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Samurai Abilities Need Work...


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So i was chillin in my room when i decided i wanted to chop some stuff up with my insane samurai skillz. I took a ruler from my desk (a real thin metal one), threw a wooden pencil in the air, and managed to chop it clear in half with the ruler.








I was astounded at my hidden samurai soul and continued to practice with my new wakizashi (a.k.a. short sword, a.k.a. my ruler). I got up from my desk chair and started slicing more wooden pencils in half. It was pretty sweet. So i decided to find out if i could cut paper.








I took a bookmark, threw it in the air, and sliced about halfway through it. It didn't seem to be working very well, so i tried it again but this time held onto it.








I swung my ruler and managed to hit myself in the thumbnail, causing instant pain and provoking me to utter various curses. I thought there was no damage, but i looked at it and it turned out i had actually cut clear through my thumbnail and that the skin under it was broken and bleeding. What a sight.








So i have set myself to honing my samurai abilities. Except I now keep my other hand behind my back.








Just an anecdote. You know this has happened to you too, peeps. Don't hide it. Being a samurai is OKAY. Though slightly dangerous if you're an idiot like me...

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The best way to practise swordsmanship is with a sparring partner. If you want to practise against a stationary object, look into iaijutsu, though a partner is still recommended for that. Iaijutsu against stationary objects is only to practise the technique, without actually working on the quick-draw duelling skill.








Now, since you don't actually HAVE a sword, you could try making one out of wood. A hardwood staff about 1" thick and 4'10" should be enough to simulate a katana. A wakizashi would be about 2'4" in total length, but that's not required.

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this one time...nvm








Pshhhhh... you can't just not tell us now demeige... unless i'm just being an idiot again and missing the joke or whatever...








yeah as tempting as a mock-up weapon sounds, zonorhc, i think i'm gonna have to stick with my ruler and wooden objects. cause i pretty much just hit stuff and call it samurai. It's more of a thing i do while waiting for the forums to load than something i would actually want to devote time to. Plus i'm already just so cool. You know how it goes.









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Now, since you don't actually HAVE a sword, you could try making one out of wood. A hardwood staff about 1" thick and 4'10" should be enough to simulate a katana. A wakizashi would be about 2'4" in total length, but that's not required.








Or if your not a carpenter just get a long piece of PVC pipe and make a ducktape hilt and tip.










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Did you actually cut through those things in half with a ruler? :shock: That's pretty damn nice for a first try (and with a ruler!). Sorry about your finger though... but keep practicing. :D One day you'll become a great Jedi or err... samurai. :P

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Well I didn't exactly slice all the way through them... they kinda just flew apart when i whacked them with the thin edge of the ruler. i figure that's close enough to samurai skillZ.








PVC pipe with a duct tape hilt... hmm. Too bad we don't have any around. Plus i can't cut stuff with it... i'll stick with my ruler and give it a duct tape hilt instead.

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Not a samarui story but...








I found my dads old numchucks(Sp?) and decided I'd give them a go in the backyard. Unfortunately, within 5 minutes or so I ended up in the fetal position clenching onto my groin for dear life. :(

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About a month ago I built myself a spear as part of a project for Ancient History. Cutting through bone is a VERY smelly job, even after you dry it out for two weeks. Spear works well though, for a six-foot piece of oak with a sharp piece of bone lashed to the top.








In other news, try getting some kendo lessons, or fencing. Fencing is fun.








Training weapons are easy to acquire. Just go to your local hardware store and buy the correct size of wooden dowel. Make sure it's either light or balanced to one end, though, or you'll strain your arms swinging it. Grab an extra one and pad both with a bit of foam and you and your friends can whack each other to your heart's content.

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Not samurai but one time I was sparring with my Tae Kwon Do teacher and stupidly charged in he side kicked me and I ended up on my back clear on the other side of the room people still havent gotten over that and it was a year and a half ago. More recently I was practicing my Bo staff form and hit myself in the face twice my nose was hurting for about a week afterwards.












I've always been into midevil and current Japan I have been learning the Japanese language and history(Japanese lv1 and East Asian Studies), I have tons of Japanese stuff in my room(including a Katana), and I've always wanted to go to Japan and learn their way to use swords and bows.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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i do fencing and once cleanly broke a foil (sword) on his leg when doing my ninja moves mwhaaaa








but i wanna buy a samari sword or those sets of 3 on a wall with a long,med and small 1

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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Thank you for the good laugh. :lol:








My brother has aquired a couple Katana's and whatever you call those wood practice sticks...




Him and his Friend like to play around with them.




His Friend also has a few as well as Cai's(spelling?)




It looks pretty cool to watch.








He and my brother are doing martial arts together




(mainly Korean martial arts)




My brothers just been doing it for a little over a year and I think his friend has been doing it for like 4 years maybe...




I just recently joined the school about two weeks ago.








Its alot of fun Though I wish there was a Japanese or Chinese Martial Arts instruncter where I live,since I AM part Japanese as well as Chinese.








Me and my brother tease his friend and we call him a Whasian wich is a white person who acts like an Asian.








Well now I will end my pointless Post... :D

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I bought myself a couple of Boktos (or whatever they're called, wooden solid katanas)), a Jo (4 foot stick) and Wadikazi (or whatever, the small sword), intending to go to a Kendo class. Never went. I also intended to buy myself a sword made out of bamboo (the ones that cushion the blow, rather than breaking someones arm). never did. I'll just stick with my karate i think ;)

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Yeah... I took fencing this year. But only cause my school makes us take a sport. Turns out i hated it. Actually hated it with a passion. Did everything i could to ruin my chance of getting a letter. Worked pretty well.








I think the best style of fighting is that with measuring tools. Mainly cause going out and getting something better sounds harder than training with a ruler wakizashi.








...Plus i won't weird out my mom.








...Or repel girls QUITE as much as i already do.

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Yeah... I took fencing this year. But only cause my school makes us take a sport. Turns out i hated it. Actually hated it with a passion. Did everything i could to ruin my chance of getting a letter. Worked pretty well.








I think the best style of fighting is that with measuring tools. Mainly cause going out and getting something better sounds harder than training with a ruler wakizashi.








...Plus i won't weird out my mom.








...Or repel girls QUITE as much as i already do.








Okay.. that's great but no need to bump 3 day-dead posts kplx.




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Not a samarui story but...








I found my dads old numchucks(Sp?) and decided I'd give them a go in the backyard. Unfortunately, within 5 minutes or so I ended up in the fetal position clenching onto my groin for dear life. :(








That is hilarious. I laught for about 5 minutes. Numchucks could hurt if u dont know how to handle them.

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