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just made this while i was waitin for a friend to come over, i think it stands for a few things at one time, just tell me what you think of it and think it stands for at the end i'll list everything i saw it as standing for, and anything new anybody else found








anyways here it is: standout8cd.png










thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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ty :) yeah i sorta like being myself and don't try to be anybody else, although sum of my friends disagreed when i changed my style (how i dress u know) but if everybody is doin something, and you dont wanna then you shouldnt, follow what you believe in








so u pretty much hit the nail on the head, still everybody else pls comment id like to know what you think


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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it could stand for several things..








as if your going th wrong way in the stream..








going backwards..








trying to be different..








being yourself unlike everyone else








not afraid to have an opinion of your own.








being a christian (here they put a little fish on there car to show there christian )

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I love it. Simplicity always is a plus in my book. Anywho, here are some of my ideas.








--You dont follow the crowd








--You like to be iscolated and kinda shine in your own way...you like being alone. I do, people tick me off sometimes :lol:








--Genius: One in a million they say...








--One idea amongst a sea of others, the orange fish being the brilliant one...








--an orange fish on top of some grey fish. :? :x <-well i tried.... :)








Love it. Make a sig like this or one that has hidden meanings and multiple interpretations :) i'd like to see some more

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ty every1








or if you're a very pestimistic person, you can see it as a pile of dead fish with the recently captured one thats still alive?








and jab this idea took me a few hrs to come up wit, the creation took 10 min because it was small and pasting the same bland fish over and over then making one nice lookin one, but ill try sumore, mite make a sig of this soon


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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I think its a gold fish, and you wish to get gobbled up by little kids or people who watch their weight... or me :D












Looks nice.

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It looks like a goldfish that got GERBILIZED. Just kidding, whaddup king? Nice pixeellll its so cute, i have a friend that likes to eat goldfish, the crackers.








hm i think it would be reppin' individualism during the Rennaissance! shoot me if i spell that wrong.

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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the others in this world are all grey and dull, blending in and not going their own way or chosing their own things. but you are different. you are colourful and wanting to go your own way.








or it could mean you like being a loner :P


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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lmao every1 is right so far, sum are lil crazy but yeah ty every1 keep the posts comin :)








also hey princess long time no hear werd u go? nm new here sept my new change in style, smileys not people now.=)








also i made another one that i can postonce i get home, this wasn't as creative of an idea but symbolises what i think of society nowadays:




(will be posted once i get home)


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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wow, how inspiring and fabulous. Not.








Seriously.. please stop "searching" for an inner meaning in a picture like that and praising it. The concept took you..what...2 minutes? Drawing another 5. There is nothing special about it..

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This thread made me laugh... :roll:








And I agree with ColAvanor, there's nothing special about that whatsoever. The "idea" has been done so many times; several objects lined up, and one of them is painted in a different colour. Whoop-de-do. I bet it took you a whole two minutes of browsing through devArt to find a piece like that, and you thought to yourself, "wow dat lokks kewl i wna b kewl!11". Well, guess what, it doesn't.




I'd respect it if it had at least an ounce of originality in it...








Hah, teh paradox... you say you always try to be different, but yet, this suggests otherwise.
















// Azvi.


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actually i have only been on dev art like once or twic and never saw anything like this, so im sry if sum1 else already did something like this. i just tryed to do something that actually ment something to me other than a sig or sumthin i guess i wont try anything like this agian :roll:








as i said before the drawing was the easy part, it took me a while to come up with the idea, i never said i didnt think it was done before either, just about everything has been tryed it seems


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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My comment wasn't actually directed at you. (the "nothing special" part was...but then again perhaps only a few works of mine have been anything "a bit of special") It was against this..horde.. of pixel people who keep celebrating these minor feats. Or even more so against the whole concept... I HATE people who say they are different...they are the ones who are the GD clicḫ̩̉̉.

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ok i think i see what you're saying now ....








its not so much the difference part i was thinkin of when i made it, at first i made the fish swimming the other way grey. i also never said this was me at all, i could be one of the grey fishes, although i will do something that i want even if nobody else it, and enjoy being alone


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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