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Gender Dysphoria

The Dark Lord

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Recently, I've been going through intense problems. I have found out that I have gender dysphoria, a feeling that you do not match mentally and physically (gender-wise).




Well, my parents are overly-Conservative fundamental Christians. Since I'm transsexual, this causes a lot of trouble for me. Yes, my parents do love me, but they express it by trying to suppress my transgender feelings and trying to make me be what they want me to be. My father found a link to TransgenderCare in my history folder on my computer. That's how he found out.




I've been to a psychologist and a doctor about this already. They were amazed at my knowledge on this subject and how I described everything that made me draw the conclusion of gender dysphoria. Of course, they agree with me that I probably should undergo transition therapy if it's the only thing that'll make me happy. My parents don't like them telling me this, so they are trying to find me a Christian psychiatrist. I don't like this at all because I'm not sure if the psychiatrist will try to suppress how I feel about my self or not.




I'm sorry about the post. It was typed in a hurry. This is the first time that I've been able to get on the computer without my parents breathing down my neck. I'll try to edit the post and add more details when I come back.




Please feel free to discuss your interest. I thought that this would be an interesting topic to start.




For more information on gender dysphoria, go to http://www.transgendercare.com/guidance ... gender.htm



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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How do YOU feel about that. Do you want to stay the way you are now? Or go back to "normal"




Do you feel that your parents arn't being fair?












btw....just out of curiosity if you don't mind me asking, what is your "body gender?"


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He's a boy, I believe?




I think a Christian-oriented psychologist will most likely be the worst thing for you. They will try to convince you that you are just confused or something of the sort. Kind of like Christian-oriented "gay camps". In my opinion, it will be very hard to near impossible to convince your parents this is what you truly want. It's their confusion also.

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Psychology is supposed to be linked to science not religion.




I would love to see how a Christian psychologist applies therapeutic counselling theories to their patient.




Psychology is based on these theories and you must be a graduate in one of these theories in order to be registered with the board of psychology.




It is impossible to counsel a client without applying these theories. End of story.




There can be good Christian psychologists, don't get me wrong but they absolutely have to follow the code of conduct within the profession and keep to the counselling theories.




These even include behaviouralism, psychodynamic theory and cognitive therapy which are pretty much against their personal religion beliefs.




So this would be highly interesting............ As it can't be done.








The ONLY and I mean ONLY way around this would be if the Christian psychologist took a cognitive approach and fiercely questioned your thoughts and behaviour opposing what you think is right.




At no stage even during using the cognitive approach however can he say that you're wrong because counselling is purely client orientated. You run the show.








I do have one thing to say to you though Sep. You're obsessed with your problems, as if you were your own favourite subject. I highly recommend after this post, you stop trying to analyse yourself before you end up with anything else.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Well to a fundamentalist christian someone with gender disphoria be like an example of god messing up?




If God messed up I dont think god should be involved in the issue further.




And the above is just me babling because im tired. But no, you shouldn't follow religion at the expense of reality. If you feel you need to change your gender than thats what you should do.




Trying to make someone act and/or feel a way they dont (if thay make any sense at all) is a really, really, REALLY ,stupid idea. And it wont work. With enough effort you migth be able to make them think it worked, but you feel the way you feel and theres not much you can do to change it. Phyciatrchy migth be able to with time, and drugs can for the present, but thats it. Don't go a hard core christian (or fundamentalist anythign else for that matter) phyciatrist. It just dosen't mix with religion.

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How do YOU feel about that. Do you want to stay the way you are now? Or go back to "normal"




Do you feel that your parents arn't being fair?












btw....just out of curiosity if you don't mind me asking, what is your "body gender?"




My birth sex is male.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I've always been curious about this. Does your desire to be a woman involve negative feelings towards your current anatomy? Namely, the schlong and hoverballs?




Well, yes. Gender dysphoric people don't feel comfortable about their birth sex.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I don't mean to be blunt but when will you stop talking about what you have?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I could probably consider myself as having a very mild case of that, nothing that would ever require 'treatment'. You just kind of feel out of place sometimes, and it's like "Whoa, wait...who am I again...?"




Do they really have such things as Christan psychiatrists? Just tell the shrink that Jesus came to you in a vision, and told you that only through this, you would come to know god ...or something :P

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Sure only if you want to be a nominated candidate for schizophrenia :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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To be honest mate, you have to do very little over the manner. It's up to your parents to accept you for who you are. Yes, you can help them to, but ultimately it's up to them and if they can't, well, quite frankly, they're not worth it.




I'm sure they'll love you though.

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Yeah my ex's parents are the biggest Christians around; they live at the church more than they live at their house. If they could sleep at the church, they probably would, anyway you get my pointÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ TheyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re jeebus freaks.




Their son Andrew announced he was gay when he was about 17 and it was a huge shock to them all.




His church kicked him out and the people tormented him and made his life hell.




His mother grew to accept him for who he was and even though the church rejected him, he was still her little boy, gay or straight.




:XD: I'm such an emotionless cow sometimes... I just thought of the little engine that could chugging along.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I don't mean to be blunt but when will you stop talking about what you have?


I know, for real. this is literally at least the 5th time I've seen him post about this. But anyways, try watching TLC, I think they have an entire series about transgenders, their trials and tribulations, accpetance, etc. Not sure what it's called, but maybe you could have your parents watch it? They might learn something.


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I know, for real. this is literally at least the 5th time I've seen him post about this. But anyways, try watching TLC, I think they have an entire series about transgenders, their trials and tribulations, accpetance, etc. Not sure what it's called, but maybe you could have your parents watch it? They might learn something.




Isn't that the same channel that broadcasts that show about midgets, where they follow thier lives day and night basically? I hated that, it just struck me as a show like "Look at the midgets, see what they do all day lolz". Rather distasteful. Thinking about that, I wouldn't have high hopes for a similar show about transgenders.


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It seems you are quite open about your Transexuality here on the forums. How about real life? Do you keep it to yourself? Only some selected people (apart from the psychologist/psychiatrist) know about it?




The worst part of your case is the close-mindedness with which you depict your parents, it seems you don't trust them too much, (which I'd honestly understand, as this is such a delicate subject). Ask yourself the question, why didn't you tell your parents before?


You must be sensible about it, now that your parents know about it. Speak with them in a way that makes you feel comfortable (at least try to), and be honest with them. Try to avoid religion though, it'll only worsen the issue. -Most probably the psychiatrist will tell you that "your feelings aren't wrong, it's acting upon those feelings which will take you to hell". -




By the way, let Ser post his problems here. Most probably it's a good way to vent stress/frustration, especially with Internet anonymity. If you don't like to read what Ser says, simply ignore such posts/threads, it's not that hard. (It's much worse with the News threads that leave no room for discussion.)

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How noble of you to stick up for someone's freedom of speech to post on this forum. It's a good thing for people such as you to care.


My concern, however, is that when someone is obsessed with what they have, to the point that they write about their own thoughts constantly, it will eventually make them go crazy.




So please, if you will have trust in what I'm saying. Because I, much like you have people's good intentions at heart too. Mine, however, is referring to Sep keeping his sanity.




This involves, cutting back on being his personal favourite subject.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I have a question for you: do you believe in the Bible?


Before I know that, I'm going to avoid comments. But on a side note, a similar subject came up in my Bible class. A girl was having trouble with one part of the Bible: her friend was born into and raised in a Christian home, and more importantly, is a Christian himself, but is gay. She didn't know what to think of the Bible saying that homosexuality is wrong because her friend was Christian and everything. Infact, that situation is making me think again on my stand on these types of gender issues.






On the topic of the Christian psychiatrist:


Goddess is right. If he is worth anything as a psychiatrist, he will have to listen to you.






His mother grew to accept him for who he was and even though the church rejected him, he was still her little boy, gay or straight.



Holy crud. That is truly a hypocritical church :shock:


If they really thought that it was wrong, then:


"On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

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I'm going through Pronoun Hell just thinking about this.




As has been said, you can't control other people's choices. Too bad your parents are like that though -__-.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


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How noble of you to stick up for someone's freedom of speech to post on this forum. It's a good thing for people such as you to care.


My concern, however, is that when someone is obsessed with what they have, to the point that they write about their own thoughts constantly, it will eventually make them go crazy.




So please, if you will have trust in what I'm saying. Because I, much like you have people's good intentions at heart too. Mine, however, is referring to Sep keeping his sanity.




This involves, cutting back on being his personal favourite subject.



Bah... you might be right. But getting distracted and avoiding the problem might not be a good solution either, so try to avoid excesses, Serephus, ok?



To reb: the same thing happened to me. I might try to change my post accordingly, using "Ser" instead of pronouns.

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How noble of you to stick up for someone's freedom of speech to post on this forum. It's a good thing for people such as you to care.


My concern, however, is that when someone is obsessed with what they have, to the point that they write about their own thoughts constantly, it will eventually make them go crazy.




So please, if you will have trust in what I'm saying. Because I, much like you have people's good intentions at heart too. Mine, however, is referring to Sep keeping his sanity.




This involves, cutting back on being his personal favourite subject.



Bah... you might be right. But getting distracted and avoiding the problem might not be a good solution either, so try to avoid excesses, Serephus, ok?



To reb: the same thing happened to me. I might try to change my post accordingly, using "Ser" instead of pronouns.




You both are right. I need to stop obsessing about this.




I also noticed that no one has really created a topic about transgenders, so I thought it would be an original and good topic to discuss.




If anyone wishes to know, it would be polite to use "she" and "her" instead of "he" or "his."



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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My mom thought I was gay for some reason, she told me a while ago. I'm the farthest thing from gay you can find :twisted:






Edit: how do you post your gender by your avatar?




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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