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I ended up blocking like, every one of you.




Seriously, you guys are annoying as hell for two reasons - You don't ASK people if they want to be added, you just do it. And secondly, when someone leaves, you RE-ADD THEM LIKE 40 TIMES. Get a clue much? Seriously, I was busy like every time you morons kept adding me and it was seriously pissing me off, so...Welcome to block-list, just because you have no courtesy. I should've known when you guys were doing it to Goddess and I told you to stop the first night.




Edit: And I don't know who "[email protected]" is, but whoever you are, quit messaging me with your links and asking me if I want this-and-that file of yours. I don't know if you're attempting to keylog me or what you're doing, but I don't want the [cabbage] anyways, and I wouldn't click on it even if it wasn't a keylogger.






:? It's not all of us tigra. WE get pretty pissed when people do those things. Its just its really hard to figure out who is doing it, so we cant exactly ban them like we have done others. Sorry for the inconvinence.




Oh and that email is no one ive seen. So im pretty sure it's just a random person who got your email.




No, I've seen the name in the convo once. Whoever it is can find themselves on my block list, if they're lookin'. :P




WAit, I was just told who it was... I sent them a message saying not to do it.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I ended up blocking like, every one of you.




Seriously, you guys are annoying as hell for two reasons - You don't ASK people if they want to be added, you just do it. And secondly, when someone leaves, you RE-ADD THEM LIKE 40 TIMES. Get a clue much? Seriously, I was busy like every time you morons kept adding me and it was seriously pissing me off, so...Welcome to block-list, just because you have no courtesy. I should've known when you guys were doing it to Goddess and I told you to stop the first night.




Edit: And I don't know who "[email protected]" is, but whoever you are, quit messaging me with your links and asking me if I want this-and-that file of yours. I don't know if you're attempting to keylog me or what you're doing, but I don't want the [cabbage] anyways, and I wouldn't click on it even if it wasn't a keylogger.






:? It's not all of us tigra. WE get pretty pissed when people do those things. Its just its really hard to figure out who is doing it, so we cant exactly ban them like we have done others. Sorry for the inconvinence.




Oh and that email is no one ive seen. So im pretty sure it's just a random person who got your email.




No, I've seen the name in the convo once. Whoever it is can find themselves on my block list, if they're lookin'. :P




WAit, I was just told who it was... I sent them a message saying not to do it.




Well, it's too late now. He's already blocked, as is probably everyone else, I'm not sure. Whoever was in the last convo they added me in is blocked...Like 10 people or so. See my edit above. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I ended up blocking like, every one of you.




Seriously, you guys are annoying as hell for two reasons - You don't ASK people if they want to be added, you just do it. And secondly, when someone leaves, you RE-ADD THEM LIKE 40 TIMES. Get a clue much? Seriously, I was busy like every time you morons kept adding me and it was seriously pissing me off, so...Welcome to block-list, just because you have no courtesy. I should've known when you guys were doing it to Goddess and I told you to stop the first night.




Edit: And I don't know who "[email protected]" is, but whoever you are, quit messaging me with your links and asking me if I want this-and-that file of yours. It wasn't a file, it was a youtube and a zybez link sweetheart. I don't know if you're attempting to keylog me or what you're doing, but I don't want the [cabbage] anyways, and I wouldn't click on it even if it wasn't a keylogger.






:? It's not all of us tigra. WE get pretty pissed when people do those things. Its just its really hard to figure out who is doing it, so we cant exactly ban them like we have done others. Sorry for the inconvinence.




Oh and that email is no one ive seen. So im pretty sure it's just a random person who got your email.




No, I've seen the name in the convo once. Whoever it is can find themselves on my block list, if they're lookin'. :P




You know someone is shady when they never say anything to you, ever, and then all of a sudden you get this:




Him: Hey, want to listen to my favourite Hungarian song? (WTF?!)


Me: Why would I?


Him: Because you care about the rest of the world.


Me: Not especially.


Him: Ok.




Then get...




Him: This thread is huge! (Insert shady zybez link...Who the [bleep] uses zybez? Didn't the guy who ran it, like...Die in a fire, or something?)


Me: Why would I care?


Him: Because you care about things.


Me: No I don't.


Him: Whatever.




[bleep] that queer. He's acting like a script kiddie, and - call me suspicious or paranoid - but I'm not trusting anyone who even acts like that and plays RuneScape. Nice facts. I don't play rs stopped months ago, bleep. The Zybez link was about an OT forum topic.Who the [bleep] do these people think they're dealing with, toddlers? We were onto this BS *years* ago and they're still trying it?




Even so, it isn't like I've played RuneScape in FOUR YEARS or anything...Good luck taking all my, uhhh...MSN convo's? Losers.




Why are on msn if you don't wish to be contacted? Msn is a messenger program, stop whining about people who message you. Just log off, or write "I'm busy don't contact me" in your private message space. The "log off" button is there for a reason.




I'm seriously tired of you making this huge fuss of me messaging you two times. But now I get it, I won't write to you ever again. Guess you're happy now aren't you?




Oh yes, both my Zybez, and Youtube links were keyloggers btw.




You join this TIF convo, showing everybody your address and then worry about "strangers' who contact you. Nice going. Of course the one to blame is the guy who tries to chat with you.




Now all of you who have me added, stay away from me! You can clearly see that I'm the so called "script kiddie" type and of course, talking to me would result in eternal damnation in hell.




Losers? whatever






EDIT: You never wrote that you didn't wish to be messaged, how would I know you were busy?

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I ended up blocking like, every one of you.




Seriously, you guys are annoying as hell for two reasons - You don't ASK people if they want to be added, you just do it. And secondly, when someone leaves, you RE-ADD THEM LIKE 40 TIMES. Get a clue much? Seriously, I was busy like every time you morons kept adding me and it was seriously pissing me off, so...Welcome to block-list, just because you have no courtesy. I should've known when you guys were doing it to Goddess and I told you to stop the first night.




Edit: And I don't know who "[email protected]" is, but whoever you are, quit messaging me with your links and asking me if I want this-and-that file of yours. I don't know if you're attempting to keylog me or what you're doing, but I don't want the [cabbage] anyways, and I wouldn't click on it even if it wasn't a keylogger.




There's an 'appear offline' or you can just totally 'go offline'.




But your post sounded like you were blaming it on all of them. There's a alot of decent people in those convos too. To be honest, I shouldn't really be getting involved since I wasn't in that convo. Just had to say what's in my mind...




Considering how much they might have annoyed you, I'm sure they won't take being called 'morons' lightly.

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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Please, don't say what's "on your mind". What is on peoples mind is almost always something [developmentally delayed]ed.




It's called COMMON COURTESY. I don't know you - How about introducing yourself, first of all? The first thing that happens when you message me with links and offers of files is that I think you're a script kiddie. Call me paranoid if you want, but I'm not about to fall for some 13 year old kids' shallow intellectual "tricks". I don't accept files from COMPLETELY random people and I don't click links from 'em either. Both are good ways to get keylogged, and considering I have more important RL info on my computer than non-RL info, [bleep] that.




Back to common courtesy...Dude, I have no idea who you are. This is the first time I've seen your FORUM NAME. Never spoken to you, never...nothing. If I at least knew who you were on tip.it this would be a different story, but I know nothing about you.




And the common courtesy thing applies to adding me to a convo. Yea, I gave my e-mail out to be added to a convo - once. After that, I fully expect the same thing you would - to not be annoyed and added incessantly and relentlessly without even ASKING first. Usually when you guys added me, I was playing WoW, hence lagging the [cabbage] out of me and killing me. OVER. AND OVER. So you all finally got blocked.




Failing to see how that's my fault. It's very apparent to me that 90% of people here have the intellect of a gold fish, because you can't see two-sides of a story, you only see one. What you see is "LOL, you gave ur e-mail, moron! we can do w/e we want!" completely ignoring what a rational, nice person would do with such information. You guys were doing it to Goddess and Darkrick too. If I remember right, Rick threatened physical violence, even. :lol:

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Please, don't say what's "on your mind". What is on peoples mind is almost always something [developmentally delayed].





How rude! Weren't you talking about courtesy? Don't be so hypocritical, please. As if you were totally above everyone else, and your opinion is totally correct?

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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Please, don't say what's "on your mind". What is on peoples mind is almost always something [developmentally delayed].




It's called COMMON COURTESY. I don't know you - How about introducing yourself, first of all? The first thing that happens when you message me with links and offers of files is that I think you're a script kiddie. Call me paranoid if you want, but I'm not about to fall for some 13 year old kids' shallow intellectual "tricks". I don't accept files from COMPLETELY random people and I don't click links from 'em either. Both are good ways to get keylogged, and considering I have more important RL info on my computer than non-RL info, [bleep] that.




Back to common courtesy...Dude, I have no idea who you are. This is the first time I've seen your FORUM NAME. Never spoken to you, never...nothing. If I at least knew who you were on tip.it this would be a different story, but I know nothing about you.




And the common courtesy thing applies to adding me to a convo. Yea, I gave my e-mail out to be added to a convo - once. After that, I fully expect the same thing you would - to not be annoyed and added incessantly and relentlessly without even ASKING first. Usually when you guys added me, I was playing WoW, hence lagging the [cabbage] out of me and killing me. OVER. AND OVER. So you all finally got blocked.




Failing to see how that's my fault. It's very apparent to me that 90% of people here have the intellect of a gold fish, because you can't see two-sides of a story, you only see one. What you see is "LOL, you gave ur e-mail, moron! we can do w/e we want!" completely ignoring what a rational, nice person would do with such information. You guys were doing it to Goddess and Darkrick too. If I remember right, Rick threatened physical violence, even. :lol:





*Sigh* Yes, you are right. It is common curtsy to ask, you are right. And you are in the right about about about the links. No random person should be giving you links if you don't know them.




BUT, I do not see why this must be continued with. If you have a problem with the convos, it is fine, you can chose to block us or have a personal grudge or w/e. But I would really like it if the drama is not brought onto these boards. This includes you too Abelmisi and Lyra. Lets just settle this in a peaceful manner, not through cyber yelling or name calling, but work out something, please.


Sig by Ikurai

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Glad I left that before it got uglier XD




Ha, might of been smart, dunno. We talk about the most random crap still.. and err ya those topics later on some times, but other then that, its slightly improved.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Glad I left that before it got uglier XD




I'm not sure why people are doing this, but it seems to have gotten better now.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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  • 4 weeks later...
Bump o.o




Gahhhh! I didn't mean a normal bump.




Anyways, Hey all, we are back, and again advertising the "MSN Daily chat".




Well kinda advertising, kinda laying down the law. Although some people say different, things have gotten slightly better (I.e. no more inviting if you don't want in, a lot less odd images and such).




Now, for some rules!


1. You shall speak english. Sure you can speak a bit of another language, use other words if we know what it means, or discuss a language. But the main language for the msn chat is english, and it will stay that way.




2. Do not spam links or other things unless there is a reason for it.




3. Do not invite friends from out of TIF unless you know they will behave to some point.




4. Its free for all from there, so have fun!






(Try to keep the sexual stuff to a minimum...)


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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1. You shall speak english. Sure you can speak a bit of another language, use other words if we know what it means, or discuss a language. But the main language for the msn chat is english, and it will stay that way.




3. Do not invite friends out of TIF unless you know they will behave to some point.


I guess that has something to do with me, well, atleast point one.


The reason one of my friends told you to [bleep] off was because of some person named Mikey *snickers*

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1. You shall speak english. Sure you can speak a bit of another language, use other words if we know what it means, or discuss a language. But the main language for the msn chat is english, and it will stay that way.




3. Do not invite friends out of TIF unless you know they will behave to some point.


I guess that has something to do with me, well, atleast point one.


The reason one of my friends told you to [bleep] off was because of some person named Mikey *snickers*




Rule one was because of your friends yes, but not totally yours or their fault. Eric kinda started talking in Swedish and wouldn't stop.




Rule three has nothing to do with anyone really, except me. I often invite my personal friends into the chat and they have been accepted well. I don't mind if others do that same, but I don't want someone to invite a person in who no regard for being nice and tries to pick fights and what not.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Why MSN? Seems a bit of a hassle with those invitations and the general messiness of chatting with many people at once in MSN... Am I totally not getting the point by preferring IRC?




I would like IRC as well, and we have thought it over many times. But non of us have a server or anything (or the know how) for that matter to set one up. Using TIF's server and creating a room is out of the question as we would then have to conform to their rules. We make our own rules.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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