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M.C. Escher's "Drawing Hands" recreation


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This is my first piece of artwork posted at the Gallery. Cool! :D




I was assigned a research paper in my Drawing class, and I decided to do M.C. Escher. Part of the assignment was to recreate the piece, so I drew one of the hands in detail. The assignment in total was: a paper on M.C. Escher and the drawing itself, a recreation of the drawing, and an oral presentation on both the paper and the recreation. My class seemed to be impressed with the recreation (even though my oral presentation of the report was mediocre). I'll tell you all my grade once I get it.




Overall, I thought I did an okay job on the drawing. The veins look slightly awkward and the knuckles didn't come out too good, but I think it's pretty good overall. Please comment, rate, leave constructive criticism, etc. Do your thing, and be honest. Hope you like it! :)





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heh I've drawn my own hand before...






... it was the one I was drawing with. :lol: (I was bored).








As far as the drawing goes, I like it. Great shading on the hand. It's a bit of an odd angle but looks fine to me.






Good job, why haven't we seen more drawings from you on here?

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Thanks you guys. This is the original piece by M.C. Escher for reference:








I've never really taken the time to post here. I also just started getting into drawing and art, so yeah. That might be it. :P




Oh and BTW, it looks pretty cool if you guys look at the hand from a distance.

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Id say you painted it very well. =D>




Also love the original piece!


It's a drawing. ::'




Lol, that's muy nice btw.


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Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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For a recreation of the original work, you did a good job at capturing the shading.




However, I'm wondering what the educational benefit of "copying" artwork is, I would think a better assignment would be to create artwork in the same style, not just copying the exact same thing.


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^ It is in the same style, isn't it?




LP: Thanks. I thought perspective was one of my weak points on this piece. But you didn't like the sleeves? I thought they were supposed to be a rough contour? You know, 2D progressing to 3D?




Overall, I'd say I did an okay job, but it's definitely not my best. More to come!

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^ It is in the same style, isn't it?





Yes but also the same exact object, same style would be similar shading but completely different object, such as a foot, object, or just something that would not classify as a copy. This would in turn really use your ability to draw something new under a given style. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

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