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The return of Muffin Maddy

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another thing- my music teacher has now decided to call me by my surname -.-


and i have two surnames..i can either use my dad's or my mums. i choose my dad's because its shorter...but unfortunately its the name of an animal but spelt in a different way. my mum's is hard to pronounce and its long and french and i cba to write it all the time.


and its so annoying because...well i wont tell you my surname but lets use fish as an example.


He always shouts "Hey fish!" or..."hey fishy, is the homework ok?" . Very embarrassing/Annoying. And its worse than fish =(


Aww ::' do i hear chapter 3? \'

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Sugarlump, like I said on PM an ace pic would be you with the head from the op right with the body pose of the topleft piccy.




*Won't tell anyone of nearing a hundred number, maybe they'll forget...*




Sugarlump, I made a piccy of what I said up there ^^^^. Here it is:








Dead realistic, eh?

Visit my blog


Signature made by dsavi_x4

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I shall be unmember on the day after tomorrow. :(


But then I can make fires for you! ;)



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Those are some realy nice pictures of you. <3:


Lucky for you I'm a girl haha. altought that doesn't mean i'm straight :lol:




Nope lucky for you i am actualy. boys ftw.. only the handsome boys off course!


Gratz on all your great lvls.






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If U click this I won't eat your brain! I Plomise



angel2w.gifThank you Hawkxs For the awesome siggy!

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omg today was an interesting day at school.


maths...i was daydreaming and couldn't answer questions. made me look stupid :s




saxophone lesson =D




Dance was good...my teacher is weird but funny (and has beady scary eyes) she was dancing, eating yogurt :lol: and saying she needs a tissue because she's snotty.




she showed us her knees and how she uses her bum muscles to turn them forward.




music was ok.


we had a fitness test in p.e. to test our stamina.


aka: the bleep test. we had to do shuttle runs before the next bleep.


my fitness level is 10. i'm quite proud of that considering the best at our school is 13 + i have a heart problem.




I signed up for duke of edinburgh after school.


i read my speech. i forgot the manifesto and ended up saying 'please can i be in school council?' with tears in my eyes.




Good news:








On the down side:


Melody did too.... :shock:




And she has to lift me up in a dance we're doing. Called the 'Cuban chickens' kinda funny but scary because I'm in the hands of my worst enemy. She might drop me even know i'm the lightest person in the group :S




And I saw someone stealing :'( And managed to report it but idk who it was =/




I'm also signed up for the christmas concert to play a saxophone solo \'




Overall: Good day today


P.S : When I have a baby, I'm calling it 'nucleus' or 'cytoplasm'

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Lol, sugar...


What do you mean by fitness level 10? What did you have to do and how you got the rating?



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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Its called the bleep test. You need to do shuttle runs in between bleeps.


i did that at my school, way back when... :roll: :lol:


i always did well, in top 3 or 4 of year group


my best...17 or 18 :shock: ::'

You only live twice. Once when you are born and once when you look death in the face.


Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity...

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oh mai gawd the shuttle run test :shock:


mindless running back and forth... thats why you should be in the 6th, you get to choose your own lessons (baseball and golfing, yay) oh I managed to get 12.5 at the shuttle run test, highest in my class, pretty unexpected because im asmatic :|




oh and we need some good dancers at my school for the christmas musical, join pls <3: :P


angel2w.gifmaursangeli.gifCredits to Littleboy for the signature.

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Its called the bleep test. You need to do shuttle runs in between bleeps.
We had that too! mine was like 5 :oops:


you have a heart problem? :o


please tell us when the 80 cooking party is! :pray:


EDIT:1400th post! :thumbsup: \' \' \'

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