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The Doctrine of Estoppel


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A good read qeltar.


Am I the only one here who remembers this subject being the content of a rather controversial tip.it times article that was later removed due to threats of legal action? :uhh:

I remember it... Wasn't one of the guys who got banned RS name Limparse? In spanish that means "to clean oneself." Two years of spanish class, and that's the only useful application so far...
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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do I need to remind you of the average age of runescape players? and how stupid that comment is? Seeing as most players are from the ages of 12-16 who think snot is funny , farting is a reason to burst into laughter. You need to take into consideration how "mature" most of the players are.




I'm an old man and I still laugh every time I hear a fart. Especially in public.




OT: This is very similar to that article the Times had published about the banning of limparse, but Jagex got angry and threatened Tipit. Tipit ended up pulling the article down. In other words, I support your article, but it's nothing new.

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When I first read the person's thread I thought Jagex was quite harsh.




I do believe they are working on some name chaning idea and I hope it will be only for those who have offensive names and need to change it.


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

737th to 99 Hunter ~ 2nd July 2007

910th to 99 Agility ~ 28th January 2008

59,467th to 99 Defence ~ 23rd December 2009

92,762nd to 99 Hitpoints ~ 26th June 2010

102,704th to 99 Attack ~ 29th June 2010

144,091st to 99 Strength ~ 29th June 2010


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I knew people with perfectly good names get banned for the same reason, just because someone thought they were offensive, although it is pretty clear that the player didn't intend for it to be offensive.




My RSN name is "eugenyg". It comes from the combination of my first and last name. When I registered it, no issues ever came up. It was not censored in the first 5 years. But now, the new filter thinks that the "nyg" part is the abbreviation of the N-word, and nobody is able to say my name without it being censored, either in-game or on the forums.




I have no trouble believing that with the amount of snitching wannabe mods I'd sooner or later score the "too many" factor, and be automatically blocked, maybe even given Jagex's "kind" compensation.




I don't want your stinky compensation, Jagex. I want to know the following:




- Why are you interpreting doubtful cases towards the guilt of the player? Any justice system always gives the accused the benefit of doubt, but in your world, everyone is guilty if they cannot prove themselves innocent (and even then they can be declared guilty, just because).


- Why are you applying rules retroactively? No legal system in the world applies punishment retroactively (punishing for doing something when it wasn't illegal), because this violates principles of fundamental justice.


- Why are you not allowing any chance for a player to correct their own name, or other ADEQUATE compensation. Offering a month's worth of membership and transferring your own items is a spit in the face. "Be glad they let you do even that"? Huh? It's like a rape victim coming to the police, and getting the response "be glad you just got raped and not killed too, now get lost".




This is just one example when you display completely uncaring attitude towards your own players. "He didn't know it, too bad." "It wasn't offensive then, too bad". "The compensation is laughable, too bad".




Everything is "too bad". Too bad for the player.




We've had enough, Jagex.




Yes, it is your game. Yes, you have the *legal* right to do whatever you want because that's what the agreement says.




But how long your players, your customers, those who pay you money, would tolerate your kangaroo justice?




How long will your players tolerate being spit in the face over and over?




How long will your players keep playing in fear of being punished for your latest "great initiative"? How long will your players be the casualties of your crusade against whatever you are crusading that day?




We've had ENOUGH!




Your attitude is "love it or leave it", but guess what, maybe it's about time to exercise the second option after all.




As for Jagex's unfervented loyalists - go ahead, call me a noob and a whiner. Go ahead, say it's good riddance that I left. Go ahead, mock me.




But mark my words. The time will come, and you will be screwed over in your turn. You can close your eyes to the perverted system of justice Jagex is exercising in their domain, but only so long as it strikes other players and not yourself. But time will come, and one day you'll find that during another Holy Crusade you'll be the one who got nixed as an "acceptable casualty". And then it'll be your turn to quit and endure the mockery of the loyalist mob.

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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Amid all the crying, let us be reminded that actions have consequences. I guess some of you want a game where one can do as he pleases, yet not have to suffer the consequences. When someone selects an offensive name, such as the one in question, they must understand that it may result in untoward results; just like if someone wore a t-shirt with an offensive word or phrase to school. If you are going to do the crime, you must be willing to do the time. So quit all the crying and whining for someone who knew exactly what they were doing when they selected their name. :boohoo:

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Amid all the crying, let us be reminded that actions have consequences. I guess some of you want a game where one can do as he pleases, yet not have to suffer the consequences. When someone selects an offensive name, such as the one in question, they must understand that it may result in untoward results; just like if someone wore a t-shirt with an offensive word or phrase to school. If you are going to do the crime, you must be willing to do the time. So quit all the crying and whining for someone who knew exactly what they were doing when they selected their name. :boohoo:




Here's the thing, KrazyFaken never intended for his name to be offensive. It was a bunch of wannabe mods that reported his "offensive" name. The name is not even remotely offensive, you have to manipulate it several times before it becomes offensive. With this in mind the following names should be considered offensive:


































etc etc..




Where does the witch hunt end? All of these words are perfectly acceptable in everyday conversation, but leave it to someone with a perverted mind and you get an offensive word. Jagex should not be catering to this minority who see vulgarity in a name only to report it to boost their chances of getting their silver crown.




A very good read once again Qeltar.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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Amid all the crying, let us be reminded that actions have consequences. I guess some of you want a game where one can do as he pleases, yet not have to suffer the consequences. When someone selects an offensive name, such as the one in question, they must understand that it may result in untoward results; just like if someone wore a t-shirt with an offensive word or phrase to school. If you are going to do the crime, you must be willing to do the time. So quit all the crying and whining for someone who knew exactly what they were doing when they selected their name. :boohoo:




Here's the thing, KrazyFaken never intended for his name to be offensive. It was a bunch of wannabe mods that reported his "offensive" name. The name is not even remotely offensive, you have to manipulate it several times before it becomes offensive. With this in mind the following names should be considered offensive:


































etc etc..




Where does the witch hunt end? All of these words are perfectly acceptable in everyday conversation, but leave it to someone with a perverted mind and you get an offensive word. Jagex should not be catering to this minority who see vulgarity in a name only to report it to boost their chances of getting their silver crown.




A very good read once again Qeltar.

To true... But, what is so great about being a P-mod? Don't you just have one or two added abilities?
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Boy, we have a lot of naive people here. I know that some people inadvertently arrive at names that are considered offensive by others. But get real folks; most of these people knew exactly what they were doing. They are trying to get by with something and think that it is cute. In other words, they were willing to take the risk; and some of them got caught. Some of you think these are all just a bunch of innocents, but that is just either your ignorance or naivet̮̩̉̉. Or, maybe you yourself were previously banned for breaking rules and just want to support all other miscreants.




Nothing brings out the crying rags like someone suffering the consequences of breaking the rules.

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