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Do you guys think its dieing?




I was a level 110, Christ_Like0 but restarted for black mark issues, now level 80 again.




And just wondering your opinion on runescape?




Think it will die soon?




Should I get members again?

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2 years and it will be dead.




What would you consider a dead game though?




Your merely stabbing in the dark here, since Jagex have stated that for the next 5 years Runescape will still be their major operation.


So you're implying that in 2 years they will lose millions of players, how do you predict this going about, assuming a dead game is no players in January 2009.


RSC has about 5k players and its been a closed game for almost 4 years already.

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2 years and it will be dead.




What would you consider a dead game though?




Your merely stabbing in the dark here, since Jagex have stated that for the next 5 years Runescape will still be their major operation.


So you're implying that in 2 years they will lose millions of players, how do you predict this going about, assuming a dead game is no players in January 2009.


RSC has about 5k players and its been a closed game for almost 4 years already.




That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server, Jagex asked for him to shut it down.




That was without advertising as well.

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2 years and it will be dead.




What would you consider a dead game though?




Your merely stabbing in the dark here, since Jagex have stated that for the next 5 years Runescape will still be their major operation.


So you're implying that in 2 years they will lose millions of players, how do you predict this going about, assuming a dead game is no players in January 2009.


RSC has about 5k players and its been a closed game for almost 4 years already.




That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server, Jagex asked for him to shut it down.




That was without advertising as well.


Yes, I know RSC has better gameplay, I was there.


But how will RS2 die within time space of 2 years? I don't get it. Besides, RS2 has over time developed its own hardcore fanbase, like RSC already has.

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That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server,



Uh.. that doesn't prove jack squat, actually, even if it's true (which I doubt).



Jagex asked for him to shut it down.



Considering that he's a thief, if all they did was ask him then he got off easy.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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2 years and it will be dead.




they said the same for 2 years ago lol and 3 years ago

Best f2p crafter. (I hope)

95m+ bank since february 2009

Crafting with friends in w61 - Al-Kharid

http://www.pointblog.dk/?go=krat(only 1 time per 24 hours per person.. I did'nt make these rules, so don't flame me)

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2 years and it will be dead.




they said the same for 2 years ago lol and 3 years ago




Hell, there were people saying it the same year RS was launched.


There will always be doomsayers who get a kick out of predicting all kinds of stuff.

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That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server,



Uh.. that doesn't prove jack squat, actually, even if it's true (which I doubt).



Jagex asked for him to shut it down.



Considering that he's a thief, if all they did was ask him then he got off easy.




Jagex allow you to download the Client that forms both RS and RS2 without stopping you.

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That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server,



Uh.. that doesn't prove jack squat, actually, even if it's true (which I doubt).



Jagex asked for him to shut it down.



Considering that he's a thief, if all they did was ask him then he got off easy.




Jagex allow you to download the Client that forms both RS and RS2 without stopping you.




There's a big difference between the client that acts as a browser to let you play the game, and a client that actually downloads all of the files onto your computer.




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Jagex allow you to download the Client that forms both RS and RS2 without stopping you.


Jagex also retains the COPYRIGHT to all Jagex products.


As far as I know the minimum COPYRIGHT length is 50 years.




Either way, he proved single handedly that RSC can still function without autoers, even if you open it to the public, he deleted all macroers within 24 hours, and thats better than Jagex did, and he's only one man.

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That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server,



Uh.. that doesn't prove jack squat, actually, even if it's true (which I doubt).



Jagex asked for him to shut it down.



Considering that he's a thief, if all they did was ask him then he got off easy.




Jagex allow you to download the Client that forms both RS and RS2 without stopping you.




Yes, so?




They allow you to download it and use it according to the terms of service you agree to when you sign up. They sure as hell do NOT allow you to download it to set up competing servers and charge for them.



Either way, he proved single handedly that RSC can still function without autoers, even if you open it to the public, he deleted all macroers within 24 hours, and thats better than Jagex did, and he's only one man.



Riiiiiight. And how many users did he have?




Did you ever consider that he didn't have much of a bot problem because nobody really gave a damn about his little server except for a small circle of people?

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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I always find it rather amusing when people say RSC was better, and RSC had better gameplay.




Come on, being stuck 3 rounds in combat, and having to *walk* toward your target in order to catch him or her, as he's quickly walking away... And range and magic being green/blue dot, which barely did any damage.




People want to play RSC out of old time's sake, and that's pretty much all it's worth now compared to RS2.

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2 years and it will be dead.




I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




I don't think RuneScape is dying, but more like improving. I suppose it would be dead if Jagex didn't take any action to combat real world trading. Anything that stops that, I'm in full support with, but that's another matter...




"RIP RuneScape" = A false statement, in my opinion.

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I will consider RS dead when the amount of people playing has reduced to the point were Jagex start removing servers because there's simply no point any more. Until that point, RS is alive and thriving.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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2 years and it will be dead.


I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




Of course they'll say that publicly, they won't say "only 2 years" because then people won't play lol, what they say is just business, not reality.

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That's cos RSC has better gameplay, and it's been proven by "private servers" that RSC is more popular than RS2, even now, Reines made almost ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50,000 (almost $100,000) in 1 month of opening a RSC server,



Uh.. that doesn't prove jack squat, actually, even if it's true (which I doubt).



Jagex asked for him to shut it down.



Considering that he's a thief, if all they did was ask him then he got off easy.




Jagex allow you to download the Client that forms both RS and RS2 without stopping you.




Yes, so?




They allow you to download it and use it according to the terms of service you agree to when you sign up. They sure as hell do NOT allow you to download it to set up competing servers and charge for them.



Either way, he proved single handedly that RSC can still function without autoers, even if you open it to the public, he deleted all macroers within 24 hours, and thats better than Jagex did, and he's only one man.



Riiiiiight. And how many users did he have?




Did you ever consider that he didn't have much of a bot problem because nobody really gave a damn about his little server except for a small circle of people?




He had about 10,000 unique players that where "members" not to mension the free accounts, this was all within 1 month with no advertising remember, oh, it was that good, even Jagex members themselves played it.

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He had about 10,000 unique players that where "members" not to mension the free accounts



And you think Jagex couldn't have handled their bot problem if they were running a game 1/100th the size of what it is now?



this was all within 1 month with no advertising remember



The fact that it wasn't advertised is a big reason WHY he didn't have tons of bot problems.



oh, it was that good, even Jagex members themselves played it.




Sure. :wall:

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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I always find it rather amusing when people say RSC was better, and RSC had better gameplay.




Come on, being stuck 3 rounds in combat, and having to *walk* toward your target in order to catch him or her, as he's quickly walking away... And range and magic being green/blue dot, which barely did any damage.




People want to play RSC out of old time's sake, and that's pretty much all it's worth now compared to RS2.




Maybe u just sucked at rs1 lol :P

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2 years and it will be dead.


I think I've read somewhere that Jagex still have at least five years of content planned. ::'




Of course they'll say that publicly, they won't say "only 2 years" because then people won't play lol, what they say is just business, not reality.




Don't be daft. Do you think a company would lie to themselves and their employee's? Please. Jagex is a multi million organization under scrutiny of other beings than you, a fan, and other fans. What they inform publicly affects lots of things aside from the gaming population.


Lying about stuff like this is commercial suicide, especially since they are taking on a whole new game called Mechscape.




- If they knew they had only 2 years left, they would definitely inform us. I'll explain why, if its that necessary.




For you business might be staking in a game, but for alot of other people business has EVERYTHING to do with reality.

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I'm not saying any more, I'll be in trouble.




Meaning what? That Jagex has let you be privvy to information regarding the development of Jagex for the next years?


If so, you already are in trouble for violation of whatever agreement you've made.




Luckily I believe you're just rambling. :lol:

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