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~Discussion: Guys playing as Girl Characters?~


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WOOHOO!! i read every post cuase i was bored... and now it is time for my opinion RAWR!!












I admit i play as a girl character, but definetly not to get free items or anything like that. Me and my friend were just bored and felt like scrweing around so we became females and tested out different clothes and such. (this was like 3 or 4 days ago btw). I was planning on chainging back as soon as we went our seperate ways but i got side tracked and it turns out i prefer the good manners, and no choobs calling me a noob and stuff more then the horror of walking around as a guy and having everyone point out every mistake, or flaw you have.








If anyone bothers to ask me if im a girl, or asks me out, i tell them im a guy and they usually dont care, however i did get one flame happy guy ask me out who forced me to switch worlds :evil:








I plan on changing back to a guy tomorow btw... lol

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I mett up with an old friend of mine and he was suddenly a girl so i asked so are u gonne stay a girl..?








HE answered: 'Depends on how rich my Boy Friends will be?!?!?!?!?'








Thesis: Being a gorl makes ppl more friendly to u and brings money!

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It is true that people tend to treat me better than some of my male friends.








Once i had an encounter where i was in a big stack of people and being called a noob and other various things for some reason. I step of the stack to bank, and then he eloquently apologizes because he "didn't see i was a lady". Not that bad of a guy, eh? :wink:








I have never been offered free things, which i find decidedly odd because i see it happens quite often.








Becoming a girl as a guy character to get stuff, in a strict intereptation of the rules, is scamming, since you are misleading the other player in a trade.

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I believe it is VERY disturbing! The "She-Males" are degrading all of us real girls in RuneScape! Saying things like "Will u be my boyfrend" or asking of money to do certain things which would be inappropriet to speak of in these forums. It disgusts me, but unfortunately there is no Runescape rule against it. Sickening... :-(



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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Anyone can play the way they want. I see nothing wrong with it. Some do it for fun (i have some friends that did it).








When i play regular RPG games (not online), i first play as lawfull good male warrior and if i like the game i play second time as evil female mage. Anything wrong with me?

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Well, I know it's kinda stupid, but I was stuck as a female charachter for a while when my brother got on my account and changed me; I was stuck like that for 3 weeks untill I figured out where the makeover mage was...




worked out well though; some random guy gave me 500k for being "the hottest archer in the game"... strange, strange people.

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i some times dress up and be a girl because you can make look cool well not now with the new update. but it doesnt make them us gay. but if you are a girl asking guys out then that does

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Thesis: Guys playing as girl characters is morally wrong and gives guys unfair advantages.








Sure does in wildy! :wink: Less people chasing me!








Antithesis: I can do whatever i want in this world. Dressing up as women for competition and just for fun is up to the person who wants to do that.








Does it really matter? I do it for the clothes! Being F2P and all doesn't leave you with much options.

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I see this all the time, and it is kinda disturbing to see. I myself do not fake, I am a girl :P. But I see this as a very rampant thing. However, I see this as less of a problem, and more of a bizzare thing that inevitably happens on the internet.

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my wife plays, and from what I hear from her when she's playing, I don't think the kiddies are treating her all that great. She complains a lot about the "will you be my gf" comments but also "u noob" a lot too.








I might have less issue with this topic if a majority of people were actually *roleplaying*, but I see a lot of people yakking just as they would in real life. I won't be hypocritical-- I haven't created a persona for my character, so I don't think I'm doing much roleplaying either.








I don't do a lot of online gaming, but I came from a MUD background (text based) and quite a bit of this seems to be the same old thing. Not many folks take lots of time pouring roleplaying concepts into their characters (they'll talk as themselves usually, it was only a few games that had in-character and out-of-character rules) and it's not unusual if people put something sexual or something like that into the game.

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personally...when i made pkers...i always made them girls...it just made me seem better since girls are always looked down upon...and then when id own them..id remove my helmet...gets me more respect for some reason...go figure :lol:

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it is all quite pointless cos how is it disturbing it lets people see how they treat others on the same way, its a good thing








ps why does anyone care its their life not urs

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bumping up a post if that is okay, some new thoughts...








Did the Recruitment Drive quest recently, which requires male characters to go to the makeover mage. Well, the makeover was interesting-- my character has always been bald, so I wound up with a bald female character.








Well, for some odd reason, I decided I'd have some fun with this. I wondered if it was true if guys treated female characters differently. I mean, I'd heard a lot here and was always hearing about it at home, but I wanted to see if things would change. So, I figured I wouldn't use that voucher just yet. I was also curious as to what the big deal was with the dwarf clothes, so I started the Giant Dwarf quest next and got some on the way. I see what every one was saying. Well, after I got done, I started dyeing a few capes to match with the outfits :)








I put on a gas mask to hide the baldness... did get a lot of people asking what that was, one wanted to buy it (of course you can't). Got a few interesting reactions when I didn't wear the mask-- I don't think too many people are taken with bald chicks no matter how becoming that woman in Star Trek: The Movie was.








Had some laughs with a few friends, got an extra outfit from one of them, and then eventually decided I would get some hair. I figured I would go all out and look as cute as possible, see if that would get the best possible reaction-- the pigtails have been really popular as of late especially with the way they look with wizard and Santa hats. So I went to the hairdresser. As I'd been discussing this whole process with friends, I asked one about hair colors-- green or pink was suggested. So I tried green. Looked... bad. Went to red. Perfect! Matched all the outfits I had, plus I've always had a thing for redheads, so again I thought it would be amusing to be a redhead hottie. ;) Of course, I looked better now that I had hair, and I agree very much that female characters seem to have more selection in looks-- well, stuff that isn't too expensive anyway or hard to get.








Well, the Mrs. didn't like this much-- for one, she hated her character's hair that she wound up with when we first went from rs1 to rs2, so when the free makeover mage week happened, she changed it. She said she wanted to be taken seriously, so she picked the bun style. She mentioned again how she hated the "will you be my gf" requests, and this was one she quoted:








him: "will you be my gf?"




her: "I'm married"




him: "oh"




her: "how old are you?"




him: "12"




her: "I'm 36"








Anyway, I told her how amusing I thought it was. I'm not in it for free stuff at all-- although my character is usually broke, I just don't think that's fair-- I just really wanted to see what the difference was, and if people acted nooby, I'd just string 'em along a bit. I figured not many people would buy it with a name like "jaklumen" unless I suppose I said the 'jak' was short for Jacqueline.








I suppose I'll change back into a guy when this gets old and especially if people start getting to know my wife's character. I suppose it could be considered a little bit creepy in a way, at least from the way some people have said it, but yeah, it's just a game, so I'll just have some fun for right now :)








So far people have said 'hi' a lot more. I got a 'hey hotty- what's up' :P and a 'nice weap' (I usually carry a poisoned dragon dagger) and somewhat more attention overall. Heh.








p.s. I hope the women I've made friends with here will share my sense of humor :)

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very very interesting topic!








but hang on.....switched his character to female??? Can you change between being male or female without having to start a new account?!?!?!? I've never heard of it b4!

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If scamming by pretending to be female reaches an extent where it happens far too often they should make it so you can only be the gender that you signed up as.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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4. Right as i am typing this one of my rs guy friends is playing on a girl account :oops:








Thesis: Guys playing as girl characters is morally wrong and gives guys unfair advantages.








Smavey, that hurts :(








Unfair advantage? No one ever gave me free stuff... ohh! Unfair advantage in Recruitment Drive huh ;)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Its just plain creepy when a guy is playing a girl on this game... I dont even want to think about it. Then they say stuff that girls would usually say too. To me thats just covering up for having no life and being lonely.

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of course its not sad and lonely to post complaints about guys as girls












u would say that if it was the other way round, or maybe u are just twisted

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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the only reason i'd see fit for playing as a girl character would be to basicly "roll play" a female character. Yeah, maybe you've gotten boored of playing your mighty Warrior smack them all down guy. Maybe you wanna play as a kickass girl :P Or.. Well, its your choice :)








it is a Roll playing game afterall.



















You hit it on the head for me. I play a female character for the reasons you listed above. Im not sick in the head, or gai in real life.Its just for the roleplay of it. When ever other guys ask to be a Boyfriend I simply say no and move along.

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Do you think I could change gender with my name? .. I do know some girls in rl who can chug beer with the best of them :shock: :shock:








But nah, I'm happy with my rugged mountain man looks ... but I do take issue when I sometimes wear a plated skirt showing my hairy muscled legs .........









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