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~Diesel's Bloggy~

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omg 85 fletch?!?!?1 nd 100th tasks?!?1




you should be my friend




omg you are <3:<3: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:




gratz :mrgreen:




Ilu Skalanoob. <3:




Oh, and not quite 100 tasks yet. Still have 100 or so Dust Devils to go. ;)








nais fletching level <3:




Eek! :o




Not high enough yet! Still have 14 levels to go! \'










Been really busy the past 2-3 days. I had a major science fair project presentation on Tuesday and Wednesday along with a Biology lab Tonight. All of this totals up to around 500 points and around 20-30% of our overall grade, so I have been focusing on this a lot!




Tomorrow should be free after school so expect me to finish my 100th task! :thumbup:




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Pre-congratulations on 100 tasks! \'




Any idea how much 99 fletching is going to cost you?




Thanks! As of this post I have 80 dusties left. (just logged in)




I hope to break even with the slayer tasks in between. Or perhaps even make a profit! :o




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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So I hear Slayer is Hawt.








Wootness! \'




Thanks for coming Grade. <3:




Time for another 4k mage longbows.




EDIT: But first, a farming level!






EDIT:EDIT: 86 Fletch!!








Post nao?




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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amg so fast@@@ i cant even kepp my posts updated :P at this rate i am gonna have more posts than you in this blog.




gratz and gratz goldskiller friend :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Road to success <--- Blog :D


99 Hunter 99 Firemaking 99 Cooking

99 Thieving 92 Runecraft 99 Fletching

99 Herblore99 Agility

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amg so fast@@@ i cant even kepp my posts updated :P at this rate i am gonna have more posts than you in this blog.




gratz and gratz goldskiller friend :mrgreen: :mrgreen:








Thanks and Thanks fellow Goldskiller Friend. <3:<3:




Wow..sweet blog...I might steal your blog format thing and use it for my own :P Grats on all your levels and good luck ::'




Thanks. Feel free to. I don't really mind. :thumbup:




Gratz on everything diesel!! keep up the Slaying!!








Thanks! <3: Don't forget Fletching too! (Which I'm going to beat you to 99 in. :twisted: )






Keep up the slayerr :D








Thanks! Don't forget Fletching either! ;)








Fun Spectres task:








and 88 Fletching!!




[hide=large pic]88fletch.png[/hide]




Also got 1M worth of Death Runes from a drop party! Woot! good day today. :thumbsup: \:D/




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Also Got 82 Defence, but the pic is on my other computer.




Re-made the first post a bit. Got rid of most of the level-up hides. Combined them all into 1 hide per skill.




Also added some details to the drops section. I think it looks better.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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