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A guide to noobs, beggars, jerks, and how to handle them


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1. Table of Contents.


2. Intro.


3. Overview by level.


4. Newbies




III. Can you help me plz???


IV. Personal fanclub


5. Noobs


I. Scammers


II. Macroers


III. Spammers


IV. Other random rulebreakers


6. PKing/Dueling Annoyances


I. "Safers" my own little sermon.


II. Prayer noobs


IV. Runecraft pkers


V. Pile jumpers


VI. Duel Arena Scammers


7. Jerks


I. Cursers


II. Immature kids


III. OMG level 100 no lifer!!!!!!!111!!!11111


IV. Taunters


V. High and mighty


8. Credits








Well, if you clicked on this guide you most likely have at least once been annoyed by the players in runescape. This guide gives you the one thing that can beat a really annoying person. No, not a brain, but the knowledge and understanding of there point of view. I can't Guarantee(sp?) that thjs guide will help you but I hope so.




Overview by level




Combat 3 - 10: These guys are the newbies, they usually have no clue what there doing, you can usually find them in or around the Lumbrige area, but also extending as far as Varrock. Except for the occaisonal begging and scamming they will usally leave you be.




Combat 11-40: Watch out for scammers at this level, these people are usually put in the "noob" category, although I have found many of them to be mature and kind, (though usually not to people of lower levels). Sometimes these guys can cause some PKing annoyances to so be careful!




Combat 41-60: Usually, confident, and a tad bit cocky, these guys have it rough. Still not higher leveled enough to respected, and still to new to the game to always avoid being frauded by scammers. Though there are exceptions. I have met many a great skiller and staker at this level.




Combat 61-90: I have found that this group has players that are either really nice, or really bad. You know the jerk section? Well that minly consists of these guys. On the other hand many are quite helpful and happy to give advice to lower leveled people. They are very confident in there skills and are becoming much more dangerous competitors and even more shjrewd merchants.




Combat 91-126: There the top!!!! They are usually quite helpful and kind. But most often have either public chat off or PM to friends. Which is understandable. They get a lot of greif from beggars and jerks. But in the long run you are unlikely to ever be harrassed by one of these guys.








Name: Beggar


Primary levels: 3-25


Behavior: s go around asking people like you to give them money. They can be awful persistant and they are always annoying. They beg when I they see a high level because they think "wow, he has good stuff, maybe if I ask nice they'll give some of it to me!" Sometimes if they don't get what they want they'll become nasty!


Behavior: Politely tell them no and give them ideas on how to make money, if they persist add them to ignore, switch worlds or teleport.


Danger Zones: Lumbrige castle cortyard, north Lumbrige, Varrock Square, Varrock East bank, Lumbrige cows




Can you help me plz?!?!?!111!!!!!11111!!1


Primary levels: Low level, but even high levels can succomb to the temptation.


Behavior: If they need help with a quest......they scream. :P They usually target higher levels but can attack anyone. They usually need help with a fairly easy quest and they just cant figure it out.


Solution: Either help them, or tell them politely that you dont have the time. DON"T CALL THEM A NOOB!!!!!!!! this will cause them to become enbittered.


Danger Zones: Around major quest locations




Perosnal fanclub


Primary levels: Lower levels usually


Behavior: When you are high combat you can always expect to be looked up to by newbies. If your a rather famous player, it gets worse. Hordes of newbies could come and swarm you. There annoying, but they look up to you as a role model.


Solution: Single fan: TAke it as a compliment, they look up to you as a role model! Be polite and give them tips on how to get better.


Mass Attack/Crowd Crush: Don't run!!! Contrary to popular belief this is about the worst thing you can do. Tele a few times and then switch worlds. If your in a confined space Run up a ladder and quickly back down again,then tele


Danger Zones: Fally east and square, Catherby fishing spots, Seers willows, yew, and magic trees.




More next post

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Primary levels: 3-60


Behavior: Annoying noobs who will use several means of robbing your account and items, some will be straight out obvious but others will use very tricky methods to get you killed and take your stuff. They do this because they dont want to be bothered training there skills to make money.


Solution: Step 1: Identify the scam, Step 2: Inform the player of there wrong doing, 3. If they say it again report them under the apropriate category, Step 4: Add them to your ignore list.


Danger Zones: Lumbrige, Any bank (though Varrock west is a favorite.)






Primary levels: 3 or 4


Behavior: Walk, Skill, Bank, Repeat over and over without variation.


Solution: If you suspect someone of being an autoer, try talking to them, if they dont respond and just do what they normally do, chances are, there macroing, even if you have the slightest suspicon reporting them cant hut, unless that is your abusing it, reporting people right and left. Also you could read up on some of the great Bot Busting guides that are out on this very forum. :)






Primary levels: Lower, but all sometimes may do it.


Behavior:dfd;afdla;fefeiw;afiew;afeiw;afeiw;afewfhifueifeifueifsfdhjsafdlafeuwfrldsaffdsjfdhsfkdhsfksdfdews :wink:


Solution: Ask them to stop, if they dont and there seriously flooding the screen repot them.


Danger ZOnes: Anywhere that lots of people are.




Other Rulebreakers


Primary levels: All


Behavior: They consist of jagex impersonators, people asking for personal details, and selling accounts.


Solution: If you see a site selling gold or accounts, dont click on it! Send a qquery to Jagex, this should also be done if someone is asking for seriously person details. Otherwise report, report, report.




Next is PKing Nuisences

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PKing erks and annoyances




Safers, Prayer Noobs, Def Noobs, etc


Primary levels: All


Behavior: They eat food to heal when they aren't in danger of being KOed. Prayer and defense noobs have high prayer or defense. Tele noobs teleport away from a fight.


Solution: Leave them alone! Everone has the right to eat, pray, and tele on there own accord, so uh........deal with it :?


Danger Zones: The Wilderness




Runecraft PKers


Primary levels: 50(DDS Pure usually)-Mid 80s with exceptions


Behavior: They will sometimes bind you, and then spec you on your way to the abyss or chaos altar.


Solution: if your an inexperienced PKer: Dont bring good items and run like the wind.


Experienced PKers: Sacrifice a few spaces for food and armor and wring em' out to dry!


Danger Zones: low level Wilderness above edgeville near the Zamorak Mage and Chaos Altar.




Pile Jumpers


Primary levels: Usually close to the same as yours


Behavior: When you kill an opponent, another person comes right away and attacks you while your picking there stuff up.


Solution: three click on the pile and run, or if you are certain you can take them, pound them into mincemeat.


Danger Zones: Apparently out of nowhere after a kill.




Duel scammers


Primary levels: Any


Behavior: They quick chage an item on the screen and accept or quick uncheck a rule and quickly accept.


Solution: Check the screen carefully before you accept.


Danger ZOnes: Duel Arena....Duh! #-o




Next is my favorite, Jerks

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F@(%!!6 Cursers


Primary levels: All


Behavior: Most of the time when someone does this they are just extremely frustrated with you because you are getting all the kills in an area, this is common in areas with cannoneers. But there are also many different situations where these guys pop up.


Solution: Ask them to stop, if the remarks are discriminatory and really rude, report them!


Danger Zones: Rock Crabs, Ankous, Falador.




Immature kids


Primary levels: all


Behavior: Haha, i pwnz u nub hahahahahaha ur a stupid n00b. They speak immaturely and cause great annoyance. They usually cant spell. And they cant get enough of driving players insane.


Solution: Ignore them. or say something witty to make them look like the idiot they are.




OMG lvl 100 no lifer!!!!!111!!!


Primary level: 60-90


Behavior: Immature teenagers who cal people nerds and say that high level players have no lives (which is actually the case for them most of the time). It can get very old very fast and unfortuneately it usually happens unprovoked and is usually sustained over public chat to try and embarrass the target into submission.


Solution: Ignore them or say something witty to make them look bad, nothing else that you usually need to do.






Primary levels: Any (mainly pkers)


Behavior: Takes a liking to taunt a player as they are killing them, also sometimes they challenge people to fights by going "Hey noob, you scared or something?" Taunting is frequently paired wiht PJing.


Solution: Ignore them, thats all you have to do.




High and Mighty


Primary levels: 40-60 (duel arena stakers), and high levels


Behavior: They think that they are better than you and do things to irritate you by usually respond to a question with the word "nub" in the forefront, staker high and mighties are a combination of the other types of jerks, frequent naming names, and scamming peopel out of training spots.




Well thats it for my guide. I hope that you enjoyed it and that you will use this to your advantage ingame.








Zybez Runescape Help-Guide for the Famous-For things about beggars and fans




Every irritating little kdi in runescape who inspired me to write this guide.




Links: So, you want to get revenge on yew and rune ess autoers?: runescape102's guide.




Thanks, please keep this bumped, ill be gone until Friday.

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A bit stereotypical.


Honestly, I find more "high and mighties" in the level 95-110 range






Here is my scale: (with overlaps)




Chart useful only if the player has been at that level for awhile


This doesn't apply to stakers/pkers/pures




Level 3 = Macroer/Skiller


Level 4 - 10 = Begger/100% Hopeless little kid


Level 5 - 40 = Scammer/90% Hopeless little kid


Level 15 - 70 = Begger/Leetspeaker/Immature little kid


Level 40 - 80 = Fairly nice player/Slightly mature


Level 60 - 100 = Helpful/Friendly player


Level 50 - 126 = Braggart/Newb Abuser/Jerk (when at least 5-10 levels above you)


Level 90 - 126 = Kind/Mature player willing to help out anyone

First D-Drop on 7/2/07! (skirt)

Trading herb seeds for herbs with INSANELY GREAT ratios to earn you millions!


One of the few players of Runescape who knows PHP, Java, Javascript, HTML, and Advanced Image Editing while being under 18! \:D/

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6/10 i find this guide pointless apart from the scammers, autoers and spamming. all the others you should have common sense for and a noob fan club swarming!!? that i cant believe, and i have seen pretty high leveled guys in world 1 none have ever been followed...

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10/10 Beautiful guide, full of information, extremely accurate, and very, very well organized. However, I would add to the part about macroers that you should talk to them over private chat. :thumbsup:

"Nothing in life is permanent, not even our troubles."-Charlie Chaplin.


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Excellent guide, very helpful to people who don't know what to do in those situations or haven't ever had any happen to them


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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A most unusual guide, and a pretty obvious one. But still nice effort, and it made me smile so you get a Cookie




7/10 as the guide is now. Some helpful hints:




-Fix the small spelling errors here and there, if you don't want to go through all that trouble then download Google toolbar or Firefox. Google has a manual spell checker installed in it, and Firefox automatically underlines misspelled words. :thumbsup:




-Put in some pictures, there not really necessary but everyone loves pictures.




-Don't be afraid to use different fonts to make certain parts stand out.




-Collaborate all of your posts into one post, don't worry it can handle it.




-Maybe add little tricks, like in Lumbridge if you have 10 gold you can run through the Al Kharid gates escaping all evil doers and morons.




Just some little tips I thought you might find useful. :)

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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A bit stereotypical.


Honestly, I find more "high and mighties" in the level 95-110 range






Here is my scale: (with overlaps)




Chart useful only if the player has been at that level for awhile


This doesn't apply to stakers/pkers/pures




Level 3 = Macroer/Skiller


Level 4 - 10 = Begger/100% Hopeless little kid


Level 5 - 40 = Scammer/90% Hopeless little kid


Level 15 - 70 = Begger/Leetspeaker/Immature little kid


Level 40 - 80 = Fairly nice player/Slightly mature


Level 60 - 100 = Helpful/Friendly player


Level 50 - 126 = Braggart/Newb Abuser/Jerk (when at least 5-10 levels above you)


Level 90 - 126 = Kind/Mature player willing to help out anyone






so im lvl 100 does that make me legible to fit into all 3 of those categories?




To be honest this is a weird guide, dont wanna say much else. :uhh:


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

326death326 is banned~~~EVERYONE ADD MY NEW MAIN "Y0uknowwho" (first o is a zero)

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Level 3 = Macroer/Skiller


Level 4 - 10 = Begger/100% Hopeless little kid


Level 5 - 40 = Scammer/90% Hopeless little kid


Level 15 - 70 = Begger/Leetspeaker/Immature little kid


Level 40 - 80 = Fairly nice player/Slightly mature


Level 60 - 100 = Helpful/Friendly player


Level 50 - 126 = Braggart/Newb Abuser/Jerk (when at least 5-10 levels above you)


Level 90 - 126 = Kind/Mature player willing to help out anyone




so i'm a fairly nice, helpful, jerk scammer? :lol: just kidding




nice guide by the way.

100% f2p 8-)



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6/10 i find this guide pointless apart from the scammers, autoers and spamming. all the others you should have common sense for and a noob fan club swarming!!? that i cant believe, and i have seen pretty high leveled guys in world 1 none have ever been followed...




obviously you have never heard of zezima :wink:




of J-mods.


Poor mod Si was swarmed by a couple thousand people, while I just watched :XD:




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-Maybe add little tricks, like in Lumbridge if you have 10 gold you can run through the Al Kharid gates escaping all evil doers and morons.





If your over lvl 35, i expect that you have done Prince Ali rescue, and don't need the 10 gps, you'd have to be over that lvl to have noobs following you, unless your're a skiller wearing elegant or something.




On-Topic:Pretty good guide, 8/10, some pics of macroers maybe, and maybe keep on one post, but humourously written and some good tips in there


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Safers,prayer noobs,defence noobs,




Your just mad you can't beat them easily...... Also why eat and 30 hp and risk losing ur whip when you can eat at 50 :-k I find that stupid.




But nice guide anyway

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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