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The return of Muffin Maddy

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I'd rather eat sugar. :oops:



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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hai babeh <3:<3:<3:<3:


nise f00d.




80 cooking party tomorrow<333333333




good day at school too...turns out i haven't moved down in science!!! Its a nice mix of smart and dumb in my class.


The seating plan isn't great though. My friend sits behind me and I can't concentrate with her in my class.


She kept kicking me and poking me with a ruler. Then afterwards she said "We're going to have alot of fun this year,


Maddy". My teacher repeated "dont put your finger in the test tube" like 7 times and guess what? some girl puts a finger in


the test tube, the test tube breaks, a sharp end pokes into her finger causing it to bleed. then she stands


around for attention and lets blood drip all around the classroom -.-...was kinda funny ish.


Then we had to find the energy in food...and my science teacher tells this girl not to throw a crisp into the burner


but she did it..luckily it landed in the sink.


But my science teacher scares me abit...she asked a question and I knew the answer but couldn't be bothered


to answer. No one got the answer and I muttered to my friend "isn't it respiration?" a little unsure...and my


teacher shouted at me :o I was so scared! she said "you genius!! if i had a box of chocolates i would give them to you!!!"


He looks like the grim reaper :o He's like..white...not white as in the skin colour. White as in alarming white. Pale I should say.




A German band also came to play at school.


It was kinda funny they were yelling "Ein, Zwei, Drei, Hit it!"




And its harvest next week!


Last year, my form didn't do too well...they put a rice grain on a cushion >.<


The headteacher was not amused.




I didn't have to read my speech today because it was a house assembly =)


But I need to prepare a manifesto. =/ .


Should I rap it?




Yo yo yo my names Maddy and I wanna be in school council yo




Don't think so lol.


I'll get laughed at, not voted for.




AND the funniest thing happened in English...some girl carries a singing camel in her bag.


It started singing in Arabic and she couldn't turn it off. Made me laff.




Thats about it.

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hai babeh <3:<3:<3:<3:


nise f00d.




80 cooking party tomorrow<333333333




good day at school too...turns out i haven't moved down in science!!! Its a nice mix of smart and dumb in my class.


The seating plan isn't great though. My friend sits behind me and I can't concentrate with her in my class.


She kept kicking me and poking me with a ruler. Then afterwards she said "We're going to have alot of fun this year,


Maddy". My teacher repeated "dont put your finger in the test tube" like 7 times and guess what? some girl puts a finger in


the test tube, the test tube breaks, a sharp end pokes into her finger causing it to bleed. then she stands


around for attention and lets blood drip all around the classroom -.-...was kinda funny ish.


Then we had to find the energy in food...and my science teacher tells this girl not to throw a crisp into the burner


but she did it..luckily it landed in the sink.


But my science teacher scares me abit...she asked a question and I knew the answer but couldn't be bothered


to answer. No one got the answer and I muttered to my friend "isn't it respiration?" a little unsure...and my


teacher shouted at me :o I was so scared! she said "you genius!! if i had a box of chocolates i would give them to you!!!"


He looks like the grim reaper :o He's like..white...not white as in the skin colour. White as in alarming white. Pale I should say.




A German band also came to play at school.


It was kinda funny they were yelling "Ein, Zwei, Drei, Hit it!"




And its harvest next week!


Last year, my form didn't do too well...they put a rice grain on a cushion >.<


The headteacher was not amused.




I didn't have to read my speech today because it was a house assembly =)


But I need to prepare a manifesto. =/ .


Should I rap it?




Yo yo yo my names Maddy and I wanna be in school council yo




Don't think so lol.


I'll get laughed at, not voted for.




AND the funniest thing happened in English...some girl carries a singing camel in her bag.


It started singing in Arabic and she couldn't turn it off. Made me laff.




Thats about it.






orite, my day:


7.30: 15 minutes left till I have to leave for school, get out of bed, breakfast, usual thingies


7.45: leave for school


8.15: math, soooo interesting :roll:


9.15: one whole hour of nothing


10.15: breakyweaky


10.30: english, turned out my letter was perfect, no mistakes at all (I wus teh only person widdout mistakez, ftw kay)


11.30: history, some war between the Turks and the Russians and the English and the French, the English made a few stupid mistakes :P


12.30: I goes home, done with school for the day, I eat, I play Spore


15.00: I deliver newspapers, got 5,- from a random person who was happy I brought him a newspaper


16.15: homework


18.00: dinner


18.45: homework


19.03: I post this random stoofz


etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc




(btw im gonna golf with my class tomorrow :twisted: Let's see if we can ruin that nice green field in an hour)


angel2w.gifmaursangeli.gifCredits to Littleboy for the signature.

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hai babeh <3:<3:<3:<3:


nise f00d.




80 cooking party tomorrow<333333333




good day at school too...turns out i haven't moved down in science!!! Its a nice mix of smart and dumb in my class.


The seating plan isn't great though. My friend sits behind me and I can't concentrate with her in my class.


She kept kicking me and poking me with a ruler. Then afterwards she said "We're going to have alot of fun this year,


Maddy". My teacher repeated "dont put your finger in the test tube" like 7 times and guess what? some girl puts a finger in


the test tube, the test tube breaks, a sharp end pokes into her finger causing it to bleed. then she stands


around for attention and lets blood drip all around the classroom -.-...was kinda funny ish.


Then we had to find the energy in food...and my science teacher tells this girl not to throw a crisp into the burner


but she did it..luckily it landed in the sink.


But my science teacher scares me abit...she asked a question and I knew the answer but couldn't be bothered


to answer. No one got the answer and I muttered to my friend "isn't it respiration?" a little unsure...and my


teacher shouted at me :o I was so scared! she said "you genius!! if i had a box of chocolates i would give them to you!!!"


He looks like the grim reaper :o He's like..white...not white as in the skin colour. White as in alarming white. Pale I should say.




A German band also came to play at school.


It was kinda funny they were yelling "Ein, Zwei, Drei, Hit it!"




And its harvest next week!


Last year, my form didn't do too well...they put a rice grain on a cushion >.<


The headteacher was not amused.




I didn't have to read my speech today because it was a house assembly =)


But I need to prepare a manifesto. =/ .


Should I rap it?




Yo yo yo my names Maddy and I wanna be in school council yo




Don't think so lol.


I'll get laughed at, not voted for.




AND the funniest thing happened in English...some girl carries a singing camel in her bag.


It started singing in Arabic and she couldn't turn it off. Made me laff.




Thats about it.




You should write a book <3:




Y U SO GUD??1shift1?1 :twss:

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I lol at that camel. :lol:


But I also lol at this:




This gotta hurt.... :lol:



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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:shock: more great pictures <3:<3:<3:


why you soo hawt!? :?: <3: :D


bump! \:D/

You only live twice. Once when you are born and once when you look death in the face.


Do not fear Death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But, if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity...

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Sugarlump, like I said on PM an ace pic would be you with the head from the op right with the body pose of the topleft piccy.




*Won't tell anyone of nearing a hundred number, maybe they'll forget...*

Visit my blog


Signature made by dsavi_x4

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Hmmm. Reidilaks is what we call these kinds of pictures in Estonia...



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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lol thats my friend robyn. ya we took fun pics and messed with the computers. today was a good day a school. i'll post about it later. brb. practicing piano.

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ok back. here's my day:


Today I had good lessons: R.S (the topic is interesting 'matter of life and death' things like 'what happens when we die' etc with lots of class discussion)


Some girl kept asking silly questions and Miss Sainsbury said 'use your brain a little more please' It was so funny because soon afterwards, the girl said


"I may be dumb but I'm not stupid" In such a funny way, even Miss Sainsubry laughed. I sometimes feel sorry for Miss Sainsbury because she


gets teased because of her name. People say in loud voices "should we go to tescos of sainsbury's today?". Kinda sad.




Next lesson: Drama.


lol my drama teacher is such a freak. you never know when he's serious or not...he'll make you laugh one minute and then the next he'll shout


"pack it in!" its so scary when he does that. He also was telling us our homework in a really funny, slow voice


it was like "find pictures......of women" and we were all like 'o.o' and then he said "that inspire us" and I was like..phew.


Because the play we're studying is about a mother and daughter.


My mum inspires me<3 Anyway we had to do a vocal warm up.


Then we did some movement and put them together. Hard to explain in typing...but the words were


"My mother said I should NEVER play with the gypsies in the would, if I did she would say naughty girls who disobey!!!"


Then he knelt down...and said 'you beyond the grave' in monotone that was so hilarious i couldn't stop laughing.


Then he said we should kill our mothers. Then he points to me and says "we cant kill her mum. she gives us lemonade"




Breaktime, then English which was abit boring so I wont talk about it.




Double science! The fire alarm went off because Jessica decided to start smoking. So it wasted like 15 mins of science.


My friend, Olivia told me that she's pregnant =S Didn't really know what to say...gratz? or...poor you?


I don't want to get pregnant till atleast 26. People think its bizarre but I have my reasons >.<


Even 26 is abit young...28 at the youngest. But that could change with time.


One thing is that I am NOT getting pregnant as a teen.


AND some random girl was sitting in our science class. Her name is Tanisha and she kinda isn't that smart...


And the teacher called the register...Tanisha's name wasn't on the register so the teacher asked Tanisha


"Whats your name?" Tanisha said 'Tanisha' and the teacher added Tanisha to the list!




Melody sits next to Amber behind me.




Now her voice is in my ear 24/7 "Maddy...." its horrible. Tormenting me all the time.


In the second science lesson, I was talking to some friends and Melody tried butting in because she was left out.


Trying so hard to talk to me. I just looked at her blankly as if she wasn't there and continued talking to others.


I was so pleased with myself!!!


Time to stand up to Melody. I am NOT to be messed with @@@@


Last lesson was Geography. Natasha doesn't have the guts to say hi to me anymore.


I refuse to say hello unless she says it first!!! I'll still be nice and stuff but I'm keeping my distance =)

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[hide=Chapter 1]

hai babeh <3:<3:<3:<3:


nise f00d.




80 cooking party tomorrow<333333333




good day at school too...turns out i haven't moved down in science!!! Its a nice mix of smart and dumb in my class.


The seating plan isn't great though. My friend sits behind me and I can't concentrate with her in my class.


She kept kicking me and poking me with a ruler. Then afterwards she said "We're going to have alot of fun this year,


Maddy". My teacher repeated "dont put your finger in the test tube" like 7 times and guess what? some girl puts a finger in


the test tube, the test tube breaks, a sharp end pokes into her finger causing it to bleed. then she stands


around for attention and lets blood drip all around the classroom -.-...was kinda funny ish.


Then we had to find the energy in food...and my science teacher tells this girl not to throw a crisp into the burner


but she did it..luckily it landed in the sink.


But my science teacher scares me abit...she asked a question and I knew the answer but couldn't be bothered


to answer. No one got the answer and I muttered to my friend "isn't it respiration?" a little unsure...and my


teacher shouted at me :o I was so scared! she said "you genius!! if i had a box of chocolates i would give them to you!!!"


He looks like the grim reaper :o He's like..white...not white as in the skin colour. White as in alarming white. Pale I should say.




A German band also came to play at school.


It was kinda funny they were yelling "Ein, Zwei, Drei, Hit it!"




And its harvest next week!


Last year, my form didn't do too well...they put a rice grain on a cushion >.<


The headteacher was not amused.




I didn't have to read my speech today because it was a house assembly =)


But I need to prepare a manifesto. =/ .


Should I rap it?




Yo yo yo my names Maddy and I wanna be in school council yo




Don't think so lol.


I'll get laughed at, not voted for.




AND the funniest thing happened in English...some girl carries a singing camel in her bag.


It started singing in Arabic and she couldn't turn it off. Made me laff.




Thats about it.




You should write a book <3:




Y U SO GUD??1shift1?1 :twss:







[hide=Chapter 2]

ok back. here's my day:


Today I had good lessons: R.S (the topic is interesting 'matter of life and death' things like 'what happens when we die' etc with lots of class discussion)


Some girl kept asking silly questions and Miss Sainsbury said 'use your brain a little more please' It was so funny because soon afterwards, the girl said


"I may be dumb but I'm not stupid" In such a funny way, even Miss Sainsubry laughed. I sometimes feel sorry for Miss Sainsbury because she


gets teased because of her name. People say in loud voices "should we go to tescos of sainsbury's today?". Kinda sad.




Next lesson: Drama.


lol my drama teacher is such a freak. you never know when he's serious or not...he'll make you laugh one minute and then the next he'll shout


"pack it in!" its so scary when he does that. He also was telling us our homework in a really funny, slow voice


it was like "find pictures......of women" and we were all like 'o.o' and then he said "that inspire us" and I was like..phew.


Because the play we're studying is about a mother and daughter.


My mum inspires me<3 Anyway we had to do a vocal warm up.


Then we did some movement and put them together. Hard to explain in typing...but the words were


"My mother said I should NEVER play with the gypsies in the would, if I did she would say naughty girls who disobey!!!"


Then he knelt down...and said 'you beyond the grave' in monotone that was so hilarious i couldn't stop laughing.


Then he said we should kill our mothers. Then he points to me and says "we cant kill her mum. she gives us lemonade"




Breaktime, then English which was abit boring so I wont talk about it.




Double science! The fire alarm went off because Jessica decided to start smoking. So it wasted like 15 mins of science.


My friend, Olivia told me that she's pregnant =S Didn't really know what to say...gratz? or...poor you?


I don't want to get pregnant till atleast 26. People think its bizarre but I have my reasons >.<


Even 26 is abit young...28 at the youngest. But that could change with time.


One thing is that I am NOT getting pregnant as a teen.


AND some random girl was sitting in our science class. Her name is Tanisha and she kinda isn't that smart...


And the teacher called the register...Tanisha's name wasn't on the register so the teacher asked Tanisha


"Whats your name?" Tanisha said 'Tanisha' and the teacher added Tanisha to the list!




Melody sits next to Amber behind me.




Now her voice is in my ear 24/7 "Maddy...." its horrible. Tormenting me all the time.


In the second science lesson, I was talking to some friends and Melody tried butting in because she was left out.


Trying so hard to talk to me. I just looked at her blankly as if she wasn't there and continued talking to others.


I was so pleased with myself!!!


Time to stand up to Melody. I am NOT to be messed with @@@@


Last lesson was Geography. Natasha doesn't have the guts to say hi to me anymore.


I refuse to say hello unless she says it first!!! I'll still be nice and stuff but I'm keeping my distance =)







Once again, I stress- Y U SO GUD??1shift1?1 :twss:

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another thing- my music teacher has now decided to call me by my surname -.-


and i have two surnames..i can either use my dad's or my mums. i choose my dad's because its shorter...but unfortunately its the name of an animal but spelt in a different way. my mum's is hard to pronounce and its long and french and i cba to write it all the time.


and its so annoying because...well i wont tell you my surname but lets use fish as an example.


He always shouts "Hey fish!" or..."hey fishy, is the homework ok?" . Very embarrassing/Annoying. And its worse than fish =(

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