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Wrong AGAIN, Jagex... Calculus 101 revisited?


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Instead of proving you're a capable mathematician, try thinking a bit more like a politician and analyse the psychology behind Jagex's decision.




This seems more like a 'step in the ocean' than a radical change they'll stick to. I get the sense they want to increase this limit up slowly but surely, whilst keeping a wide eye on the RWT population.




Let's be clear - something has to be done about RWT and this is the only practical solution anyone can think of.




Instead of bad-mouthing Jagex for their flaws, try and come up with solutions to what is a pioneering approach to RWT in the MMOG industry.




We actually discussed this on mIRC before. Realistically, we need to have a maximum limit of around 1M gold pieces @ Maximum QP per hour in order for RWT to be hit hard whilst maintenting some sort of free trade for legitimate players. This would work out at around 5K GP per QP, whilst at the moment Jagex are offering just 100-125GP. Clearly, there's a huge difference and I strongely feel this gap will shorten as Jagex become more confident they're on top of RWT.




This is a step in the right direction, no doubt about it. Let's not overcriticise Jagex on a decision which shows great maturity, wisdom and character.

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Instead of proving you're a capable mathematician, try thinking a bit more like a politician and analyse the psychology behind Jagex's decision.




This seems more like a 'step in the ocean' than a radical change they'll stick to. I get the sense they want to increase this limit up slowly but surely, whilst keeping a wide eye on the RWT population.




Let's be clear - something has to be done about RWT and this is the only practical solution anyone can think of.




Instead of bad-mouthing Jagex for their flaws, try and come up with solutions to what is a pioneering approach to RWT in the MMOG industry.




We actually discussed this on mIRC before. Realistically, we need to have a maximum limit of around 1M gold pieces @ Maximum QP per hour in order for RWT to be hit hard whilst maintenting some sort of free trade for legitimate players. This would work out at around 5K GP per QP, whilst at the moment Jagex are offering just 100-125GP. Clearly, there's a huge difference and I strongely feel this gap will shorten as Jagex become more confident they're on top of RWT.




This is a step in the right direction, no doubt about it. Let's not overcriticise Jagex on a decision which shows great maturity, wisdom and character.




+1. Jagex is doing this right in two ways:




1. They are listening to players for suggestions instead of doing it themselves.


2. They are doing this step by step. If they just lump in more updates which they think will solve the problem but end up losing more players, it will be really bad for everyone.

~ W ~



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Single combat PvP, supposedly similar to the wild, is coming, and they are making the GEX more dynamic...




It can't be that similar to the wild or it will allow RWT. I hope they can come up with something that is fun but still prevents RWT, because if they can't, the new minigame won't be fun. Guaranteed. Just think about it, the wildy would have made RWT quite easy. Now think of a way to change the wildy style single player combat, in a way that leaves the play experience very similar but makes RWT nearly impossible. Inspiration hit you yet? I'll let you know when it hits me. I'm still not convinced that people won't figure out how to RWT using BH, let alone a single player variant.




I get a nice drop from a clue scroll worth around 2 million, but lo and behold, I have one already and my friend does not... Lets asume for a second that the percentage of the GEX you can make profits on per trade stays at the 5% it is now...




2m minus 30k is 1.970.000


2m minus 5% is 1.900.000




My friend is better off buying it from the GEX then he is getting it from me, does that not sound wrong to you?... The switch between buying from me and buying from the GEX being more profitable happens at 600k, as 5% of 600k is 30k...




Two things:




#1 This doesn't involve calculus.




#2 This assumes that the item is instantly available at minimum price. This is a bad assumption, you should assume that the item is available at market price, items have been largely available at minimum price only because of bad price floors and bad initial prices taking a while to sort out, facts that presumably won't be an issue by the time this change happens. This bad assumption pretty much eviscerates your entire point. Not that I understood much of the rest of your post, but it seemed to depend on this assumption somehow.




You better plan on a major crash of the economy, where all prices fall back to their alch value, otherwise your update still kills the 'free' trading system... And that is even without considering that the 30k limit is only allowed once per 15 minutes, and trading at the GEX can potentially be done instantaneous...




Free trading = RWT is easy, that is dead forever and intentionally.




1 week: 5%


2 weeks: 10% (meaning you can buy an item worth 2 m for 1.8m from a friend, but remember you can trade only once per 15minutes)


1 month: 25% (2m vs 1.5m, 20m vs 15m, and 32k vs 2k cuz of the 30k minimum depending on qp ofc)


6 months: 50%


1 year: 100%




This is a bad idea, leaving RWTers on your friends list is too easy to do. This suggestion would lead to massive amounts of RWT.

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To be honest, the cap should be raised to 200k every 15 minutes for trades and the duel arena. It would take forever as Real World Item Trading deals in millions and not ks.. :wink:




That's true, i never sold under 1m


sold a few 100m, 50m, and 20m at a time but i didn't do much under those at once.




oops :-#


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is a Calculus 101? Calculus is like Math 123 or something... there's a MATH 101.




I don't know if I agree with the percentage. The point is to stop people who know each other from giving each other good deals, or else they could just use that to transfer money quickly.




100k per 15 minutes is reasonable though. That amounts to 400k an hour, if both people have put countless hours into quests and skills.




Honestly, the Calculus class number would depend on the college/university you attended. And Calculus 101? that could simply translate to Calculus I, being differentiable calculus, which has absolutely nothing to do with this whatsoever.




OT: I almost laughed out loud when I heard they were raising the limit to 30k if all quests were completed. They make it sound like such a dramatic change. "ten-times what it is now" lol. I was thinking that that would not satisfy most people, though it did satisfy more people than I originally thought.

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Its a step in the right direction, but seriously why would a gold farmer waste maybe half a year or longer on getting all the quest requirements and quests only to transfer 300k per 15 minutes.


Meh, maybe they want pretty much all of the goldfarmers gone before they make the number larger.




Anyway it isnt very profitable or usefull to have 30k gp per 15 minutes for max questpoints.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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I'm still in favor of a percentage difference rather then a cold hard number per 15 minutes...




Allow a trade once every 15 minutes on f2p, once every 10 on p2p, and increase the slots you have on the GEX to double what it is now...




On top of that, the percentage difference on what is on the left and right screen should indeed be done by participation of the game:




1% for every 10m xp


0.05% for every quest point


5% for the ammount of years you've been a member




this would put me on


2% + 11.6 + 10% = 23.6% trade difference, allowing me to buy items worth 10 mil from my friend for ~7.6m




This is ofcourse just an example, and for a casual player like myself this is more then doable... Also more factors can be put in, like Achievement Diaries, Minigames, and what not...

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Fellow qp cape owner here.




I can throw around 1 mil if I wanted to. 30k is what I can make doing nothing. Jagex must believe qp owners are like lvl 20, where 30k IS worth something.

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Formula revised!




((Total XP)/3m + (QP + (Total Level - 32) + (Combat Level - 3))/100 + (Trades Completed (Value > 9,000 gp) + Duels Completed + Players Killed)/150) * 3,000




Which for OmniIcyshelf means (7.3 + 11.9 + ~3.3) * 3,000 = 67.5k/15 min




Which for WcGoldFarmer (Let's say 85 wc) means (1.1 + ~.8) * 3,000 = 5.7k/15 min




Review pl0x?

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