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Guild Wars vs WOW


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I'm pretty much done with runescape and I've been looking for another mmorpg to play. I've heard a lot about WOW and I was just going to play that but recently I've been looking at Guild Wars which also looks cool. I'm really looking for a game that features great pvp much like the runescape winner take all feature. Aparrently WOW doesn't give you anything material other than honor of you kill anyone but whatever.








Could I get a sort of list of pros and cons (or whatever youw ant to put in) either game with an emphasis on pvp? I really don't care for PvE that much.

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If you just wanna pvp get guild wars, it gives you a top character level 20 and puts you in a pvp only realm with 4 places on the map, if you wanna work up to pvp get WoW much bigger much better graphics. limited items on pvp gw servers there is no weapon choice at all.












Overall WoW is alot better in size and just overall content except in team working pvp where Gw kinda beats it.

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I've not played wow myself but from what I've heard it's a more typical mmorpg where there is a lot of leveling to be done. GW there is very little leveling (well the max lvl is 20) and the game is more based around the pvp side.




As cj was saying though in GW if you use a pvp character straight off then you can't vary your skills/weapons very much. If you complete the pve side of the game more skills and weapons are unlocked.

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I haven't played WoW but I own guild wars and the game is really good. Its based more on skill than levels. It took me 4 days to get level 20 and the missions are really fun. The pvp is something that is very new, and theres really nothing like it. You unlock skills and items on a role playing char and use them on a pvp char that has a max level. There are six classes and you choose a primary and a secondary class which effects what playing style you use. Guild wars is a great game in my opinion.

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neither of them have a 'winner take all' pvp system, WoW is a lot more fun gameplay-wise but of course you do have to dish out the money for the gameplay, GW you just have to pay once but it has a ton of quests to do and is still very fun.If anything WoW is the way to go if you want to pay out some cash but if your on a limited budget go for GW. On one final note you have to remember GW is based on skill rather than time played and that does reflect on pvp. WoW is much more time consuming level-wise.

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WoW isn't THAT time consuming, though. Max level takes a month or so max, doesn't it? I was level 10 in like an hour lol..Compared to RS, max level takes like 3, maybe 4 years..








Haven't played GW except beta (and it just crashed every 5 min :P) but I played WoW...I liked both actually.

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Correction on the first response, GW has noticably better graphics than WoW, that is expected though, considering WoW has so many more people on a map at once.








I bought Guild Wars thinking it wouldn't have much grind, as the developers had always been touting, "Guild Wars is about skill, not time played". I was dead wrong. While it can't compare to MMORPGs like WoW or Everquest, if you want a competitive PvP character, you must grind. A lot.








You can instantly create a lvl 20 (the max level) character for Player vs Player, but it will be limited to only the skills you have unlocked with a Roleplaying (player vs enviroment) character. Getting to lvl 20 is the easy part, you can casually do it in a week. It's the stuff that you do after 20 that will take a very long time.








-Unlocking Skills: You get one skill in each mission (about 20), one for each level you obtain, and some from quests. Some regular skills you can get from quests, but the rest you must buy using skill points, or capture (there are "elite" skills that can only be captured), also using skill points. Heres the thing: If you want all the skills, your going to run out of skill points. You can still get more by "leveling up" once you are lvl 20, you don't gain a level, but still get a skill point, but that takes time, and grinding. To get all skills in the game would require beating the game with at least 3 seperate roleplaying characters.








-Runes: For each level, you are alloted a certain ammount of attribute points, which you can put into your proffession's attributes, to a maximum of 12. You can boost these stats further, by unlocking and salvaging runes from echanted armour drops. A minor rune gives +1 to the attribute, a major +2 but -50 health, and a superior +3 but -75 health. Minors are easy enough to get, but the other two.. I've played 150 hours so far, and am at the end of the game, and have unlocked 0 of 26 superior runes. Zero, zilch, nada. Only 2 major runes, also. Now, if 150 hours = 0 superior runes, how long do you think it would take to get all 26? Who knows. You can always buy them from people, but that will not unlock them for you to use on a PvP-only character. You can only unlock runes by identifying them yourself.








Kinda a long post, that may do little good to people who don't know what I'm talking about. My point being, don't buy Guild Wars expecting it to be all fun and no grind. It's not.

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thanks for the responses all. This is helping a lot








I guess I'm not really worried about the grinding part because it is the essence of rpg's anyway and that way I can really decide on my character type. Its a pity neither game has a winner take all style of fighting but I've only ever seen it in runescape so it may be unique to rs.








In GW do you get anything for killing a player? I know in WOW you get honor which will go to weapons and armor, but is there any similar tangible benefit in GW.

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I have played both Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. I have *not* participated in Guild Wars' PVP "side" so I cannot vouch for how good/bad it is (I realize now that this is the main point of your post, however I will continue to ramble on!) However, I got very bored with Guild Wars after a little bit - I kept remaking characters, the quests were boring, and in general, it wasn't any fun. It looks great.. but the content wasn't my 'style.'








I got World of Warcraft.. and have been hooked ever since. The quests are unique, the graphics aren't as good as Guild Wars but I think they're pretty darn good!! It is just overall amazing - there seems to be more possibilities in it. It is a larger game. There are more skills, professions, armor, weapons, classes, races, places to go (map is gigantic..), means of transportation, spells (you can have an incredible amount of spells/food/items/etc. on "quick bars" - Guild Wars.. you can only have eight spells when playing (can change inside city) I hated that!!)








I think Guild Wars has an emphasis on PVP, I suppose, but WoW's PVP is *nothing* to frown at. It is an incredible system that is very complex, fun, great to do in groups, etc. But, for praising WOW's PVP, I will have to turn to wistan (who I will poke now) or someone else.. haven't gotten into that too much lately so I can't say how good or bad it is. :)

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WoWs PVP system now runs on "Honor Points".








The more kills, the more points. The more points, the better your rank(Horde and Alliance have different ranks). The better the rank, the better stuff you can purchase in Orignimar(for the horde that is). Also, when you become an officer rank, you gain access to the building there too, don't know what it is since i'm still just a scout :/

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I bought Guild Wars thinking it wouldn't have much grind, as the developers had always been touting, "Guild Wars is about skill, not time played". I was dead wrong. While it can't compare to MMORPGs like WoW or Everquest, if you want a competitive PvP character, you must grind. A lot.








You can instantly create a lvl 20 (the max level) character for Player vs Player, but it will be limited to only the skills you have unlocked with a Roleplaying (player vs enviroment) character. Getting to lvl 20 is the easy part, you can casually do it in a week. It's the stuff that you do after 20 that will take a very long time.








Actualy you can do a premade build in guild wars for a PvP character if you want. They have some nice choices, and although a custom character "could" be better, they are still nice to play with.








i do agree, the weapons at the moment arn't that varried, but I bet you once a few expansion packs roll in there will be a lot more choices.








Also, as far as grinding go, i realy don't see my self doing that. For example, in runescape, or other MMORPG's, you usualy end up staying in a spot for hours just kind of... training. I never found my self doing that in guild wars. Seems i'm always doing something, may it be either a quest, or mission, or whatever.








I beat the game probaly 2 weeks ago (as far as missions go mind you) and i still have been playing a good 8 hours a day or so (lol its summer, so when i have nothing to do...) And having a ton of fun with it. I'll go PvP with my ele some, sometimes i'll go and do quests and such, get some xp and items, get some more skill points.












I mean, of course you can't have an MMORPG that takes NO time what so ever to get good. It realy isn't possible. But at least In Guild Wars you arn't staying in a spot for hours doing basicly nothing. Also, as far as unlocking skills go, you can get to lvl 20 in about a week, which when you are lvl 20 you should be a decent way through the game, and alot of skills will be available to you.












Anyways, as you all may know by now, I'm deffinitly a Guild wars person.








about the stratagy of the game.. it takes tons. Yup, it is about imposible to solo in places by your self, and even in some of the harder missions to go with just henchmen. So you have to get a "real" party, and you have to come up with stratagys. While some may be as simple as "attack my target" In pvp and PvM i have been coming up with some quite nice stratagys.












Take this one for example, in PvP. What we do, is if we are going to attack a base, (which this is on a 6 way match, there are oblisks that if you take it hits enemys around the area) We will have our Warrior rush in. Our healers will cast healing seed, healing breeze, a bunch of healing stuff on him, and he will basicly run right through. With a bad team, the people will charge after him, and we will be right behind, capture the oblisk, and kill their priest so it can't mass rez them every 2 minutes :)
















So... its realy a very fun game. And especialy if you have a guild to play with (is the leader of a 25+ person guild :) rank 200 or so on the ladder, out of 1000 people that have even ranked on it.)), and i must say, its a blast.












But thats just my opinion. Guild Wars is very stratagy oreinted, and team based as well. PvP is a big part of the game, but I have found there is alot more to do than that. For example, sometimes i'll try and hunt for elite skills, which are only gotten by using a signet of capture on a boss that uses that skill, when it uses. Its fairly fun to do.












To end this rather long post, i'd say that if your only interested in PvP, and just hate to death PvM , you could give it a try still if you like some of the pre-made builds. But if you don't, and your too lazy to play the game for a bit and get some stuff unlocked, your out of luck (and no, this wasn't directed at anyone in specific)









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Meh id say try guild wars because nad is up as late as me playing it wif his buddys :shock: . It does look like a pretty neat game and when i get more memory i might think about buying it and nad made a clan on it that i will probaly join. :)



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i do agree, the weapons at the moment arn't that varried, but I bet you once a few expansion packs roll in there will be a lot more choices.













See the thing is that in just the time since Guild wars has come out WoW team has already added a massive pvp honour system where you get ranked for your server ranking and rewards honourable and dishonourable kills, and they testing a massive allience v horde battle grounds, you will have to wait at least 6 months untill the next expansion pack for guild wars.
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I've only played WoW, so I can't really compare these two. But WoW is really massive and a brilliant game (around 1000x better than runescape, not joking :wink: ) and I've been hooked since I started playing it around 1,5 months ago.








Only downside is that it has some bugs, and issues. My game crashes everyday several times, no matter that i've been trying to fix the problem as blizzard technincal support has adviced. (and btw, i'm not only one who has these broblems, check blizzard technical support forums for instance.)








WoW isn't THAT time consuming, though. Max level takes a month or so max, doesn't it? I was level 10 in like an hour lol..Compared to RS, max level takes like 3, maybe 4 years..








Haven't played GW except beta (and it just crashed every 5 min :P) but I played WoW...I liked both actually.




Dunno, you'd have to play pretty much to get maxium level in a month. :)

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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I recommand getting GW first, since you don't have to pay per month, so you can atleast try it. If it bores you, you can just move on WoW. WoW is a lot more like Runescape, but it has more features i am guessing. I don't know how much fun WoW will be for you, since you are quiting Runescape.


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I recommand getting GW first, since you don't have to pay per month, so you can atleast try it. If it bores you, you can just move on WoW. WoW is a lot more like Runescape, but it has more features i am guessing. I don't know how much fun WoW will be for you, since you are quiting Runescape.








I guess I just got bored with runescape which is not entirely surprising since I've played it for around 4 years now. Eventually I realized that all I really liked about the game was pking and thats a lot of fun. Despite that it just got old, I made a pure ranger soon after rs2 came out and made a lot of cash on him, but he's since been eclipsed by the thousands of other lvl 60 pure rangers exactly like him.








Thats a pretty good idea to just get GW first and I may do that, depending on what I end up getting for my new comp.

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OK.... i would say GW over WoW just from the screenshot because GW is beautiful... like EQ2....




EQ2 doesnt have PVP but if ur comp isnt good enuf to run very intense graphics of these 2 game i would suggest EQ




...great content has dedicated PVP servers... not the prettiest game every built but still pretty high.




If u are soly looking for a great game great graphics and PVP then GW




If u care less about graphics but care more about content helpful community and PVP go EQ.... i would head for EQ at the moment mainly because its well out and been ready to play


<( *-* )> <(*-* <) (> *-*)> <( *-* )>

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I would recommend against getting EQ, personally. They should rename it "EverGrind".








I haven't played WoW, so I can't be a great judge on that, but I have played GuildWars a lot, so..








PvP-wise, Guild Wars is great. It really is about strategy. You have to know to do when and in conjunction with what and what makes a good team and which weapons go best with the skill set you have and etc..








The only hitch is that if you want to be any good, you have to do the roleplaying. Roleplaying allows you to unlock goodies for use on your PvP character.




There are skills (at the moment approx 150 skills per class, 6 classes, 2 classes per character, the combinations are insane), weapon upgrade components, and runes, which allow you to upgrade armor.








Another great feature of GuildWars is the streaming update technology. Basically, you never have to download a patch. Bug fixes and etc can be streamed to you as soon as they're fixed, so as soon as you go to a different area, your game is updated. For large updates all you have to do is close and reopen the game. This also allows them to do expansion to the game aside from expansion packs. Although they will do expansion packs, and the stuff they've got planned for those expansion packs seems really cool.








Sorry, I know the thoughts there were kind of disjoined, but, I think you get the idea.

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I'd like to add something to my first post. Don't know about GW pvp really that much but WoW pvp is really cool. I'ts usually more team based than runescape for example where you solo or go with small teams. In WOW you usually fight with bigger 10-60 teams on PvP. But overall the game is more PvE based than PvP.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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How often are they updating GW? I know they have fairly regular patches for WOW that include large amounts of new content. Does GW do similar updates?








Also, I don't think this has been answered yet (sorry if it has), but what do you get for killing another player in GW. Is there something similar to WOW honor system?

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WoW isn't THAT time consuming, though. Max level takes a month or so max, doesn't it? I was level 10 in like an hour lol..Compared to RS, max level takes like 3, maybe 4 years..








Haven't played GW except beta (and it just crashed every 5 min :P) but I played WoW...I liked both actually.








I was saying it was time consuming comparitively. Lvl 60 on WoW is harder to attain than lvl 20 on GW. Theres also the factor of getting the weapons and armor you want; theres still sets of armor on WoW that people havn't even gotten yet so it gives the higher level people something to strive for, on GW from what I've noticed most of the people at lvl 20 have the same sort of armor which (correct me if i'm wrong) makes it a little easier to attain your item goal. I havn't done much in the way of pvp on GW but from what I HAVE done, it seems you get points...no items from what I've seen.

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This is a fantastic post for me to read. I have seen WoW, been lazy and not actually played or bought it yet. A friend at school advises me to play guild wars. I personally think I will go with WoW because my friend has horrible taste, and would rather play rubies of eventide (http://www.cyberwar.net) over runescape, and rubies is really really bad.




So in the end, buy WoW ;)

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i do agree, the weapons at the moment arn't that varried, but I bet you once a few expansion packs roll in there will be a lot more choices.













See the thing is that in just the time since Guild wars has come out WoW team has already added a massive pvp honour system where you get ranked for your server ranking and rewards honourable and dishonourable kills, and they testing a massive allience v horde battle grounds, you will have to wait at least 6 months untill the next expansion pack for guild wars.








And yet, there is a HUGE{/i] new area(s) (2 of them) coming out in a few weeks, plus we have been constant tweaks, updates and such.












Guild Wars PvP is still some of the best i've seen in a game. I mean, when your coming up with some of the stratagys we do (hell, even in PvP battles we may have aliances forming lol, Like all the americans team up against korea :lol: :lol:) But it realy is a great game.












Also, Just to clear up something , alot of people think that for guild wars you need to pay for every Update/fix/whatever. That is not true. The only thing you wil lever need to buy is of course, the game. Now sure, you probaly will want to buy Expansion packs, but those come Every 6months or so. Updates are constantly coming through each week or so in guild wars as well, either with some new quests, or fixes, or whatever.








I also must say, the game is ballanced very nicely. There realy isn't a "super own all' class.








What do I mean?












a Warrior/Monk. A lot of people i've seen that have tried it say they are the main class. however, get a Mesmer with Empathy, or an Earth elementalist with Ward against melee, and they arn't so tough anymore. (these are just examples)








Think your Caster is hot stuff? An Anti caster Mesmer/Warrior will put it to shame. Backfire/Interupts..... yeah your going down.








but so you think Mesmers are that great? Well, they are quite weak when it comes to armor. Catch an anti caster off guard with a warrior... its dead. Likewise, catch an anti warrior with a caster...
















That being said, there are SO many combonations to the game, and while some may work better, there is no perfect build. Every build will have some sort of weakness, a stratagy in making a character is finding a weakness that isn't used by others many. (for example, my air elementalist. Not many people have air resistance :) )
















But it realy does make the game ballanced.












and my "age" for my character Nadril Neverwinter?








Age = 147 Hours , 39minutes from when this character was created 35 days ago.








so... lol? and for the first.... 2 weeks? or so i could only play on weekends. ouch :( (this isn't counting a newbie i have that has 20hours on him, and random pvp characters i've done over the days lol)
















Well, This too was just kind of mass thoughts. And from what i've seen, ArenaNet is very open to ideas and feedback. :)








and Kielm, your freind is right on Guild wars :) you shouldn't base getting a game or not off of if a freind likes or doesn't like :P

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