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Do we need a new membership option? Hourly ...


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its $5 it aint a fortune either your a member or your not. But hey I eat steak about every night and ride a $90,000 horse for kicks so maybe I dont know how valuable $5 is to the low class.




Your parents should pay some of that money they have to get you a better education.




I can assure you he's just fooling around :lol: He's an adult, and actually one of the oldest players in RS...

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Seems like a bad idea to me. :?




I know that you are trying to make it easier for the player but I think that would be a pain to program. And how would the decision be made as to how much an hour of gameplay in the member area actually costs?




I think that the system is just fine the way it is. If someone would be willing to pay per hour for the game then they should be willing to pay the little bit it costs a month.

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I think $5 a month is pretty cheap. I would think the reason most f2pers do not pay for members is because they jsut don't want to, or the parents do not want to pay $5 a month for a game.




It is a thoughtful idea, but I just don't see it as helpful.


I think that just a lot of people don't want to commit actual money to an online game. A lot of my friends would rather but songs on iTunes than pay for RS.




I'm a member and even though I don't play more than an hour a day it is still worth it, because if I wasn't a member I wouldn't play at all. The main thing that keeps me playing is the updates and since F2P get them so rarely I wouldn't play.




I support the hourly thing however sometimes if a new update comes out (like a new skill :wink: ) then I might play a ton and so overall it wouldn't be worth it for me.




Also make sure it includes time in nonmem worlds or else people will get it just for banking and training a little then spend most their time in F2P worlds pking so it would be unfair I think.

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The main problem with kids not becoming members is because they're not allowed to. It doesn't matter how cheap you make the hours subscription, they wouldn't be able to do it anyways. The only way this would really work for kids is if they were able to buy runescape "cash cards" in game stores that they could add on to their character. Then, they could go onto their account and choose when to use an hour. (though that just adds more complications.) To make it simple: If you can't afford to get 5 dollars in, then don't bother.




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This seems like a good idea for me. I think that many F2Pers would go P2P if Jagex added a system like this, because, as you say, there's a lot of people who plays RS randomly. These people doesn't find it neccessary to pay 5$ a month when they some months maybe just logs in once or twice. For some of these people a system like this would be wonderful.


Myself I would keep to the old system though. Since I play more than 2 hours per day, it's cheaper for me to use the old system than the new one.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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This is a pretty good idea altogether. I think though, that if it were something like, pay $6 or $7, and get a months worth of time [744 hours] then whenever you play, each hour an hour gets taken off. When you're not online, no time is taken off and you can end up saving your membership and it lasting much longer than a month, of course depending on how much you play a day, it would be much more appealing.




But yeah, good luck suggesting something like that to Jagex. #-o

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Not a bad idea, actually. Let's say I just want to try out a day of membership, to fix my bank or to try some minigames or something. I pay a dollar, get a whole day. I decide I like it, so I register for the $5/month rate, and Jagex just got another happy customer, plus a little extra money.




It seems like this would be great for people wanting to try it out. There's no reason why they'd need to replace or remove the $5/month rate, they could just add this in. Monthly subscribers can keep their old rate, and interested players won't have to subscribe a full month if they have sporadic play times, or just don't like membership.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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its $5 it aint a fortune either your a member or your not. But hey I eat steak about every night and ride a $90,000 horse for kicks so maybe I dont know how valuable $5 is to the low class.




Your parents should pay some of that money they have to get you a better education.




I can assure you he's just fooling around :lol: He's an adult, and actually one of the oldest players in RS...






Just because I am 40 now DOES NOT mean I am an Adult :)


I really do eat steak about every night, LOL it is cheap. I raise cattle


I also really do ride a 90k horse but he is also my main source of income.


I have a masters in Equine science So im OK in the Education department


and am slowly working on the PHD.


GRammer do you really think a horse or mule cares about gramar.


let alone sentince strukter.




And YAY someone remembers me other than Meili and Fook LOL.




But really hourly RS would be a nightmare to add on Jagex part.


and $5 is pocket change. When members first came out it was $5 I cant remember what year members became available pretty sure 2001 thats what 6 years without a price increase. Not bad inflation in my opinion.


I stopped at the gas station on the way to the feed store yesterday morning. I bought a cup of coffee and 2 dognuts the total was $4.97


and that gave me 1/2 hour of misery. Yet for $5 I have the potential to entertain my self for 720 hours each month Give or take.




Other thing is Jagex pays a fee for every transaction they make via plastic. The hourly plan could easily with some CC companies cost Jagex more than the hourly fee. Thats why the Thunder 5 Ranch doesnt take plastic

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i dont like it, for parents that dont like to give their credit card detail the hourly rate wouldnt work.




Good idea though.




There is different methods you can use to pay ;).




I just want to know how this would work. Would you have to re-send details or information every hour or so to keep being members or would it automatically update your bill for every hour you are playing?


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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Best solution: Add a Weekly option for about $2 per week.




Slightly off topic, a "month" in Jagex's terms is the number of days the month we're currently in has. It's very annoying in Feburary when you only get 28 days of members instead of 31 you'd have got in January.

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This is actually a fairly decent idea. Because I've stopped playing Runescape to the point pay by the hour would be a viable option to use. I'm even thinking of cancelling my Membership for now, because I don't play very often. When I play, I'm on for maybe an hour or two just talking with friends and whatnot, nothing else. It's a waste of $5 for me nowadays. And pay by the hour would get some F2P people to come and check out Members for a short period without having to pay the full cost. Jagex would still have to offer the pay by month as well. And they definitely could program this into the website and game itself (To tell you how much time you've spent, etc.)




Good idea :)

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Hourly memberships, or even 10 hours... nope :?


In 10 hours you'd hardly have enough time to, for example, buy some member items, have fun with them, do a quest and start training a skill and then have time to sell the items back.




I'd stick to monthly.


Runescaper since June 2005


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I'm glad this is getting some good discussion.




The idea in no way is designed to replace the existing monthly members subscription, but is designed to give some players a lower cost entry into members, almost as a trial to see how much they like it.




Per hour is actually easier to work out than per day or per week, because the day/week cutover is hard to define across different time zones. The monthly option also has this issue to a certain extent, but the payment automatically rolls over, so doesn't really affect anything. But a by day could easily see someone having a day deducted for being logged in for 10 seconds at the end of a session.




The cost should be large enough to still make the monthly subscription valid for a majority of players, but low enough to get enough gameplay in for the same as a monthly cost. 50c per hour would give you 10 hours of gameplay before you hit the $5 mark. Seems reasonable to me.






Oh, and the 'average' I used was just to put out an example.

WARNING: Prone to ramble ... but you probably already know that!


1% F2P : 99% RL

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The current subscription method is rather outdated.expect mmos in the future to adopt the time is money method,people who have time pay in the native gaming currency and people who have the money pay in real world money.it can be explained better but thats it basically

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5 bucks aint much in the first place if u cant afford to lose it i feel for you




I know $5 isn't much per month and it isn't for me but if you don't play enough to make the money worth it then you could be using that money somewhere better. It all adds up in the end.


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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