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Ask me about stuttering.


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Did you stutter all the time or just randomly during speech?




When I do stutter, it's usually on the very first word. I can carry out a long sentence and I will usually just stutter on the very first letter of the first word - I usually just need that "kickstart" and then I'm rollin'. :P




I seem to have a bit of a problem with letters like "B" and "P". Ironically my first name starts with a "P". So when I'm introducing myself I will usually say, "My name's Patrik" or, "I'm Patrik". If I just say my name and only that, chances are I will have a minor stutter.




My biggest enemies are vowels though. I remember when we had to read aloud in school, like a sentence or a piece from a text, I'd always check to see if my sentence started with a vowel or not.


A good technique that might feel a bit weird though, is if you put a small, almost soundless "H" (almost like a small sigh) in front of the word you're going to say. Like "(hh)I'm pleased to meet you". It softens up the vocal cords, so you will most likely not stutter. Takes some practice though but it works very well.


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So is this why you never came on Skype with me and Andy?




If you don't stutter when you sing, could you not.. I dunno pretend to sing a sentence? Yeah that doesn't make much sense. Sing it first, repeat it a few times and then gradually go to talking?




I know what you mean about kids being cruel... Had a friend in High School called Andy who had a terrible stutter. First few years it was quite bad, but it gradually went away. He still stuttered occasionally but it wasn't as noticeable. We called him A-A-A-A-A-Andy... Luckily he had a sense of humour and took it in good spirit. In fact he was a very nice kid. Kinda wonder where he went... Think he went to work on a farm. :/


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So is this why you never came on Skype with me and Andy?




If you don't stutter when you sing, could you not.. I dunno pretend to sing a sentence? Yeah that doesn't make much sense. Sing it first, repeat it a few times and then gradually go to talking?




I know what you mean about kids being cruel... Had a friend in High School called Andy who had a terrible stutter. First few years it was quite bad, but it gradually went away. He still stuttered occasionally but it wasn't as noticeable. We called him A-A-A-A-A-Andy... Luckily he had a sense of humour and took it in good spirit. In fact he was a very nice kid. Kinda wonder where he went... Think he went to work on a farm. :/




Partly that, partly because my spoken English is quite bad, but mostly it's because I honestly don't understand what the hell you're saying most of the time. :P I do remember being on Skype with you two some time ago and I was basically just a big question mark the entire time. No offense, of course! :P I just think Scottish English is very hard to understand most of the time. I have skyped with some people here on TIF though, so I don't completely dismiss the idea - but yeah, I'd rather just talk through msn.




And stuttering doesn't really work like that. I would most likely stutter anyway, so I don't think it'd make a difference to be honest. Besides, the only situation it would really be useful would in be when it's something pre-decided, like a public speech or something, when you know exactly what to say.




Not stuttering while singing and acting is very common. The reason for that is because certain conditions are "fluency enhancing", since they use areas of the brain that aren't exclusively speech-driven (mostly the right-hemisphere), so what you're doing isn't strictly speaking, per se, and thus you aren't likely to stutter. Several well-known singers and actors stutter (Marilyn Monroe for example) so there's definitely some truth to that theory.




And really, don't make fun of people for stuttering. Even if he's a close friend and even if he seems to just laugh it off every time. Chances are it annoys him, but he doesn't want to seem like a "prude" so he pretends like it's as funny to him as it is to you. :)


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I was just wondering how your therapist helped you overcome the stutter and if you had any experience with lisps. I've got a "mild" lisp, it only kicks in randomly or if I have to read out a large block of text, and I'd love some tips on getting rid of it.

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I was just wondering how your therapist helped you overcome the stutter and if you had any experience with lisps. I've got a "mild" lisp, it only kicks in randomly or if I have to read out a large block of text, and I'd love some tips on getting rid of it.




Basically just talking about it helped a lot, really. Also teaching me different techniques; breathing is important, the "silent sigh" thing I explained earlier etc. But I believe I just grew out of it myself mostly. Lots of people who begins to stutter at an early age just gets better and better the older they get.




And no, I don't have any experience with lisping, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. Like I've said, if it bothers you a lot, then perhaps see a speech therapist about it? You can probably find some information if you google it as well.


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I have a question. Sometimes when I go to say something it gets all gumbled up. And I have to restart me sentence. It actually happens alot. Is this considered stuttering and should I get a Speech Theropist. I think its getting worse as I age.




EDIT: And would this have anything to do with my Dislexcia. (Horrible Spelling)



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I have a question. Sometimes when I go to say something it gets all gumbled up. And I have to restart me sentence. It actually happens alot. Is this considered stuttering and should I get a Speech Theropist. I think its getting worse as I age.




EDIT: And would this have anything to do with my Dislexcia. (Horrible Spelling)




I'm guessing that would have something to do with dislexia. It's up to you whether you should go to a speech therapist. If it is getting worse, I reckon you should.


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I have a nice mix of speech problems :)


The main ones are a stutter(blocking) and a inability to pronounce the letters R and W. Throw in the fact that I have a soft drawl from living in Arkansas, and it's lots of fun :P


I had about 4 years of speech therapy to work around both of them, although neither of them work very well when I'm tired or not concentrating.


If I speak slowly, with alternate sentences/words also in my head I can catch a blocked word and switch it to something else, or use a word that doesn't have an R that I can't pronounce.


And, surprisingly, my slower speech makes people pay more attention to what I'm saying. It's weird if you ask my.




Btw, I prefer talking online than to real life. This whole post would have caused me a lot of difficulty, I would have had to use simpler words, and my sentences would be shorter as well.


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I have a question. Sometimes when I go to say something it gets all gumbled up. And I have to restart me sentence. It actually happens alot. Is this considered stuttering and should I get a Speech Theropist. I think its getting worse as I age.




EDIT: And would this have anything to do with my Dislexcia. (Horrible Spelling)




Could be verbal Dyspraxia but you are normally born with that I believe. Dyspraxia is similar in quite a few ways to Dyslexia, you might even have both. I am diagnosed with both.

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