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Solution: How JageX can fix GroupKilling


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This is how JageX can fix the group killing issue were people can't share the big drops of a trip.




(Like going to bandos, one guy receives bandos hilt but can't share the 40mil with the others in the group)










Lootshare fix.


Lets say 4 people go lootshare. A, B, C and D.


Every lootshare session is a new session, Instead of how it is now were your lootshare score is always remembered.


So person A get a dragon axe from DK's. Thats the only high level drop for their session. They all tele out. Now. The total value of all their drops for that session was 3.500.000 gp.




While still in lootshare mode (no one of them have turned it off) these people can now do a "split trade". Activated by everyone standing in the same area and right clicking the lootshare icon and select "Splittrade". Everyone in the area (thats in the lootshare group) will receive splitttrade request.




The total value of the trip was 3.500.000 gp. So thats the maximum that can be put up in the system. Pleyer A who got the dragon axe put up 3.1 mil. When everyone accepts the money put up by player A will be shared equally by all the members of the lootshare group.




A few things to note how to resolve abuse:


Only people in the AREA when the drop happen will add it to its score.


Logging out or turning drop trade off will reset your counter. (Leaving a clanchat will also result in your counter being reset.)


If your drops only counted for 10 000gp of the total value of 3.500.000gp on the trip you will ONLY be able to put up 10 000gp in the trade.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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Finally someone who looks for solutions instead of posting another rant. :D A nice solution by the way, not difficult on Jagex part to make. Ofcourse there are countless of solutions for the problem - as long as Jagex chooses one which has the bottomline that people can still fairly share the loot, they'll do just fine.

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Copied from my post on SODB too:




"Soon you will not be able to share drops because of the 3K trade limit. I think that a good idea to help monster hunters would be an "auto-GE-sell" option for drops with lootshare. Say two mages using lootshare at DK's get a dragon axe drop. If there is a buyer for a dragon axe in the GE it will auto-sell it for the highest offer there is. The money will then be deposited in their banks. If there isn't an offer for the item, the regular lootshare system will just decide who will get the drop. I think this could be a good solution for group monster hunters."




I like your idea too Fredz. <3:

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Finally someone who looks for solutions instead of posting another rant. :D A nice solution by the way, not difficult on Jagex part to make. Ofcourse there are countless of solutions for the problem - as long as Jagex chooses one which has the bottomline that people can still fairly share the loot, they'll do just fine.








It would be nice if people could get together and work on solutions in the new game frame instead of just bashing. I can understand that people are ranting. But the sooner people start looking for solutions the better.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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I very much agree and would highly suggest recommending this to Jagex




Thanks, I would do but it almost instantly disappear from the suggestions forum because it is currently flooded with rants. I wait until dust settles.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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Good idea.


i am sure they could, and will come up with similar solutions.


i just dont understand why they needed to release those new restrictions and upset so many people, without thinking of the impact it will have on some of the more popular aspects of this game.




Disappointing. :(


btw, i never participated in a group killing trip.

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Heres an alternative solution: since the game now has an official 'price range' for each item, drops can be substituted for coins (if desired). basically, if theres 3 of you KQ'ing you get an option on 'big' drops (items valued over 100k) whether you want the item OR coins, if you choose coins the value is distributed between all people who did damage over 10 percent of the total hitpoints. I'm fairly sure this is possible using the current engine.

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Heres an alternative solution: since the game now has an official 'price range' for each item, drops can be substituted for coins (if desired). basically, if theres 3 of you KQ'ing you get an option on 'big' drops (items valued over 100k) whether you want the item OR coins, if you choose coins the value is distributed between all people who did damage over 10 percent of the total hitpoints. I'm fairly sure this is possible using the current engine.




That would mean artificially high item prices. Things like killing Saradomin boss must be done with groups. And groups of that matter will always share drops. Hence they will 'never' introduce more of that item (saradomin hilt) because the group always choose money so they can share. That will lead to the price of the item going up, and thus you get even more money next time, it will be this circle were you never chose the item but always choose money because the item is tied to GE price.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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1)the DK's area is quite large. I don't know if the mage on one end will be in the range of the hybids meleing supreme on the opposite corner.




2) Another problem would be disconnecting from the internet, logging on, and finding that your team got an axe while you were gone. no split for you!




3) hybrids have to tele? that stinks, because the mage might be able to stay for another half hour, racking up 2 zerkers and an axe for himself.

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1)the DK's area is quite large. I don't know if the mage on one end will be in the range of the hybids meleing supreme on the opposite corner.




2) Another problem would be disconnecting from the internet, logging on, and finding that your team got an axe while you were gone. no split for you!




3) hybrids have to tele? that stinks, because the mage might be able to stay for another half hour, racking up 2 zerkers and an axe for himself.




boom! you hit us now we need a more intelligent lootshare/engine to stop those



99 wc come on :) seems so far

70 construction too close :D

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