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The future of the PS3 and the 360


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The system that has commercials that state "Do you want it?"




No thank you.




To start off the price tag is crazy. The system may be able to play blu-ray and have an amazing graphics system but I cannot pay 500 bucks for a game system.




Also the Games. What are the best games for the PS3:




-Resistance fall of man


-Ratchet and Clank


-Uncharted Drakes Fortune




There you go. Heavenly Sword was a remake of God of War. You don't screw with Kratos! :shame: :twisted:




All in all the PS3 is not doing to well at the moment. If they can throw out some good games anytime soon it may be worth it.




Games to look forward to:


-God of war 3


-Metal Gear 4












This is a great system. Amazing games, a reasonable price tag, and online multi player that does not suck.




Lets take a look at some of the good games for the 360.


-Call of duty 4


-gears of war


-mass effect




-halo 3


-rock band






Need I continue? On the [bleep]e videogame awards, all the game of the year contestants were on the 360. This is the best system out there. It has amazing games and is way better than the PS3.




Games to look forward to:


-Halo Wars


-Gears of War 2


-James bond








So what does the future hold for the systems? Post your thoughts here. :D

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Why did you post two games on the 360 side as 'great games' that are also available on the PS3?






If you're going to be biased at least try and hide it, damn. At any rate we have a huge thread for PS3, Wii or 360 and I'm sure another one somewhere about PS3 vs 360 and, well, this kind of topic is just old and all it results in are a bunch of fanboys hurling insults against each other. (most of the time which are simply un-true).


And, just so you know, I do currently support the 360 more than the PS3. However I can't stand blatent fanboyism like this

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Why did you post two games on the 360 side as 'great games' that are also available on the PS3?






If you're going to be biased at least try and hide it, damn. At any rate we have a huge thread for PS3, Wii or 360 and I'm sure another one somewhere about PS3 vs 360 and, well, this kind of topic is just old and all it results in are a bunch of fanboys hurling insults against each other. (most of the time which are simply un-true).


And, just so you know, I do currently support the 360 more than the PS3. However I can't stand blatent fanboyism like this


I agree. However, he does balance it out some by adding GTA4 to the list for PS3 but no to the 360 list.

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Getaway 3


Gran Turismo 5


Metal Gear Solid 4


Metal Gear Online (now part of the metal gear 4 package)








these are all exclusives (unless you count the crap Wii version of Afrika) and the games i will be buying. Its shame some of them arnt out now as my PS3 has been collecting dust for 5 months (and shiny surface collects a hell of alot)

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Since when was the Playstation 3 the future? Just because it's a powerhouse when it comes to hardware doesn't mean it does any good when it comes to gaming. Built for the future? I could apply that to any piece of gadget that does not sell well at this time. Chances are, by the time of "future" there will be an XBOX "720" and Wii "2" to compete with the Playstation 3.

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Since when was the Playstation 3 the future? Just because it's a powerhouse when it comes to hardware doesn't mean it does any good when it comes to gaming. Built for the future? I could apply that to any piece of gadget that does not sell well at this time. Chances are, by the time of "future" there will be an XBOX "720" and Wii "2" to compete with the Playstation 3.




Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.

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Since when was the Playstation 3 the future? Just because it's a powerhouse when it comes to hardware doesn't mean it does any good when it comes to gaming. Built for the future? I could apply that to any piece of gadget that does not sell well at this time. Chances are, by the time of "future" there will be an XBOX "720" and Wii "2" to compete with the Playstation 3.




Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.




Because two people is clearly enough for a dedicated survey.

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Since when was the Playstation 3 the future? Just because it's a powerhouse when it comes to hardware doesn't mean it does any good when it comes to gaming. Built for the future? I could apply that to any piece of gadget that does not sell well at this time. Chances are, by the time of "future" there will be an XBOX "720" and Wii "2" to compete with the Playstation 3.




Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.


First off, I don't think it would be fair to say that the PS3 would've beaten the 360 if they were released at the same time. PS3, at release, had a price-tag that was pretty unreasonable for people who don't have a ton of money to spare. It also wouldn't have taken long for people to realize that the exclusive list for 360 was superior (in my opinion and the opinion of a lot of people I know, at least) to that of the PS3. The PS3 is still not good. It has the potential to be good but not much more than the potential of the 360. It has good hardware and graphics but I don't really care about that. I want good games. The 360 gives me that. The PS3 doesn't and probably won't for a while.




Secondly, I hate it when people say the 360 breaks a lot. The fact of the matter is, if you took care of it, it wouldn't. I don't know anyone in real life that has had a 360 that's broken. If we're going to go on the two person survey here:




Friend #1: My friend Bryan bought a 360 the day it came out. Used it all the time. Obsessively. He has fifty to sixty games and 50,000+ gamerscore. His 360 still works perfectly today.




Friend #2: Davey. Also got his 360 the day it came out. He was rather careless with it. He was taking it to a friends house in a cheap gift bag and it fell onto concrete. Albeit the drop was not too long, it still survived. It also still works today.

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ok it's barely after ps3's first year


this is after 360's 2nd year


what major exclusive did 360 have to offer after it's first? not just a game you think is good, a game that sells over a million copies


gears of war is probably it, in comparison the only standout on ps3 of that level is resistance.




360 released nov 05




bioshock aug 07


mass effect nov 07


halo 3 sept 07


these top of the line games were released about 2 years after 360's release




now by ps3's 2nd year it should have or about to release


Metal Gear Solid 4


Final Fantasy XIII and Versus


Gran Turismo 5


which in comparison as marketable titles is just as good if not better as bioshock, mass effect, and halo 3




Also I know it isn't fair to say ps3 would beat 360 if they were released at once but in reality, ps3 first year and 360 first year are selling near identical. Note that ps3 has wii and 360 to compete with while 360 had NO competition.






does this sound like i believe the ps3 is better? i know for certain, that the 360 is the system to get as of now


it's titles blow the ps3's current lineup out of the water, but ps3 isn't dead. it hasn't had it's time to release it's knock out titles




my 360 will still be the main one plugged into the tv


btw please no more fan boys creating comparison threads


it offends my eyes




@ no_one


microsoft admitted it was about 33% of 360's would have rrod


now why would they offer to fix it for free if it was the owners careless fault?


1/3 is ALOT


fortunately i have not had the problem


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^ That's great and everything, but its not like the 360 is just going to stand still and do nothing this next year -- it has plenty coming out as well.






PS3 fanboys always seem to forget this tibit. The sad truth is the PS3 will ALWAYS be lagging a years worth of titles behind the 360.






Releasing a console at the right date is very important. For example, the dreamcast was released at a poor time. It was released too early and the PS2 just came out with far superior spec's and dominated it. However, in the 360 vs PS3 case the PS3 came out too late. It would have been fine, except that it came out and had roughly the same graphical capabilities as the 360 did, cost more, and had less appealing titles.

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^ That's great and everything, but its not like the 360 is just going to stand still and do nothing this next year -- it has plenty coming out as well.






PS3 fanboys always seem to forget this tibit. The sad truth is the PS3 will ALWAYS be lagging a years worth of titles behind the 360.






Releasing a console at the right date is very important. For example, the dreamcast was released at a poor time. It was released too early and the PS2 just came out with far superior spec's and dominated it. However, in the 360 vs PS3 case the PS3 came out too late. It would have been fine, except that it came out and had roughly the same graphical capabilities as the 360 did, cost more, and had less appealing titles.




360 also has an impressive line up


like halo wars, fable 2, ninja gaiden 2, and too human


i only posted the ps3's next year line up because the creator of this thread is spitting on the ps3




to be honest, i believed 360 was rushed and released too earlier but other than the RRoD, that proved ingenius




ps3 has alot of developers working for them, it's just that throughout the first year of ps3, you could still see new games coming out for ps2 because they were already in the works when the ps3 wasn't released yet


if sony wanted to get the ps3 out there then they should have released those games for ps3, not ps2


games like persona 3, god of war 2, or they wait two weeks to release final fantasy 12 the same date as ps3 on the ps3


simple business moves




while if you look at gamecubes and xboxs shelf, minimal new games were being released and they have already moved to this generations systems


so sony is currently being run by monkeys, get the suits back in




saying always is kind of pushing it when it's merely speculation




I never said ps3 would win this generations system wars, nor did i say 360 would because it'd just be me guessing while i have too little information to say one or the other




btw rachet, get your info before you actually post


i just had a quick glance again and gta is released on ps3 and 360


call of duty, rock band, GH, gah my head is exploding


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It's like PS2 and xbox, PS2 was more popular, better games xbox arrived late, less people wanted it as they had a PS2. At the end of their shelf life they both turned into popular consoles. Im guessing this will happen with the PS3 and xbox 360, you can't judge the consoles after a couple of years on the shelf, wait until the end of their life.

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people exaggerate the price tag of the ps3, when ever these topics come up they always refer to the price it was when it first hit the shelves -.-




Seriously the PS3 is no longer that expensive.

We can breath in space, they just don't want us to escape

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Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.








Oh, wait.

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Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.








Oh, wait.





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Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.








Oh, wait.








Same to you.

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Next gen xbox and wii will compete with next gen playstation, not playstation 3. The only reason why xbox sold more consoles than ps3 is because it was released a lot earlier, many people already got themselves an xbox and there was no point of buying another console. If they were released at the same date, ps3 would surely beat xbox 360. Not only that, but xbox 360 breaks a lot more often (RROD, anyone?), my friend is on his third one, while my other friend is still on his first ps3.








Oh, wait.












I don't know about you guys...but screw this debate. Lets just sit tight for the Xbox 1080(or 720 :P) and the playstation 42 :roll:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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LOL, only a 360 fan would post this...Lets put in the fact the the 360 has already maxed itself on graphics and considering what I hear from Halo reviews (the only game supposedly for 360), reviewers saying nothing new here...




Now, with the ps3, not even tapping its full potential...Yea I think its worth $500 \'

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