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post pictures of the worst accidents you've been in, not necessarily dealing with car accidents and somesuch. if the pictures are pretty gruesome, put in hide tags please, and just keep the really gruesome ones out.




the worst accident i have pictures of happened while the forums were down, it actually isn't that bad, but it could have been a lot more serious.




(explaination)i was messing with one of my work knives, cutting a bottle and the knife cut through the bottle really fast, and came out the bottom and sliced my arm. had the knife not turned in the bottle, the cut would have been at least half an inch deep, instead it just kinda peeled the skin back with minimal damage and bleeding. i got lucky.






with flash on my camera






without flash on my camera




it was like, a quarter inch from one of the main veins in my arm, hence why it would have been more serious had the knife not turned. apparently i'm an emo pro, i went down the street and not across it.




sorry i don't have better accident pictures >< i don't get hurt often, much less self inflicted

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Gotta find one from work but it's similar :)




Watch this space.




[okay so I can't find the pictures but to cut it short; I lost my grip on a bracket when we were lifting the shelves in the dock back when I worked at BCF and I sliced my left hand open from the end of the 'Head Line' all the way to the edge; then again 3 inches along my forearm (both about the same depth as the OP). Now when you look at the palm of my left hand it just looks like the 'Head Line' wraps around the side of my hand :lol:]






The worst (like when I ripped half my top lip off) I don't have photos of and such. So anything I post is rather tame by my standards :lol:

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Yesterday at school someone pushed me right into some bushes and I fell into some pointy stick. Now there's a 3 cm deep wound right next to my anus. A surgery at the hospital said that it will heal and that I'm luck that it did not damage anything else. I can't sit on a chair now, I must stand or lay down on my belly... it hurts. I don't have a picture, if I had one I wouldn't post it anyway. ;)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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oh god, that sounds horrible, but you did get lucky. but i mean, jesus, that has gotta suck. did you get the person who pushed you back?

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Yeah, that guy will buy a new jeans for me, that stick went right through it. But he's a good friend of mine, so I won't do him anything. I'm very lucky indeed, that thing could have pierced my balls. :shock:

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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I had a lead pipe go through my bottom lip. Broke a tooth in the process. I had to drink everything through a straw for about a week, else some of the liquid would flow out the hole in my lip. I broke my nose after falling off a chair (rly), shortly afterwards. No pictures though =(


Resident Tip.it Cow. :^_^:

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I fell off my bike when I was 10 years old, me and a friend of mine tried to get home fast because of a thunder storm.


So I fell down, cut my left knee, and I had to walk home which was about a 100 meter distance.


7 stitches I believe, the jeans I was wearing had the same cut as my knee.


I still have the scar, a 6 cm horizontal scar right across my knee. It never healed very well, which is too bad.




And I had almost been into a car accident, posted a thread about it many months back.




It was frightening.


I was looking outside (next to the driver's seat) and suddenly I see that the back left wheel of the car simply stopped spinning because he braked.


The car suddenly turned to the left, my dad braked, his car spins, we almost touch nose to nose, and he bashes the safety-rail.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Thankfully, I'm not so accident-prone. Worst thing that happened to me is the time I slipped and scraped my knee on some rocks. Scarred pretty bad, one is the size of a two-pound coin and the other is a quid, lol.

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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I was mountain biking, I lost control and landed face-first on rock. Blacked out, came to a few minutes later with a very deep cut on my chin. My helmet saved my life. :)




When I was younger I got hit with a ball of solid ice... Needed 4 stitches for that.

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When i was quite young i fell out of a window.




Once i was skiing and my skis overlapped each other and i lost control and landed on my back, it hurt for a few days. I was lucky if i fell any later i would have gone off the edge of the mountain.

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Meh, the worst I can think of...When I fell off a TRICYCLE when I was six. I fail. I scraped both my knees, I have scars on both now. There's also the time I burned part of my hand, I was working on a cell model, and the nucleolus got stuck to my thumb. I was using a glue gun...So yeah...Ow.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Eh, the only really bad accident I can remember happed when I was younger, at the age of six or so. I was rollerblading with my sister when the clasps on our blades caught against eachother as we rolled by and we fell. Somehow, one of the other clasps of my sisters rollerblad got stuck in my knee. I was gushing blood. Yet, I can't remember that much pain. :?


|Signature by Jason321|

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Lol I was quite lucky in an accident :lol: Day: Septemper 11___________________2001, although I live in Canada.




I don't have pictures unfortunately, but the car was scrap (Brand new Toyota..) and got sent to a junkyard, nothing was recuperable, and meh, didn't even have a scratch, neither my father and my brother(who if he had been sitting on the other side, would have had quite a few broken ribs).

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Lol I was quite lucky in an accident :lol: Day: Septemper 11___________________2001, although I live in Canada.




I don't have pictures unfortunately, but the car was scrap (Brand new Toyota..) and got sent to a junkyard, nothing was recuperable, and meh, didn't even have a scratch, neither my father and my brother(who if he had been sitting on the other side, would have had quite a few broken ribs).




Wait... what?


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Lol I was quite lucky in an accident :lol: Day: Septemper 11___________________2001, although I live in Canada.




I don't have pictures unfortunately, but the car was scrap (Brand new Toyota..) and got sent to a junkyard, nothing was recuperable, and meh, didn't even have a scratch, neither my father and my brother(who if he had been sitting on the other side, would have had quite a few broken ribs).




Wait... what?






He got into a car accident and destroyed his new Toyota.




Your reading comprehension is horrible.








Hit the fence with my shin and got a hematoma the size of a tennis ball. It hurt.

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When I was 8 years old I was walking to a basketball court with two of my friends, who were like 11, and 12. They hopped the fence, and I tried to do it too. I climbed up, tried to turn around, and jump off, but when I put my finger on the top and jumped down, my finger was on top of a metal [bleep]e thing. I didn't move my finger, and the piece of metal on the top of the fence went right through my finger.


My friends were playing basketball, ran over, hopped the fence, and we ran to his house.


I remember going to the hospital and crying a lot, they put some needles in and stuff, and my grandpa brought me a sandwich while I was laying down on one of the beds and the nurse said I couldn't eat it :(


I remember running home, and I had my hands in a cup to hold all the blood, but I was running and it all fell out of my hand, an dmade a huge "splat" noise.


My finger basically was pretty much torn wide open, if you turn it sideways it makes a happy face, the mouth being the cut.


I had like 20 stitches or something, and I had to wear a sling for a while.




My friends sister was walking home the next day, and said that there was a massive trail of blood from the park to her house.




Was pretty bad...


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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Lol I was quite lucky in an accident :lol: Day: Septemper 11___________________2001, although I live in Canada.




I don't have pictures unfortunately, but the car was scrap (Brand new Toyota..) and got sent to a junkyard, nothing was recuperable, and meh, didn't even have a scratch, neither my father and my brother(who if he had been sitting on the other side, would have had quite a few broken ribs).




Wait... what?






He got into a car accident and destroyed his new Toyota.




Your reading comprehension is horrible.








Hit the fence with my [cabbage] and got a hematoma the size of a tennis ball. It hurt.




How is my reading comprehension terrible? He stated September 11th, for whatever reason which I knew was a joke and then got into talking about his car being destroyed and them being hurt. How was I supposed to know he got into a car accident? Maybe his car got destroyed by the Twin Towers when he was visiting his Aunt Betty in New York or maybe a tree fell on his car while he standing by it and his brother was inside.




So, don't be a blatant jerk when he isn't clarifying anything.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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How is my reading comprehension terrible? He stated September 11th, for whatever reason which I knew was a joke and then got into talking about his car being destroyed and them being hurt. How was I supposed to know he got into a car accident? Maybe his car got destroyed by the Twin Towers when he was visiting his Aunt Betty in New York or maybe a tree fell on his car while he standing by it and his brother was inside.




So, don't be a blatant jerk when he isn't clarifying anything.






Read what he wrote once more, it's all there. If I'm being a jerk then you are being arrogant thinking just because you didn't understand what he wrote it has to be his fault for not clarifying what is clear already. Instead of trying to make sense of what he wrote, or ignoring the post altogether you had to insert "wait...what?" for +1 post, didn't you?

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Lol and I did state I live in Canada, Accident happenned in Winnipeg (where I no longer live) and the accident happenned on September 11th. Luckily no one was hurt.




Still, that was in my first post, so Denismage is right.

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i dont have images and you prob' wouldnt wanna see them anyway. it was when i was first born, i had a compleate skin reconstruction on both knees due to a problem with my growth. apparently my skin didnt develop pigment and was as clear as glass. O.o still have the scars 18 years later.


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i dont have images and you prob' wouldnt wanna see them anyway. it was when i was first born, i had a compleate skin reconstruction on both knees due to a problem with my growth. apparently my skin didnt develop pigment and was as clear as glass. O.o still have the scars 18 years later.




Man, I wouldn't have let them do that. That would've been so cool!




Put my leg through a gardening stake when I fell off of my house's verandah. Hurt like something extremely painful.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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If it's anything I broke my nose a few days ago, I ran straight into a glass door. Windex is some powerful stuff. I didn't know the door was shut, so...

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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None of these are all too serious, but:




When I was 10-ish, I must've thought it would be cool to add an extra truck in the middle of a skateboard. Unfortunately, I drilled the holes a little bit crooked from the other two.


Took it down a hill near my house, no helmet or anything; ended up falling off halfway down. Both my legs were horrible scraped up, and I had to get a bunch of stitches under my chin.




Another "accident" was the other day when I went to the beach with some friends, and the waves sucked horribly, so we rented one of those pedal-cart things, and started drifting in the parking lot. We ended up tipping the thing on it's side :lol:

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