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Bounty Hunter is HORRIBLE!


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Actually, its virtually the same.




Real wilderness:


*I walk in*


*3 minutes pass*


*I get tbed, frozen, and ddsed by 5 people who are all ten or more levels above me, dieing to the sounds of 'gf son' and 'u tried'.*






*I walk in*


*40 seconds pass*


*I get tbed, frozen, and ddsed by 5 people who are all ten or more levels above me, dieing to the sounds of 'gf son' and 'u tried'.*




Anyone care to enlighten me on the differences? Oh, wait, you can't loot in BH... [/sarcasm]




Ok but i'm sayin why does it have to be MULTI-COMBAT. And they should make it so you can't choose to be a rogue or a bounty hunter. I mean seriously, makin it multi just opened the door for clans to just gang up on 1 person. At least in the wild i could go in a non-multi place and not die in like 5 seconds and get binded.




I just don't see the point of it being multi-combat





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Its pointless to have a team when you can barrage and dds. Its pointless to send a clan of 4 people to fight that barrager and dds...




Anyways, the 15 people in a clan thing is out of hand.




Anyone got 99 mage+ancients to take them out? lol

Pretty much done with rs now

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The last time I was on a serious trip in the wild it was part of a warrior escort for a couple level 3 clue people (actualy it was 5). The idea was that we could get some split of the loot and have fun if we kept them all alive and safe from clans. We encountered (and overpowered) 2 large groups. I would have been the 2nd weakest in attendandance and 2 of our number were 90+ mages. I think we were 20 strong with teh clue guys and we still had troble coping with the groups that kept running into us.




Bounty hunter is the same accept now you subject your self to the mercy of clans knowing full well they will be there. Before there was a chance of evasion.

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the main reason im guessing that jagex removed the wild is cuz of the large trades that people do by letting there opponent kill them while they are holding large amounts of cash.




that is why with bounty hunter it isnt 1 on 1, and although i hate it, i think they did pretty good at attempting to remove the wild. thats also why the persons u are going to attack is random. i think jagex will change it to be a little more fair or make a new additional fighting area.




all u can really do is find a large group to go fighting with or stay out of there

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I guess the problem is that which has always been there, clans.. They will always be around, and you were told CLEARLY "Don't take ANYHTING into the arena you arn't prepared to LOSE!" This is as much warning as anyone needs, you didn't lose much, and you learned a lesson. Yeah, BH is a bit rubbish, I'm sure there are alternative ways to have fun though, go to castlewars, or pestcotrol.. or one of the other many RS mini-games.




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"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn't exist".

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the main reason im guessing that jagex removed the wild is cuz of the large trades that people do by letting there opponent kill them while they are holding large amounts of cash.




that is why with bounty hunter it isnt 1 on 1, and although i hate it, i think they did pretty good at attempting to remove the wild. thats also why the persons u are going to attack is random. i think jagex will change it to be a little more fair or make a new additional fighting area.




all u can really do is find a large group to go fighting with or stay out of there




that makes sense. i can't wait for their new pvp system in the 1st half of the year :)





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Your stats are horrible, what did you expect?




True, there are several changes that jagex could make to fix bounty hunter, but complaining about dying when you have 70hp and no defense in a highly dangerous area is a joke.




woah woah woah. You just come at me like that outa nowhere. What are your skills then? -.-'





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With a few minigames similar to BH I think the wild could be restored to its original "fun-ness"




The first thing would probably be a free for all multi combat area which would end up like the BH of now with clans owning single people and free for all clan wars. With loot it could possibly be a lootshare kind of thing with over time it being shared evenly based on damage?




The next should be a free for all 1 on 1 arena (possible with level restrictions), which would end up being similar to the castle or edgeville of the previous wildy. However in order to restrict RTW, restrict it to only a few worlds so it's always crowded and you don't have the opportunity to stay fighting one person and not get pile jumped after. Maybe have one part with a 1 or 2 level diference cap (to emulate edgeville wild) one with a 15 level cap (to emulate giants or castle) and one without a level cap.




And finally I think the bounty hunter idea is a really good one but it needs to implemented better. Maybe it should be made so that, as someone sugested earlier, you are assigned to be either bounter hunter or rogue when you enter however it would need some sort of resitrction like only 10% of people being assigned rogue. Alternatively, they could make it so that you can only attack your target so that it essentially becomes a race between you and the guy trying to kill you.




Basically I think the wild can be just as good as it used to without it being used as a means to transfer items.

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Hmm lets see. In the old wilderness there was something called a 'Non-Multi Zone' you don't get hit by like 20 ppl there. You can 1on1 ppl fairly. That's why the wilderness was so great. It had places for clans to pk and places for ppl to pk solo.





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Wellll. I went bounty hunter pking yesterday and decided to go with a clan than solo. And this is what i got. I almost got killed a couple of times but....


It was worth it!






Maybe bounty hunter ain't that bad with a team?




I tried uploading the picture but imageshack wasn't working. Does anyone know of something else i could use? [/img]




EDIT. Nvm i got it to work. But i can't put it to full size. can anyone teach me how?





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If i remember correctly (i should since its only been like a week) there were always clans going around ganging up on people in the wild, aru


true but it was halfed with 1 vs 1 areas also. bounty is just a excuse of clan wars but with the option of reaping someone's gear.


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It's kind of obvious that clans would come here, they were in the wildy before.




Dont bring stuff you are willing to lose into BH.




I find it funnt how clans and teamers wear at LEAST 1/2 or 1/4 of their pk's wealth most of the time. I find it PRETTY fair.......yeah....sarcasm.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I guess i have to keep saying this. In the wilderness. there are Multi. and nonmulti areas. If you're pking solo. you can go to non-multi and not die by like 30 ppl in 1 hit. =].




Also. i pked yesterday and ttoday and got over 350k worth of stuff.


=D. I'll have a picture up soon





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