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Strange things you've seen.


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While walking home from school, I saw a chicken cross the street. In the middle of a decent-sized suburban city.




I once seen a guy screw a chicken....


:| i didnt know it was possible.

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While walking home from school, I saw a chicken cross the street. In the middle of a decent-sized suburban city.




I once seen a guy screw a chicken....


:| i didnt know it was possible.




How long did you watch? :uhh:

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At summer school, while walking towards classes, I hear this weird scream, and then some guy comes skateboarding down the hall in front of us wearing a Scream mask, and sreaming at the top of his lungs. My freinds and I are just standing there like WTF! and he goes by again, throwing the horns (metal fingers, Rock-On sign, index and pinky up, you know) and then rides by again, party-boying, as we're just standing there laughing our heads off from the strangeness of it all.


He eventually got stopped by a teacher or somebody similar. He was a Mexican (go figure).

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He gave me a pound coin and a Dairy Milk bar.




He's a local crazy.




We have one of those where I live, except ours dispenses butter, teddy bears, orange juice and the occasional ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10 note. He tried to sign a cheque as "Jesus Christ" so my mother who was serving him at the time said, "No, your name's Mr Perry." He insisted that he was Jesus Christ so mum said "If you're Jesus Christ, I'm the virgin Mary - just call me mother." He was unimpressed by this and called her a harridan.


The Poison Fairy

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Hah, the local crazy's. I'll see if I can take a picture of mine tomorrow! He always comes to my store saying I'm a Christian, and we see trough other people! "They can't fool us! We see trough them all! Jesus Christ is our saviour!"


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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While i was in Seattle for my vacation we were on a very busy highway. And then we drove by a temple. In front of the temple was Two people making out. In plain view. In front of a temple. And where everyone on the highway can see them.... :oops:

And the cavemen wondered how to make fire...

Im in the .00001% that finds Firemaking fun. If you find it fun add this to your siggy.



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I had a dream. Among other things- i imagined the lightbulbs in my room go out. The next day it happened.


Also i was playing on my DS the other day, and suddenly, the green light showing the battery power went red :shock: I think it was ghosts.


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Mine trumps everyone. Me and my brothers decided to go to Burger King with some friends of ours, then hang out after. As we walk into the burger king, there are three old men sitting at a table, reading newspapers, and just hanging out, I guess. As we go to order our food, the service is terrible, and the people took like a half hour to make a flipping burger and fries. After I get my food, and my iced coffee, I sprawl out on one of the booths, and put my feet up on the bench there. Immediately, one of the old guys starts yelling at me in spanish? He was a white guy, no doubt about it, but he was yelling at me in spanish! Eventually he stopped talking spanish and said "Get your shoes off of the booth bench! People have to eat there!" I quickly responded, "But people don't eat off of the benches, do they?" After that, I guess they were pretty mad at the whole lot of us. So, after this happens, my older brother gets a wise idea. To leave all of our wrappers, half-eaten food, what have you on the tables, and see what they do. So, we got up to leave. As we reached the door, an old guy yells "Hey! You forgot your bag!" My brother goes, "Oh, okay." and then continues to walk out door. The old guy yells again "You'd better pick up your stuff, or don't come back here again!" My brother just shrugged it off and went "Okay." again, and then walks for the door again. The old guys start following us out, and yelling at us that they'd call the cops if we ever came back again. After that we said "Thats okay, we don't plan to." After all, the service was terrible. Thats my story. It was hilarious when it happened, though it may not sound so on here.






The icing on the cake is that about two weeks ago, we all went back there, and the old guys were there. We decided not to go in, but one spots my brother, and gives him the "If you come in here I'll snap your neck" look. Good times, good times.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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We have one of those where I live, except ours dispenses butter, teddy bears, orange juice and the occasional ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10 note. He tried to sign a cheque as "Jesus Christ" so my mother who was serving him at the time said, "No, your name's Mr Perry." He insisted that he was Jesus Christ so mum said "If you're Jesus Christ, I'm the virgin Mary - just call me mother." He was unimpressed by this and called her a harridan.




Hahah! What's with crazy people and Jesus?




Oh and just for amusement's sake, we have a wizard as well. He chases kids and his dog has mental fits.




Yes, he wears that cape, come rain come shine. And those are PVC trousers.



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i was playing my ds b4 going to sleep and i saw a shadow on the wall that wasn't mine and on the touch screen of my ds i saw 2 eyes behind me, didn't sleep that night. That rly happened and i still see those eyes boring into me. scary... on the upside i might've been dreaming and imagined staying up all night. :)

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I was on a class trip to Washington DC in April, and it was kinda chilly out. So our bus is going down some street in downtown DC when this one girl goes "Oh my god! There's a dead guy out there!" And on the sidewalk there was this guy in really ratty clothing laying face down over a steam vent. And our tour guide was completly cool about it, he's just like "Oh yeah, some of the bums around here like to warm up on the steam vents. Its no big." And there's all these politicians and stuff walking around him like its no big deal. This one guy even stepped OVER him. :XD:




Oh, and I was at a park one time, and there were three dead, decapitated fuzzy ducklings floating in all the litter and crap by the shore of the pond. :-X

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