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The destroy the fort and take the army game


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This game is a game where you are having a war against the person above you. The player will first kill the person above him/her by attacking however they can, using a description the player above them made. An example:




My fort is surrounded by oceans of fire."




So you need to think of a creative way to get to this fort and kill the player above you and his/ her army.








Player 1: I have a fort surrounded by evil rabbits.


Player 2: I throw explosive carrots at them and kill them, allowing me to gain access to your fort and kill you, using a sharpened carrot. Your army joins my side.


My campground is surrounded by explosive monkeys.








Lets see how well you guys catch on.




I'll start.








I have a castle surrounded by cloned Batmans that can destroy anybody by taking off their mask.






Your turn...destroy my castle and take my army!

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I pick a baguette instead of a roll and get whacked in the head. However, I find my way back and the Sandwich lady has disappeared, as usual. I now take over your fort.




My fort is surrounded by a fort that is surrounded by a fort >>>>>>> that is surrounded by a fort. ^10


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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  • 3 months later...

I use my wormhole generator to transport you into a volcano of rabid wolpertingers that haven't been fed in a millenia!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:




My fort is in another dimension floating in space with it's own transdimensional wormhole generator and signal jammer to prevent any sensors from detecting it and an invisible force field not to mention the armies of rabid wolpertingers at my disposal!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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I try to teleport to varrock, but accidentily get teloported to your fort. I bring an army of spirit wolves and howl scrolls and use the scrolls to scare away your wolpentigers.




My fort is protected by my spirit wolves and dancing noodles with howl scrolls that they are ready to use to make my wolves howl!!!!!!!

Google is evil!


I like pie!

That is all.

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I come in with ear plugs, good quality ones. I then bring an exorcist to get rid of the wolves. I gather up all the noodles in one room, flip a trap door that pours spaggeti sauce on them and I feast. Oh, I stab you in the head and dump you in space.




I protect my fortress with the Rabbit of Caerbannog. (Don't post if you don't know what it is.)

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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I will use the holy hand grenade of Antioch by First pulling the Holy Pin. Then counting to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. To Four I shalt not count, neither shalt I count two, excepting that I then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then I shalt lobbest the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of mine foe, who, being naughty in the lord's sight, shall snuff it. My fort is defended by the black beast of arrrrrrrggghhh.

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I send a horde of living letter I's so they kill you, also, since I refuse to let Chuck Norris to be used because it requires no originality and isn't funny, I wait for the animator to have a heart attack so the black beast is vanquished!


I protect my fort with two small children and a demonic ice cream man.

Blender builder

Today's experiment is:

Learning how to make light industrial space craft.

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I banish the ice cream man to the desert and let the children run the ice cream shop (bad idea).


That just leaves the fort, but since it's Falcon, I'm better off building a new fort elsewhere.


This new fort is guarded by Destroyer Rays, anti-nuke shields, missles, and portable A/C.

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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The crappy thing about modern technology is that it breaks. Your A/C turns off and you die from the heat of the destroyer rays.


I get a squad of dwarfs who punch any one who comes up to the fort in the knees.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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Bill Gates is a scrawny old man, I just get a high school football player with a baseball bat to knock him out.




I get a giraffe (who bites the heads off of people on silts) and Dwarfs who punch people in their knees to protect my fort.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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People know nothing about how my tech works...


Just for that, I simply blast everything (even your fort) with a Destroyer Ray.


I protect the new fort with...uh...Portable A/C. Not just any A/C however, as I "modified" it so now everything in front (and around!) the fort gets blown by sub-zero wind. Too bad the fort's frozen as well.


I then disappear.

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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Well, seeing as you disappear, I just walk in and turn the heat up. Seeing as I had to turn it up so high though, I accidentaly polluted the atmosphere around the fort soo much that global warming has completely destroyed the ozone layer around my fort, killing anything that ventures into these lands with intense radiation. Not even S.P.F. 1,000 can protect you now!

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Waits for the radiation to kill you, then I make my fort out of pure diamond (cut :P ) and gold lined with aluminium and lead. Then I put hyper-senstive laser field over the surronding area and sky, leaving no spot unchecked. The laser will cause a 10 nuclear bombs to be dropped in the entire area.




And to top it all off will be this smiley: :mrgreen:

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Sadly for you, I can deal with lasers.


I use an hyper-extended mirror to "deflect" the lasers so that they end up touching you. As the nukes fall, I retreat to the safety that is my base.


After all the explosions and what not, your fort is reducing to nothing but raditated twisted scarps of gold, aluminium, lead and diamond.


I get a new fort (brought in by a giant dropship...don't ask how that works...) and I protect it with....a wall....of marshmellows....lined with money...with a field that makes everything near the wall go mad with greed and fight with each other over the money.


I then disappear to that hidden base of mine which no one has found yet. :lol:

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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Lead lined deflects nuclear bombs, haven't you seen Indiana Jones? :P

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Well, not to be uncreative, but seeing as you've disappeared from the fort yet again, I walk right in.... yet again.




I then take all of those scraps of diamond and gold from that other fort laying on the ground, use the gold to buy myself a nice car, and the diamonds to make a super hard dome around my fort. I cover the entire ground on the inside with steel so no one can tunnel in, and I post guards outside the dome to look out for any more people trying to destroy the fort and to look for Ultimakomoto's secret base. I also build several anti-missle weapons, and just so I don't fall for the radiation trick again, I line my fort with lead, ok?!? While I'm at it, HUGE crowds of dancing monkeys outside of the dome, Dance!, DANCE!!!!




Wow, this is getting complicated......... :shock:

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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and to look for Ultimakomoto's secret base.


Of course you do know my base is inter-diminsional.


If I really wanted to, I could blow up the whole thing with a Destroyer Ray (does not count as radiation.), but I'd rather...


I lure away one of your guards to a secluded spot, where I incapacitate him and steal his uniform (that's gonna be awkward). I then sneak in using my clever disguise to fool those guards ("Just a stray deer. Nothing major."), I make my way into the power room and overload the system. I manage to get out and away from the fort just in time to see the "awesome display of fireworks". :lol: :twisted:


As for a new fort, I equip it with the latest state-of-the-art robots, lasers, and cup holders.


I then disappear into my base.




Oh yes, and King. Just because I'M gone doesn't mean you can walk into the fort. Every defense I install runs automaticly. I don't need to be there to defend a fort.

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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Darn, looks like i'm actually gonna have to work to get in this time.... :lol:




Well, I immediately set off to build an electromagnetic generator thing. After it's completion, I create an EM pulse so large that it shuts down your robots, lasers, and yes, even the cup holders. I THEN walk into the fort. It's what I do best. 8-)




I then build a new base (the old one didn't have big enough cup holders) several hundred feet below the ground. One elevator leads down to it, but it's highly guarded with mines surrounding it, and it's one key is with me, down several hundred feet below the surface. Oh, and don't think of digging your way down there because there is a layer of.... :o MAGMA!!!! :o surrounding my base with magma proof sheilds protecting it.




Beat that. ;)


This is really getting complicated.... but it's still fun :)

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Darn, looks like i'm actually gonna have to work to get in this time.... :lol:


It's the same thing that works with all my forts. Don't think you can get around it.


And don't you mock those cup holders! Just for that, I completely displace the ground above your fort with a blast from a Destroyer Ray. The blast also happens to go though the magma and into your shield, piercing the shielding effect. I watch as 10 (liquid) tons of magma flows into your base. Meltdown!




And now for the fun part. I build a new fort placed over the lava sinkhole! One wrong step and you'll be free-falling into a very painful, horrible, and short-baked death.


The fort is guarded by trapdoors and robots.




Oh yes, and here.


Well, I immediately set off to build an electromagnetic generator thing.




See Electronic Gamer. (no, it's not a new maganize.)

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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Air raid. No missteps, trapdoor are useless. And EMP bombs take care of your robots. I land on the roof and do a victory dance before going downstairs to the control center and evacuating your spleen from your abdomen.




My fort is surrounded by Vikings and Apache helicopters.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I land on the roof and do a victory dance before going downstairs to the control center and evacuating your spleen from your abdomen.


Yes, please tell me how you did that, considering the fact that I wasn't there.


I use surface-to-air missles to shoot down those helicopters. I then *ahem* "send" the Vikings to Valhalla. They won't be bothering me for quite some time...


Fort goes to me, and I re-make so it's entirly made of money. It's also got a aura around that makes people go mad due to greediness, and kill everyone (even themselves) around the general area.


I then disappear.

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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