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So went back to the hospital today as my leg was still giving me trouble, the doctor said the same stuff as before but my dad insisted I had an xray, so we get it done take it back and the same doctor says there is a "suspicious area" where I was saying it hurted, but they weren't sure so they said they treat it as a fracture and all bandaged it up and supported it, the idiot couldn't admit he was wrong imo.




Gotta go back tomoz to bone clinic. :roll:


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Nice blog :o i've recently decided to start dking, and so far i've only been on one duo mage trip. It was really fun and I got a d axe split :D




And I was wondering, do you think I could hybrid with my stats? Or should I wait till i'm 85/85 att/str?

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Nice blog :o i've recently decided to start dking, and so far i've only been on one duo mage trip. It was really fun and I got a d axe split :D




And I was wondering, do you think I could hybrid with my stats? Or should I wait till i'm 85/85 att/str?




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