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��â�š���°:''Guide to Cooking and fishing'':��â�š���°


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Hello out there people reading this. I have gone over the tip it skill guides and noticed that some skill guides do show and tell you where to train the skill, however some do not. It has come to my attention that fishing and cooking do not have training guides, so here is mine ::'




Okay you have just gotten off tutorial island, go up to the lumbridge bank and deposite everything apart from your net, now head off to draynor right next to the willows, this is where we will start.






Now before we get started, remember all the fish that you catch bank them! If you drop or sell them you will have nothing to level up your cooking later :shame:




1-5: Fish shrimps using your net, if you want to continue to fish shrimps until level 10 to fish herring, if not at 5 get out your fishing rod and bait and get reay to catch some sardines




5-10: If you started to catch Sardines at level 5 then continue them to level to, however if you stuck to shrimps until level 10 now is the time to switch.




10-20: From here until level 20 just keep fishing Sardines and Herrings, as it is random on which you get i suggest bringing 166 bait to get from exaclty level to to level 20, however you should have spares as this is calculated catching Sardines everytime.




20-40: Now off to barbarian village for soem fly fishing! When you achieve level 20 get some money, go to hicktons store and buy a Fly fishing rod as well as some feathers, you will need about 728 feathers at the minimum catching trouts, if not go kill chickens until you have enough.




Also when you achieve level 25 you are able to catch Pike at the same area with bait, however as you are only jsut able to catch them it is still to slow to get a good amount of xp so stick to trout. When you get to level 30 you can catch salmon as well as trout, this will increase your fsihing exp speed a fair bit, from to 20-30 you need to catch 178 trout.




40-50: Congratulations, you have achieved 40 fishing you can now fish lobsters! Now if you want to head off to fish lobsters on Karamaja(Free Play) or Catherbry (members). However at level 40 fishing lobsters will be quite slow and tedious so if you want i would suggest to keep catching trout and slamon until level 45, try lobsters again, if it is still to slow keep catching trout/salmon until level 50. Also when you get level 46 fishing you may wish to fish bass, they give the same exp each as a swordfish but are easier to catch.




50-62: Now you are able to catch Swordfish. I do not suggest this but if you wish you can try to fish swordfish (same areas as lobster, also in piscartos fishing coloney *PFC*). When you are catching swordfish you also have a chance to catch tuna, this can be quite slow so i do not suggest it. from 50 onwards you should be able to fish lobsters at a reasnoble decent pace so you can give them a shot, if not then back to fly fishing.




62+: Okay Congratulations, you have achieved 62 fishing, now go and complete the swan song quest!




Hopefully you are not neglecting your other skills, if you are then leveling fishing will be much harder because you won't be able to do swan song.






For those of you that do not know what it looks like this is it, open a world map to find a route there


















You should know where and how to fish monkfish now, these are the best experience in fishing in the entire game, better then sharks and better then fishing trawler mini game. Now you just keep fishing monkfish, these are quite good to make money from as when they are cooked they sell for 300-400each in Pk worlds such as 18, edgevill bank.




Now you decide wether you want to go for 99 or if you want to make a little more cash but a slower 99. The faster 99 is fishing monkfish then selling them cooked for 300-400each, or fish monkfish until level 76-82 and go on to fishing sharks which when cooked go for around 900each.




If you do decide to go fish sharks get to at least level 80 otherwise they will be to slow and you will just get frustrated. Continue to fish and bank until 99 or until you reeach your desired level \'






I have incorperated almost no members fish until level 62, i have doen this because before then all of the exp off the fish is really bad compared to the other stuff.




If you are a free player gonig for 99 then continue to fly fish and drop your fish or bank them to cook later until level 80 or so. Otherwise jsut fly fish to 99, see what works best for you.




By the way this may also be helpfull:


One inventory of Shrimps -1 space for the net = 270xp


One inventory of Sardines -2 spaces for the bait and rod =520xp


One inventory of Herring -2 spaces for the Bait and rod = 780xp


One inventory of trout -2 spots for feathers and rod =1300xp


One inventory of Salmon -2 spots for feathers and rod =1820xp


One inventory of Lobster -1 spot for the cage =2430xp


One inventory of Swordfish -1 spot for harpoon, or for members using barb tailed harpoon* =2700xp, 2800xp*


One inventory of Monkfish -1 spot for net =3240xp


One inventory of Shark -1 spot for harpoon, or for members using barb tailed harpoon* =2970xp, 3080xp*




Hope it helps...........


Now on to cooking :pray: =D> :pray:




Okay now with all that fish banked up, must be lots now lets get ready for 99 cooking or your desired level.




1-20: We are now going to cook all of the, shrimp, sardine and herring you fished.




20-40 We now cook all of the trout and salmon you fished to get to level 40( if you used fly fishing later on try to remember how many fish it took to get level 40 :-k )




40-62: This can be a bit boring but now we cook anything and everything you used to achieve level 62 fishing




62+: On to the monks, i suggest wearing cooking guantlents* whilst cooking monkfish.




Now contniue to cook monkfish until level 94, or when you run out of monks move on to sharks. Now with 95 and your remander sharks, hop down to the rouges den and lets get 99 cooking! :P




This could take a while but hey, if it means you get your first 99 or your first skill cape trimmed its definantly worth it :thumbsup:








Okay the cooking guide wasn't very detailed so i will clear that stuff up now.




[1.] Guantlents


[2.] Swan Song


[3.] Where to cook






[1.] Earlier when i was talking about Monkfish i said use the cooking Guantlents. No for those of you that do not know what they are ill tell you. They are one of three pairs of gloves you may chose to recieve upon completion of the FAMILY CREST quest. They make it less likly for you to burn food and with the right level impossible to burn some foods.


(For Family crest guide folow this link Family crest quest guide)




[2.] Now i did not mention above that you will need at least 62 cooking to do the swan song quest, soo hopefully every time you reach a marked out level you where cooking your fish up until level 62.


(For Swan song quest guide folow this link Swan Song Quest guide)




[3.] The best place to cook is in the rouges den right underneath the Burthrope pub, this is a great place to cook because there is a fire literaly 1 click away from a bank, this is a very popular palce to cook so you will have lots of people to talk to for sure.


( Click this for a map of the rouges den Rouges Den Map)








I hope this has helped anyone that is wondering about cooknig and fishing


from my past record i have probably missed out on a few things that you may think are vital to this guide, if so pelase PM me or post what you think needs to be there :wink:




I also would like to explain that because i am still fairly new to making threads on the tip it forums i still don't know how to add pictures, put lists in etc..... so if you know could you pelase post and tell me lol




Also if you post a rating could you also give your opinion on if the Tip. It crew should add training areas to all of the other skill guides, a very big thanks for reading as this is longish




And just cause he looks awsome i have to put this smily in, sorry if it bothers you lol :notalk:


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pretty good guide but at 62 fishing monks is pretrty slow...




to add pics, find a button on your keyboard called "print screen" sometimes abreviated as prnt scrn. when you have that, get to the window you want to take a picture and press that. paste it in paint. now see in the corners of the paint window those little black squares? pull those til they around only the area you want. then save that and go to a uploading site like http://imageshack.us and click your pic to upload.


Then when you've got a uploaded pic, choose the very bottom link that says direct link to image. copy that and paste it and put ["img"] in front of it and ["/img"] behind it. Remember to take off the quotation marks.


pm me for more help in other stuff.

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Actually fly-fishing in Shilo is proven to be the fastest xp in the game at higher levels.



Isnt barbarian fly fishing faster? :-s






No, from the shilo spot you can SEE the bank on ur minimap. Theres also a store nearby bank to buy feathers/rods and sell fish if you want exp only.




Anyways, catching monkfish isint good exp, its profitable, but not good exp. Sharkies, is just plain horrible. You should do the suggesed fish, then lobsters all the way to 50-60. Then fly fish at shilo. Swords,monks, and sharks are for profit only, and are horrible exp.












Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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Shilo is definitely the best xp in-game, and a decent profit. Probably will get a bigger profit from salmon and trout at level 80 fishing that sharks (per hour).




If you are F2P, going to a populated world such as 17 (F2P PKing) or 1-10, you will see people there that literally "beg" for fish. You can either give raws, or you can cook them and give cooked. I would suggest raws, then you get right back to fishing.



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Okay people i have gotten a few replies back about my monks theory and tihs is what i have to say.




At level 62fishing you can fish monkfish yes? well everyone is saying that it would jsut be to slow, you are probably right but if you want to start fishing them at 65.




I started fishing monks at 65 fishing and to my amazment i fished one inventory of monks (27) faster then i fished an inventory of lobsters (27). To make sure it wasn't just a fluke i tried it again, still faster, tried again same result. Therefor that brings me to the conclusion that at around that level you fish monks faster then lobbies, however that might jsut be for me :P




Another thing i saw mentioned, shilo Fly fishing. I have not put it in there becuase i did not actually bother to think about it and have never tried lol, but it sounds like a good place so i tried it out, very good results fast xp becasue banking is faster then dropping.




Yet another thing mentioned was that monks, sharks and swordies are only good to fish for profite, thats almost true. Sharks i say are fish made to be sold because they are to slow for the exp you get 110each for like 20seconds+ to catch = not worth it, however monks are great xp, great speed, and are also a good way to bring in money, from exactly level 62 fishing to level 99 fishing you have to catch 105,839. Now lets say (even though its like impossible) you cook every single one of those and then sell for 300each you end up with 31,751,700gp or if you sell for 400each you end up with 42,335,600gp, er go 31.7517 or 42.3356m, er go want a santa or two?




Also i saw someone mention guanlents (cooking) only effect sharks, lobbies and tuna well to tell you they effect all fish but those are the only fish that they help you to stop burning 100% at a lower level.




Thank you very much for all this feed back and all criticsm is much appreciated lol ::'


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Hey guys huess what, i have some good news! :D






A few minutes ago i learned how to put links and pics in so now i have added a few of these for more of your convienience, i have only put one pic in lol but if you want more please tell me of what part,




thanks :thumbsup:


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mate, getting 99 fishing not that simple =(


it's so boring, belive me, i went frm 62 - 94 at monks and it' mind numbing nobody talks, you've gotta ve ready for the spots to move (very common).


and cookings fun =P

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Nice guide. =D>




As for pictures and making the guide just look cooler ( :P ), here's a guide on how to use BBCode on these forums.

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

There's no place like

There are only 10 types of people

in this world: those who understand

binary and those who don't.

This statement is false.

$DO || ! $DO ; try

try: command not found

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