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~ How Should I Plan My House? ~


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~I would like my house to be in the shape of a heart. I was wondering if anyone could come up with some decent, heart-shaped floorplans. I can put in the rooms, all i need is an outline kind of thing.~






~You can use this link to see RuneHQ's House Planner.~




Type in this code to see my current layout:



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put that into the rhq house planner, i think it looks alright




whatcha think?




:thumbsup: I like it, looks pretty good. By the way, are you planning on having a wedding or have weddings in your house or something?



F2P for life :D

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put that into the rhq house planner, i think it looks alright




whatcha think?




Hey can u give link of that planner? where it is ?

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


Visit my exp track

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UQDUURkUIUYKkbQVRGVUFlUEVaLlZIWQHWUJmUJWbPmaS not very decorative but it has a kinda realish feel, like how a real house might be designed. My friend set his house up like this on his 99 con. party, just cuz i suggested it. \'

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~Thanks for the idea. I'm very much considering a two-floored house, but i prefer one floor, i think. Either way, it HAS to have lots of gardens.~




~And, finally, i would the like Chapel as close to the Portal Rooms and Entrance/Exit as possible.~

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