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Windows Vista: Home premium. Is it crap, or is it my comp?


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Recently, I bought a factory refurbished Gateway GT5426E for the purpose of having a computer to play games on (WoW specifically). However, I have a limited budget, so this is the best I could get for the price.




When I got the computer, it was rife with problems.




Conflicting drivers and a BSOD crashed my first install of TBC.




Tried to install the AC security suite that came with my computer. BSOD.




Tried to uninstall WoW, but it refused to delete the whole folder. Attempting to delete the rest of the folder resulted in a driver-related BSOD.




Windows refused to start, and had to run the restart repair utility. Tuh-riffic.




Attempted to connect to the internet using a USB linksys connection. BSOD within two minutes.




On the restart, safe mode detects no problems. Yeah, right.




Our family's techie comes over and manages to end the BSODs. she tries to install the security suite, and Vista freezes it. Second attempt: Freeze. Third attempt: Freeze. Fourth attempt: Loads the antivirus, but chokes the antispam. Finally loads it all after the next attempt.




Conflicts between Vista and AC's firewall disable my internet connection. it is two hours before we find a workaround.




Attempting to install WoW results in another Vista freeze. Vista wants to load the disc on startup. When we decline, Vista refuses to load.




The techie says, "!%*% this. I'm going to reconfigure the hard drive and load XP on here."




anyone else think that it's Vista or my computer?

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Vista is crap. I have it on my laptop, and all it does is cause trouble for me and make things hard. I never had that many problems with xp....




Only reason I'm keeping it is because I know that someday I'll be stuck using vista, so I better get use to it.


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The problem with buy refurbs is that most companies rip out everything and put back in obsolete hardware. Really the only thing that is left is the original harddrive. Prob should have your techy compare the link below with the installed hardware and software. The computer should have come with some Vista OS disk or recovery disks. If not call the company and ask for one. If they won't give you one ask Microsoft. They'll ask for the number on top of the box and prob send you one for free. After making sure you have a good board, CPU, and ram, reinstall Vista. If nothing works you could always just have the computer returned and get a replacement.




Link: http://support.gateway.com/s/pc/R/10094 ... 52nv.shtml




Also to agree with the techy, XP prob would be the way to go. I love XP so much more. Vista is basically just a graphical rip off and a permissions nightmare for most. I love permissions though.







Pragmatic, efficient, perfectionist. So I'm sorry ahead of time for any views, opinions, and decisions from myself :ÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¾

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Well it sounds like a hardware problem to me. It's refurbished so that may be a clue right there.




If it was a new computer that had Vista pre-installed you would have no trouble at all because manufacturers make sure all their components work with Vista. Everything new thats comes out has Vista drivers anyway. I'm not sure if they go through these checks with refurbs.




If your techie pretty much gave up with trying to fix the problem and is trying to put Vista as an excuse as to why he can't fix it then he's no good. I have seen it happen many times before (note: I work as computer repair), I'm going to laugh when it still happens in XP. Vista uses up more resources and uses up all the ram at all times, which XP doesn't so you may have a stick of bad ram.




Do you have all the Windows updates installed? Makes sure it's set to Microsoft update too.

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We ran a bunch of diagnostics on the computer, checked that power was going to where it should, fans, everything. As for checking ram, I'm not sure how one does it. The computer will lock up every so often, and freezes when we try the task manager.




Our techie isn't a pro techie. She's just someone who's built computers from scratch, worked with a bunch of computers and has had several computers do the same to her before, and she got them in working order. We just call her the techie because she knows a hell of a lot more than us.










Windows Defender, to the very end, insisted that it was out of date, despite updating it (supposedly) a total of three times.




If it is the computer, I'm going to throw a fit. Tigerdirect has been reliable to us in the past, this is like getting shot in the back from your best friend.

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ROFL, *slams fist on the desk repeatedly while laughing* lol. Was wondering if it was TigerDirect. TD is known for this. As I've said before, if you buy the whole system/prebuilt refurb package then your in for trouble. All I can say is have it replaced by TD, I know they do that. I would suggest to have your techy order the box, motherboard with the CPU pre-installed, hard drive with the OS pre-installed, ram (at least 1 gig, perferably 2+), and any other component needed seperately. Makes it easier to test n get a replacement if only one of them is the problem.




Have the techy go to msconfig a shut off any startup program that is absolutly not needed and any services that you really don't need to have on that specific computer. Keep any firewall, antispam, antivirus programs off and only go to update.microsoft.com and update everything possible. Check the site again once you've restarted the computer. It might have more updates. keep doing it till there are no more updates. Once the updates are done go to msconfig again and rip out all the unnessesary services and startups you dont need or use (have techy do it, might not have Windows start up right if you take out the wrong service). Once all that is done try running your computer however you like. If it still goes on let us know.










edit: You could also just go to http://www.update.microsoft.com and click "Review your Update History" on the left panel. It should show all the updates you've failed to download/install. Then click the yellow question mark next to the Failed icon. That should help some in trying to solve the problem. If there's no failed updates there then you can just run the updates from the site and when they fail you can check there again.

Pragmatic, efficient, perfectionist. So I'm sorry ahead of time for any views, opinions, and decisions from myself :ÃÆÃâÃâ¦Ã¾

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...great. Just effing great.






When you are on a budget, your choices are limited. Otherwise I'd have bought a gaming computer brand new, and not have to go through all this hassle.






The computer loves to lock up while on an internet connection. The Linksys router is a USB device and required a software install. I have to wonder whether that is a source of problems.






This really pisses me off. Not only did I get screwed buying this, I was also unlucky. WoW is calling to me like a meadowlark. Runescape is fun, but it just doesn't satiate my boredom like WoW does.




By the way, I'm using a different computer to post this.

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...great. Just effing great.






When you are on a budget, your choices are limited. Otherwise I'd have bought a gaming computer brand new, and not have to go through all this hassle.






The computer loves to lock up while on an internet connection. The Linksys router is a USB device and required a software install. I have to wonder whether that is a source of problems.






This really pisses me off. Not only did I get screwed buying this, I was also unlucky. WoW is calling to me like a meadowlark. Runescape is fun, but it just doesn't satiate my boredom like WoW does.




By the way, I'm using a different computer to post this.




Don't buy prebuilt computers and you will be fine, you don't need a gaming computer to run world of warcraft by the way. ;)




If I were you, I'd return what you have now to the store and buy all parts separate. This way it will cost less as well.




By the way try switching/removing 1 stick of RAM and see if it will fix the problem.




Good luck.

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Same, I think its a hardware issue.




I have Vista on my new computer (for one day), its truely amazing. No problems so far, except for the safety warnings and 1 program that wouldnt work.




In your case I think its best to stick with XP.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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It sounds like a hardware issue, not a vista issue.
I'd put money on psu or ram. Perhaps video, but most likely ram.




Yeah I'd probably say the same.




@ OP: maybe tell us what the BSOD says next time it happens.

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The computer no longer BSODs. Now it hardlocks rather soon after turning on the computer.






Trying Windows Update only resulted in an error code that isn't listed on their website at all. This is the computer I bought.






I should have just spent the extra $200 and bought This instead, and installed Vista or XP or whatever.

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The computer no longer BSODs. Now it hardlocks rather soon after turning on the computer.






Trying Windows Update only resulted in an error code that isn't listed on their website at all. This is the computer I bought.






I should have just spent the extra $200 and bought This instead, and installed Vista or XP or whatever.


Good luck to you on your next PC. I hope you did not lose any data, and whatever data is there, that you want, can be recovered. Sorry that none of us could be of help to you. :(




And BTW, that Linksys USB unit appears to be nothing but trouble. (Got some problems with a wireless-B-based one on a system that won't be in use much longer as the data on it is being set up to transfer to a new PC...) Try to stay clear of having to use a USB one prior to wireless-G. Linksys's Wireless-G-Based router should be good, however.




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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