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I can't get into any music anymore.


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Maybe it's just me, maybe it's everyone else and they're just not admitting it. The fact is, I can't seem to get into modern music at all anymore.


I used to be a fan of hard dance and happy hardcore. They're fast and hard styles of dance music, the music just used to completely captivate me - it seemed like the kind of music to push you to the tip of your emotions, the DJs and Producers were always doing something new and stupid aswell as sticking to the tried and tested format of ripping off some crap 80s cheese into 175bpm crap. Then one day, someone invented the Virus C synthesizer and someone decided to put a cap on the bpm - the music ended up sounding exactely the same over and over, parts of it got into the charts, the artists sold the genre out and to me, it died.


So I started getting into music like punk and hardcore metal. I'm pretty broad with it, everything from ska punk to death metal. Around this time, there were bands touring all over the UK worth going to see. All the ska punk bands I listen to seem to be dead, most of the metal coming out these days seems to be screamy lets-be-as-hard-as-we-possibly-can crap where the bands seem to forget the musical content altogether, and when a band get big, you feel like a [bleep] for liking them because everyone else bangs on about them and walks around in a skinny fit tshirt with their name on. I used to like older indie stuff, oasis/blur/ocean colour scene etc, but now, once again, I find all the bands are spawning out the same generic crap, and i'm finding it impossible to see how anyone can like it. The only band that have stood out to me in years in the indie scene is The Twang.




Is music turning to crap or am I turning into an old git?

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Try getting into something new. You could go on a musical journey to the world of Jazz. Which is really, really, immensly big and is suposed to be very interesting. Maybe you'll re-appreciate your music later, when you've taken a little distance from it.


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I think you laser beam'd yourself too much. You don't need to focus on any one specific genre or set of genres.




P.S. The Twang are terrible.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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i say broaden your horizons...if you want to find some great new artists go to this site and keep hitting the random artist button








im a metal head but i also grow weary of the "be as hard as you can" metal. after a while it sounds all the same. so, i look back to the 80's and 90's where MTV still played music, and good music at that. and with my memory i was able to recall a few bands, and turns out, 10-15 years later, i still like bands like "everclear" and "sugar ray" *shrug* music is funny like that




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Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

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Maybe it's just me, but i cant listen to anything that came out before 1992.


It's just so emotionless and synthesized.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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I like your taste in music.




I think many, many musicians try too hard to sound like something they used to like. "Wow! Punk is cool! I want to do the same." So they do.




I hardly listen to music myself anymore, although i was very excited about it some time ago.

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In my opinion, modern music has been crap for all my life. The only 90's band I like is nirvana. Try classic rock, it was my remedy.


Also, like a lot of people are saying, don't be so specific. Remember, you don't necessairly have to like bands, individual songs from all over the board may just do it for you.

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Maybe it's just me, but i cant listen to anything that came out before 1992.


It's just so emotionless and synthesized.




How much 1950's music have you heard that's synthesized? Or emotionless, for that matter?




Anyway, broaden your horizons! It's what I've been doing recently.


Used to listen to just one or two subgenres of metal, now I listen all types of metal, jazz, classical, indie, folk/acoustic, electronica, and a bit of older (50's, 60's, 70's) music recently.


Only types of music I can't handle is popular rock and pop (with a few exceptions, no talent), techno, and country.


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