immediate, energy seemed to pass through his shield into him. He felt as though he had become a master of Swordsmanship and of Tracking. He noticed that a pendant that he had missed hung arround Kam's neck. Carefully looking at it he remembered seeing it around...The Prince's neck...He suddered slightly, how could he forget. That must mean that Kam had escaped from Archimage's...He didn't even know what to call it.




About half an hour later Kam came round. "What... Where, where am I?" He seemed out of focus and somewhat lost but soon his eyes refocused on BlueJay who was watching him carefully from a distance. He looked down at the guard. For good measure he tried to kick it to see if he was dead. But he lost his footing. Falling flat on his face. It was only then that he noticed that he was missing his clothes. "I know the guard didn't do this to me. What sort of a person are you!?"


"The kind of person that saved the life of someone they didn't know, and had ever right to be careful around them."


"I suppose I deserve that much, can I please have my clothes back. The last time this happened is a time I would rather forget."


"Oh you too, huh? Well I suppose since we are stuck in the same boat." BlueJay through his clothes back. Kam caught them and hastely put them on. BlueJay looked away while he did so, although a new part of him was curouis, there was definately more in that guard's head than swordsmanship and tracking. "Well I suppose now would be a good time for us to talk about our state of supplies...Do you have any?"


"Yeah but not much, that...Fornicator...took most of it."


"What about weapons or anything like that?"


"I destroyed them myself, I don't trust anything that Archimage sent. Why would he help us?"


"Probably because it would be any fun to attack two staving defenceless people."


"Whatever his reasons I think it would be safer if we stuck together from now on. I was jumped by that guard from behind...bad times...But if there are two of us I think that maybe we could protect each other..."


"Ok. Well I have a bit of food, if we collect your stuff and come back here we can plan our next move."




The two walked in silence for sometime afterward. Kam's alcove was alot older and more used than BlueJay's, and it hadn't been cleaned...Or it had been used by that guard....BlueJay chased the thought from his mind. He was caught between being sickened and some what delighted. Repressing both feelings he looked to Kam, he seemed to be steely determined not to talk about it, or anything else for that matter. BlueJay understood why he has jumped at the oppotunity to leave this place for good.




The tunnels gave echos from far away from time to time. Mostly things like pots clanging but sometimes there were yelps of suprise as well, as well as a host of other more explicit cries for help. They both tried to block them out as best they could, but BlueJay was torn even more between the two sides of him. The guard was a stronger person, and somewhat different from BlueJay. From the letters he knew why Archimage had said to be more careful, if he had just let the guard be dead without trying to boost his own power then these thoughts would not be there. But they were, and now he had to deal with them before they overwhelmed him. He stressed his mind to its limits, reciting long strings of spells, just to take his mind of it.




As they arrive back at the alcove BlueJay instant noticed that something was up. The hightened tracking skills he had gained told him everything he needed to know. A band of three, wearing light or no armour, had come through, seeing the dead guard they looked around. They found his pack, and apparently knowing exactly what to expect had taken it. They had then set off to the tunnel to the east. They both stood for a moment before BlueJay spoke. "Ok lets have something to eat from your pile and then go after them." Kam sighed gently and unfurled the wrap of blankets that held the food safe from the elements. It was was bread and cheese, both were in date though so they didn't taste off. As BlueJay sat eating he noticed that his eyes had drifted round to Kam. Catching himself he rammed the rest of the sandwich in his mouth and stood up. Kam, who was completely oblivous to what BlueJay had been thinking, began to draw his sword. "No wait. It was just the wind. But we better get moving anyway." Kam nodded and looked around just in case, BlueJay caught himself again as his gazed dropped to just above Kam's knee.




They had been walking for perhaps twenty minutes when they Kam heard the voices. BlueJay was trying to deal with the new feelings when Kam had pulled him back. Not only were the voices present, there were a number of traps between them and their prize. The tracking skills he had just aquired again showed their use. Pulling a single cord he disarmed the traps for a few minutes, it would be enough to get though them. Kam was slightly less believing in the whole state of events, taking each trap as though it was armed. BlueJay noticed more traps as Kam foolishly walked into their arc of fire, fortunately they were disarmed as well. Pointing them out would not have helped things, or perhaps if he was wounded....NO BluJay forced the images from his mind, this wasn't right at all. He wasn't supposed to think things like that regardless of who it was... Though he did occationally about a certain group of women he knew...That was the realisation he needed. BlueJay realised that he had always had these feelings, they were just futher back in his mind, so far back that he didn't notice them. He swore aloud as he realised their meaning. The voices ahead stopped and Kam thrust his elbow into BlueJay's side.




They both lay against the ground as footsteps moved slowly closer to them. With a flash of instinct BlueJay rasied his sheild above his head and pushed Kam to the side. Arrows bounced off the ground they had just been on. Another flash of instinct and he brought his simitar up to cut a cord. A moment late the whole of the tunnel was alive with armed traps. There was a deathly silence as all five of them froze rigid.


"Ok. Pull The Cord Back Towards You And We Will Talk." The voice was slow and decisive, clearly this person was being serouis. BlueJay pulled the cord back.


"I am going to have to hold it here. If you shoot me or my companion I will let it go and take my chances." The moment the cord was pulled tight Kam got up, and along with the other three set about temporally disarming the traps. BlueJay talking Kam though some of the more tricky ones, and telling all of them about the ones they missed. It would more than an hour and after the first twenty minutes BlueJay's fingers began to ache. By the end the pain had become incredible.




One of the three was moving ever closer to Kam. A glint of steel was all BlueJay needed. "KAM!!" He looked round just in time to see the attacker. He deaftly leapt onto him. The other two moved to attack but BlueJay let the cord go. What few traps remained stopped them from helping. Kam and his attacker had crushed most of the traps near them and what others were around were disarmed. The dagger had gone flying as Kam had landed his first strike. But the attacker wasn't one to be taken lightly, extending his leg with full force into Kam's stomach. As he was doubled up the attacked grappled with his head, together with bringing his knee into his face repeatedly. Blood spurted rapidly from Kam's mouth and nose. BlueJay had lept over the traps in his way, apparently another gift from double killing the guard earlier. First thoughts told him to strike with the scimitar, but his judgement instead brought the sheild crashing down on his head. The attacker crashed to the left like a sack of potatoes.




BlueJay felt warm tears running down his face as he looked at Kam's face. His nose was hanging limply but most of the other damage was asthetic. All of his teeth had somehow stayed intact. BlueJay felt some strange relief that went beyond simply being his friend. Turning to the other two attackers he shook his head. They looked back with stoney faces. Their mood seemed to darken considerable. The other still lay sprawled across the floor. Putting the sheild in Kam's pack, he guided his arm down, the sword entered the heart of the attacker and instantly Kam felt more alive than he had before. His nose seemed to have healed its self and the blood peeled off as though it had been there for months. Beyond that his face was back to its original look. BlueJay felt his heart explode out of his chest and with a sudden inexplicable force drove his face into Kam's. It lasted perhaps a second but BlueJay felt something deep coming out. He withdrew quickly. Kam was stunned, first looking into the distance, the way someone would as if they had been hit with a shovel, and then is eyebrow furrowed. "I had no idea....I need to...I need to think about this."




The two attackers wooed them, not in the good way. In the way that meant that they should be ashamed of what just happened. As they both were, although part of BlueJay yelled Victory. But the effect on Kam was instantantous as the effect had been on BlueJay. He felt as though hand to hand he could take anyone in the room, on top of that he could feel some deep knowledge of runes, something far beyond what already knew. It scared him so incredibly that he couldn't think straight. His personality overrode the new information he had been given though. Taking BlueJay by the arm, who was literally foaming at the mouth, he grabbed the body and began dragging it back towards their alcove.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dear Archiemage,




I do have to say you have exquisite writing skills, which I enjoy reading. Albeit, I may be getting off topic, the BlueJay Chronicles in their very essence are a pleasure to read. Please continue the good work.














Your Lord, Master, and Saviour








Dearest Archiemage,




Although I complemented you my last letter, I would like to offer a business proposition for you- if you grant me immunity from liquidation and any form of death, torture and humiliation from you, your minions, or your colleagues, I shall be able to offer you a treasure beyond your wildest dreams. I have stumbled upon an ancient civilization deep within the earth, and the riches are unimaginable. There technologies far surpass ours, and their hordes of gold are simply amazing. If you choose to accept the business proposition, I will give you 10% of all earnings my new company makes, and you must grant me, my workers, and my colleagues, immunity from liquidation, death, torture, and humiliation from any source. Our alliance shall create a great company the likes of whom have never been discovered. Once this occurs, we can together take control of the multiverse, with ratchet at our side. As masters of this realm, we shall be unstoppable. Shall you choose not to accept, I shall progress on my own, as the sole ruler of the multiverse.




Yours truly,










Master of the Universe


Ruler of the Multiverse


Your Lord, Master, and Saviour


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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Dear Kam42705




Beyond my wildest dreams you say? That would be pretty hard... My best selling Scrying Reports have increased my monetery wealth to far excess of five GooglePlex of GP in my person salary alone. Though very soon this will drop to nothing as money will be devalued to 0. Now then on the other had 10% of your company? This is very interesting not least because I already own you, your soul and 98% of the air you breath(Got to leave some for the poor. Its just not sporting otherwise.)




But anyhow, I will play along. Now as powerful as I am there are certain things that I cannot protect you from, the first and formost is Death. Ok I can delay it for extraordinary periods of time but it stalks us all. Otherly than that this agreement would be subject to the 'Archimage is ALWAYS Right' paragraph. So Immunity would be temporary. But I forsee that it will not be too much of an issue.




On the particular subject of your own liquidation though...I have forseen up to the very last moments of your life, and I am afraid it does not look good for this clause. Fortunatly though it is some length of time away.




And I am already unstoppable and the ADVERT COMPANY is already the Greatest ever. Allying myself with you would only provide perhaps a 0.0000543% increase in overal Greatness.




However I will accept the following agreement.




I,I: The parties here present agree that the Takeover/Merger of Kam42705's Company from Archimage Industries Unlimited, is fully legal.




I,II: Subject to the 'Archimage is ALWAYS Right' Paragraph.




I,III: Archimage will retain full control, Kam42705 will gain an easy life and full access to all resources of the Archimage Industrial Empire. This does not extent to Archimage Studios or The ADVERT COMPANY.




II,I: 10.5% of the Company will be owned souly by Archimage A. 40.5% will be owned by Archimage Industries Unlimited. 45% will be owned by Kam42705. 4% will be owned by BlueJayFan94.






Print:Archimage A








Print:Archimage A, Head of Archimage Industries Unlimited








Print: Kam42705











Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Concerning the clauses which you have added, I was thinking more along the lines of the merger going like this:




I,I: The parties here present agree that the Takeover/Merger of Kam42705's Company from Archimage Industries Unlimited, is fully legal.




I,II: Subject to the 'Archimage is ALWAYS Right' Paragraph. Subject to the Kam42705/Kam42706/Kam is ALWAYS Right Paragraph. All business ventures must be approved by Kam42705/Kam42706/Kam before becoming official. The consent of Kam42705/Kam42706/Kam cannot be overruled.




I,III: Archimage will retain full control of his entities (Advert Company and Archimage Studios), Kam42705 will gain an easy life and full access to all resources of the Archimage Industrial Empire. This does not not extent to Archimage Studios or The ADVERT COMPANY.




II,I: 20% of the Company will be owned solely by Archimage A. 20% will be owned solely by Kam42705. 20% will be owned solely by Kam42706. 20% will be owned by BlueJayFan94. And the other 20% shall be owned solely by Kam.






Print:Archimage A






Signed: Kam42705








Signed: Kam42706


Print: Kam42706






Signed: Kam


Print: Kam














This document is officially legal and certified when there are three signatures upon it. Any future revisions must be approved by 60% of the company in order to take effect. All past versions of this document are hereby obsolete.


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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HOLY [bEEP]!!!








Anyways, kool I own part of the Advery Company (If I'm missing something please tell me casue I don't want to read all of the letters not to me) Yes I know I'm lazy




And Anyways (again): Sweet part III! Im going to read it as soon as I post this which is....





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Its usual smarter to read something before replying to it...Lol.








Dear Bussiness partners.




Congratuations on taking over your own company. There are just some smallish errors that are now going to be rectified.




I. Kam took no part in the deal and is still a fugative of the law. Being run by Archimage Lawfirms Unlimited I have no indirect access to remove this interdiction...therefore Kam's signature has been voided.




II. The Archimage Industrial Empire Comprises three major parts. A Box factory, Your Company, and a Cardboard factory. All other parts of my Industrial might are under the umbrella of the Archimage Interests Unlimited.




III. Under the Archimage is ALWAYS Right Act. Which is the only recognised overriding document of the house of Documents. I am hereby expunging artical I,II. Replacing it with:


I,II: Subject to the 'Archimage is ALWAYS Right' Paragraph.




IV: On reconsideration I think the new break down of the Company will be thus:


10% of the Company will be owned souly by Archimage A. 30% will be owned by Archimage Industries Unlimited. 51% will be owned by Kam42705 and all subsiduary names. 9% will be owned by BlueJayFan94.


Giving Kam42705 control of the company with a half majority, however I must point out that under the Federal Articals Act, all decisons must have a two thirds majoirty.




This Document has been signed and justifded by the staff of the House of Documents.




Signed: Archimage Underscore A, Archimage A, Archimage, Archiemage.


Dated: 28.8.07




As a final notice earlier to day the Archimage Overuling Act was forever banished, in its place the Archimage Will Overule You Act was passed. Under this new agreement Archimage has complete control of all decisions. This is a legal document and is automatically valid because Archimage says it is. As such any attack on such a document will result in Liquidation. This liquidation has been Authorised under the House of Documents, and Archimage has no indirect power there, so it will be his fault.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Dear Business Partners,




As the previous document was not signed by Archiemage, it is hereby voided according to the Laws of the Multiverse, and various other applicable laws. Archiemage has been banished from this realm, and my very own liquidation squad is hunting him as I write. After liquidation, all of Archimage's assets shall be transferred to me, while ten percent of this company shall be offered to Bluejay. The Archiemage is always right statute has now been voided due to the fact that no signature was placed on the above document, which leads to the status of void on all documents signed by Archiemage. Thank you for reading this, and have pleasure at your liquidation Archimage!




Yours truly,










Your Lord, Master, and Saviour


Master of the Universe


Ruler of the Multiverse


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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