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Etp's Amazing Bloggy! ~TONS OF STUFF ADDED! P.129~

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i sold it because i needed money... for MY NEW SECRET PROJECT!




more to come in the next days ;)








Etp <3:




OMG tell mewhat the project is! :XD:





shall be soon ;)








NAO!! <3:



Signature by Littleboy

Runescape and impatient people are like ying and yang, they exist as one, they need each other
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nice BOB and interested in this secret projekt








also i recently started a new account named skittle rage, and im trying to achieve 99 hp with only 58 combat :mrgreen:

Wow good luck! did you know that you need 40 cb to go to pest control?








Secret project?? Oh mee gahh. :ohnoes:
hehe coming in this post ;)













i sold it because i needed money... for MY NEW SECRET PROJECT!




more to come in the next days ;)








Etp <3:




OMG tell mewhat the project is! :XD:





shall be soon ;)








NAO!! <3:

Sure =)












So, here are some hints for my secret project! watch the transactions i've made and my outfit at the end ;) should give you a hint :)




















21mcashru3.png <-- Highest cash amount ever held! :D








got 34 and 35 herby from tears of guthix =)












Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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nice BOB and interested in this secret projekt








also i recently started a new account named skittle rage, and im trying to achieve 99 hp with only 58 combat :mrgreen:

Wow good luck! did you know that you need 40 cb to go to pest control?








Secret project?? Oh mee gahh. :ohnoes:
hehe coming in this post ;)













i sold it because i needed money... for MY NEW SECRET PROJECT!




more to come in the next days ;)








Etp <3:




OMG tell mewhat the project is! :XD:





shall be soon ;)








NAO!! <3:

Sure =)












So, here are some hints for my secret project! watch the transactions i've made and my outfit at the end ;) should give you a hint :)




















21mcashru3.png <-- Highest cash amount ever held! :D








got 34 and 35 herby from tears of guthix =)












Etp <3:








yeah i know i gotta br 40 cb for pc, i got a plan on achieving 40 combat and then ill start the longest and epuc[est] part of meh journey to 99 hp




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YOUR GETTING MAX KC AT ARMADYL!!@@!! I WIN :twss: Nah really, good luck with that, the arma plate will do bettar than ammy and fury will help alot :twss:

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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Lol very ingenious of telling about your secret project to all your friends in-game but not posting it! :thumbup:








Gl with 4k kc at avansies <3:

lol ;)








You want to get full Armadyl? Or you want one of dem godswords! Or maybe 4K KC at armadyl?
last option ftw!








YOUR GETTING MAX KC AT ARMADYL!!@@!! I WIN :twss: Nah really, good luck with that, the arma plate will do bettar than ammy and fury will help alot :twss:
tysm pac <3:<3: !!!




i also bought ranger boots lol ;)




































Omg... 4k avansies? would be so much cash...

hehe just saw! good luck salim!!! and thanks! i plan making at least 10M from this trip, including the cash i will get from my kingdom during my absence ;)








did halloween event and quest today! got 35 construction!












also got a purple cat!!! \'








i will do giant dwarf quest tomorrow, and get the final preparation. Thursday, off to avansies@@@@@@@@@@@@








you almost all guessesd right! 4k killcount there! wish me luck everyone :)








Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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Ja ja the halloween event is good :) the quest with the enchanted broom is awesome! Teleport to spring garden and free 22k nage exp! :D








Good luck getting max kc! :)

Sn'C Events Team Member



942nd to 99 hunter 2/8/07|26,042nd to reach 99 fletching 27/10/07|Quest Cape Achieved 22/1/08|50,000th to 99 Cooking 29/10/08

Dagannoth King Drops: 7 Zerkers 2 Axes 3 Warriors | Armadyl: 1 hilt first ever trip and kill | Barrows: 2 Dharok Legs 1 Ahrim Skirt 1 Torag Helm 1 Guthan Spear

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Ja ja the halloween event is good :) the quest with the enchanted broom is awesome! Teleport to spring garden and free 22k nage exp! :D








Good luck getting max kc! :)

thank you sid :)








so, finished up giant dwarf quest today!












new information for tehsecretproject coming soon ;)




tbh, sailling tomorrow! :D (sailling from edge lulz)








Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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I don't know you but may i guess secret project is GWD related? ;)




P.S Nice blog btw : ) <3:




EDIT: Didn't see all the other posts about it :o


Ah well i still win a prize for guessing it :thumbsup:


99/99 Hunter

73/80 Smithing

74/80 Agility

71/75 Slayer

69/70 Summoning


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Wow thanks everyone :D




i am going to gwd today, couldn't play yesterday for some reasons...




i am first finishing up the part of the blog concerning avansies :)




Love ya all <3:<3:




Etp :mrgreen:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000 Avansies KillCount Goal! :thumbsup:






For my next MAJOR GOAL, I will go to the God Wars Dungeon and kill 4000 Avansies!




These monsters are known for their frequent 4 Adamantite Bars Drops.


I plan getting a lot of Money from this project, as well as a lot of 1,183,672 Ranged Experience.












I will need High Ranged Bonuses.


Attack will be used for me to hit harder and defence to have a better protection from these birds.




Here's a picture of my Equipment.








I use a Saradomin Coif as the headgear because it gives good ranged bonus and a Saradomin item is necessary. Using one, the monsters from Saradomin wont attack me.




I use an Amulet of Fury because its the best amulet in the game to do this.




Avas Accumulator is also a must: it help retrieving my bolts and puts them in my arrow/bolt slot.




I will use Broad Bolts, bringing 15,000 of them but the chances I will not use them all are high. These are as strong as Adamantite bolts, and even cheaper than Mithril bolts! It is the best ammunition to kill Avansies (quality/price).




Next comes the Runite Crossbow. The reason I bring it is because its simply the best crossbow of RuneScape!




After that, I use Armadyl Chestplate. It is the best ranged item of all Runescape for Ranged training. It also guarantee me a good protection, because wearing this prevents Armadyls followers, also known as Avansies, to attack me.




Obsidian shield is the best shield I could easily get and it gives a great defence bonus. I know a Dragonfire Shield would have been better, but I cannot afford it




I wear Torags Platelegs. This is one of the items that gives the most defence bonus in Ranged, which should help not to get hurt too much.




Zamorak Bracers is the handgear I use because it gives great avantages in ranged, and it will also protecting me from the aggressiveness of Zamorak creatures.




Ranger Boots costed a lot, but I am sure they will help me as they are the best boots we can have in Ranged. I could have brought snakeskin ones with me but I had a lot of money left in my bank.




And finally, Ring of Life will be there for a ultimate protection in case a major accident happens.












As I will be tanking, I will use food, obviously. I couldnt stay there for 4000 Killcount if I was praying.




Here's a picture of my What I will bring.








The 12 Gold Pieces will be used to buy myself a pair of climbing boots, which are required to get to GodWars Dungeon. I will drop them after.




I bring a Prayer Potion, just in case something bad happens and I need prayer for a few minutes.




Excalibur sword will be used for its Special Attack. This boosts my Defence level and will help me not get hurt too much! It goes to 83/75, and then go back to 75/75 in a slow pace.




The Ectophial is really for urgent cases. I am 100% sure I will not need it, but it is a good way to prevent death.




When killing the Avansies, I will collect their Bones and use my Bones to Peaches Tablets. This will give me food and I should be OK if I use approximatively one Peach per Avansie killed.




As the Avansies drop a lot of Rune Dagger(p), I am bringing Runes for High Level Alchemy. They also drop Rune Limbs, but this drop is way rarer.




And to finish, the Monkfish will be used at the beginning only. I may get hurt more in the first few kills, I will need to adapt to the (pretty much) new environment of this deadly dungeon.








Money Money!!!




Here is the value of what I am bringing. By having this picture, I will be able to see exactly how much money I gained through this project!
















Avansies Killed: 0




Adamantite Bars Count: 0




Started with: 1,183,672 Ranged Experience,


Now at: 1,183,672 Ranged Experience.












I will add this to the main post, please do not quote this post as it is too large :P




Etp <3:

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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Have fun killing Man-Birds. Share teh profit? :twss:
nty :twss:




I founded-ded you :D









hehe i didn't screenie you ;)




thanks A LOT btw!




you gave me an idea ;)




i will be taking pictures of every tipiter i see killing avansies when im there ^^

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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