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My nearly 100% correct theory. WE set summon prices =D


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If the tems are tradeable on the GrEx than they will be subject to supply and demand. If they are set in the stores only than it will be just like hunter where Jagex DOES control the price. ALways worked before, why should it change now (rhetorical). \' \' \'

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1. Jagex is battling RWT.


2. This and last months updates have been focused around stopping RWT.


3. A main method of RWT is intentional PKing.


4. Dangerous wildy monsters


5. Bounty hunter: dangerous PvP killing where the players get the opposing players loot.


6. Wildy gravestones (wtf?)


7. Clan wars...nuff said







makes sense



Member of 100+ Korrupted Fury

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Well news from Mod Mark says that JaGEx won't set Summon item prices:




Finally, a note to those worried about profit opportunities on newly-released objects. Although we will have to set a generous starting price, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule of the Grand Exchange (see the relevant Knowledge Base article) will be waived to allow for greater price movements. This means there will be greater opportunities for profit on new items.
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So what will make the wildy dangerous anymore? I'll tell you, jagex will throw in a few high level "spiritual" monsters here and there and call it a day.




You have OBVIOUSLY never met one of these things. They are a bigger threat than PKers were. At least there are some honorable pkers, these ghosts kill you even if you are just killing dragons or RCing. Ruthless. They can TB, Freeze, Poison, and hit hard. Not easy.

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Finally, a note to those worried about profit opportunities on newly-released objects. Although we will have to set a generous starting price, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule of the Grand Exchange (see the relevant Knowledge Base article) will be waived to allow for greater price movements. This means there will be greater opportunities for profit on new items. Once a price has been established on those new items, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule would be re-instated.




Thanks for reading!




Mod Mark




Quick find code: 15-16-60-54777436





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Well news from Mod Mark says that JaGEx won't set Summon item prices:




Finally, a note to those worried about profit opportunities on newly-released objects. Although we will have to set a generous starting price, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule of the Grand Exchange (see the relevant Knowledge Base article) will be waived to allow for greater price movements. This means there will be greater opportunities for profit on new items.






That is amazing news, as I am planning to get a high summoning level. maybe 99, and this gives me even more incentive to get it =]

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I just wanted to make a post about the concerns some of you have about the value of objects in the Grand Exchange. Now, in some cases, the prices just started off completely wrong, despite the months of research and data gathering we did before launching the Exchange. We will be correcting those starting values as soon as we can. In the remaining 99% of cases, the prices are moving because of the following reasons:






Selling objects is now much easier and less time consuming; therefore, more objects are on the market.






Buying objects is now much easier and less time consuming, therefore, there are more offers for objects.






Affecting the buying and selling market in this way means a quicker movement of price.






Rapidly moving prices generates a 'fear of loss' and a 'need for profit' in the market and will often result in panic buying or selling, especially from a market who are used to prices remaining fairly static.




LetÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s take maple logs as an example.




Lots of players have lots of maple logs because of the reward from the Throne of Miscellania quest. These people have used this reward to get tree seeds, but have generated all these maple logs as a by-product.




When we released the Grand Exchange, many of these players put all these spare logs up for sale. It takes no effort to do this, unlike posting in the Marketplace Forum or standing at a bank and shouting ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åselling maple logsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Finally, a note to those worried about profit opportunities on newly-released objects. Although we will have to set a generous starting price, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule of the Grand Exchange (see the relevant Knowledge Base article) will be waived to allow for greater price movements. This means there will be greater opportunities for profit on new items. Once a price has been established on those new items, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ5% rule would be re-instated.




Thanks for reading!




Mod Mark




THIS IS AMAZING! I am so happy that Jagex decided NOT to ruin summoning by setting their own prices and keeping the 3k trade cap on them. 99 summoning here i come! \'




that's great, at least the initial price will not be controlled, but what happens if we discover a new use for an item in summoning? when hunter first came out red chins sold for 300 ea. a couple of months later everybody found out how to powertrain range with them and the price shot up 2.5x the original price.




also...what happens if existing items get an upgrade? dragon axes used to sell for about 2 mil and most ppl didn't bother with them. then one day jagex decided to give it better wcing stats than a rune axe and they shot up to 2.5 mil. then when skill capes came out just a couple of months later they shot up in price again to well over 3mil.

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