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Lennin, if you still can maybe you should start appering again, maybe wisper 'I remember' to him. Then end it however. I can see why the sucker punch, it would kinda ruin the revenge if he managed to defend himself in the end.

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My school isn't usualy* violent at all. Fights consist of one of the following:




*See brick paragraph




Kid calls another kid out. Other kid trys to punch first guy. Both take up boxing stance (jumping around with fists up). By this time a circle has formed. They take turns punching and missing. Friend/teacher pulls them apart. They are taken to office.








Kid calls another kid out. Other kid trys to punch first guy. A blow or two is landed by each person. One of the two gets the other in a headlock on the ground. Fight turns into wrestling match type thing.








But there was this one time... A gang fight.




It was first period. The class (mostly freshmen and sophmores, with a couple upper classmen) is sitting, doing out usual work. We hear shouts outside the classroom, so a few people stand up and look outside, and start going "Oh sh¡t! Oh sh¡t!". There are 4 people against the wall outside the classroom, all going at each other. Next thing you know there are at least 8 other people running out across the grass to these first 4 people, and they all start going at eachother (this is like 6 vs 6 now; a huge fight). There are like 6+ teachers screaming at kids to get back in the classrooms, and like 2 other teachers screaming urgently "Security!! We need security NOW!!!!!!!! SECURITY!!". By this time there are like 5 students at each door watching the fight. Then you see like 2 big teachers come up and pull like 2 of the guys off each other, but there are still like 10 others fighting. So then this huge black security guy comes up and pulls like 4 guys off by himself, so like half the guys are gone. Then a cop comes up with a pistol in his holter at his side a baton on the other, pointing a taser gun at the kids. He starts shouting in a huge voice "Break it up! I said break it up! NOW!!" This distracts them, and some teachers rush up and grab them. All this took place in probably less than a minute or two, but it seemed like eternity.




And incase you're wondering, we have cops out infront of the school every day to catch that 25% of the school that comes to class high on a daily basis. I'd say over 50% of the school smokes/has smoked weed in the last month. Even the health teachers admit it. We're doing a health lesson, and the book is like "Believe it or not, only about 30% of students do drugs such as marajuana." Everybody rolls their eyes and the teachers says "I know, the average his might be a bit higher".






(P.S. No I dont live in a big gang city like compton or anything)






This sounds a lot like my school, minus the huge fight part. We never really had any of that happen, YET. You see, we're getting like 200 new Freshmen next year, and from what I hear, almost every dude in that class is a complete [bleep]. Fights happened over at the middle school almost constantly thanks to these dudes. They even have most of the girls of the same class scared out of their minds. If I'm lucky, me and the people I had problems with in the previous years will agree that we need to teach these little snots some manners. At the very least, they'll be kept busy, and I'll be generally left alone. What REALLY worries me is if they decide they want to go after my sister or one of my friends. I am not entirely sure WHAT I'd do in that situation, aside from it ending with an ambulance.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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Man, this thread is awesome. I've gotten a nice few ideas from these past 3 pages. And I would have to agree with rushrock, I expected more out of you Lenin. I can see how it worked and why you did it, but I just thought it would be a bit more spectacular.




I'm a bad one for revenge. I've done everything from physical confrontations to mind games, to complete sabotoge. As a final revenge for a school I absolutely hated (well, not final, I'm still saving up money for that), I managed to magnetize 5-6 computers (screens and anything else I could get close enough to), along with humiliating the principal and serving more time in ISS in one year than I believe anyone had in the history of the school...It was bad there, and I wasn't dealing with it. Towards the end of the year, people stopped messing with me...or mostly after I flipped a kid off the raised-sidewalk [it was like a sidewalk a foot or two off the ground that surrounded the (private) school, that acted as a walkway to classes] and into a tree, which got me a week of ISS (they knew out of school suspension would just be a vacation). Man I hate that school even today, 5 years after I left.




One day in 8th grade, towards the end of the year, I just absolutely lost it on a kid. The whole class (my class was 10 or so people, but the "delta [4th grade and above] class" was around 100, and I got it bad from 6-8 from almost everyone. Well, one kid just kept saying [cabbage] to/about me, and we were helping set up a volleyball court...They trusted me with hammering in the stakes, which was a bad idea later...Well, he was on the other side of the "court" [which was strings tied to stakes stuck in the ground], and I heard things like "[wagon] can't even make a straight line", which I just lost it. Lobbed this small hammer, wasn't even heavy at him, and it spun in a near perfect line, right where I aimed...Had he not turned at the last second, he wouldn't be able to have kids...I left a mark on his thigh for around 5 months before it started to go away...




I ran under the portables and hid until someone found me (there was nowhere else to go, it's a small private school near a residential neighborhood, and a cop who lived not too far down the street, so don't judge my choice of hiding). I was found in about 20 minutes, and was threatened with all sorts of things. I was suspended indefinately, faced with expulsion, attempted murder, aggrivated assault, and a few other charges. Everything was dropped thanks to my mom explaining our situation at home (which is still abysmal, but a bit better than it was back then), and my agreement to go to a psychologist and an anger management specialist, and I got a 1 day suspension. I hold the record for the worst behavior at that school too.




Highschool has been fine for me though. Of course there's the occasional verbal conflict, and threats made (occasionally marrying face to wall/desk), and all that, but it's nothing serious.. The worse thing I've done so far is threaten a kid with my bike lock (which is about an inch or more thick....image of it) by taking a swing at him. That and a cop threatened to give me a ticket for riding my bike without a helmet...I walked it across the street, and, making sure he was still watching, got on and rode off. He didn't do anything though.




I also specialize in computer pranks for revenge. Changing windows sounds to those of a sexual nature, or assorted screamer sounds (the image gives it more effect, but there's nothing like booting up your computer in the morning with the speakers up, and hearing "RAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" when you expect something more calm)...I've been known to hack a myspace profile or two and nobody lets me use their phone anymore unless they are there to monitor me....Oh, and batch files are fun too.




I'm generally a rather funny, relaxed person, but I have a short fuse and I tend to bottle things up (which is a bad habit and something I can't seem to break), so if someone lights the fuse, the [cabbage] hits the fan (or the valve stem remover hits the tire) pretty fast...Plus, my dad drives a tow truck that he keeps at the house. I know most tow truck drivers, cops (my aunt was a detective, my uncle the head of the local jail and he's running for sheriff), and a few repo men..which comes in handy.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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Nice ^




I'm not much of a revenge person, but probably because i've never needed to use it. The only case I can think of is this:




I recently joined a band (i'm a guitarist) consisting of drummer, another guitarist and a bassist. They're all really cool except the bassist is a little different. He sucks at bass (although he's only been playing a couple months so it really isn't his fault), rarely shows up for practice and is rather boring to talk to. He can be funny but most of the time it really isn't funny. Eventually he found out that I thought these things about him so he got pissed at me (lol). He said he had a "surprise" for me next band practice. Turns out there was nothing, although the lemonade he gave me did taste a little sour. What a punishment. Anyways everyone started thinking I hate him, and I really don't, he's a cool kid except for those qualities. But eventually he started putting random crap around his myspace saying "(insertmynamehere) should go die" and things like that. So apparently he hates me but he's been on vacation all summer so it's all good. Anyways i'm not really mad at him, just a little confused. So all i'm really going to do is just pretend to be his best friend and ignore the stuff he's said about me (he took the stuff off his myspace after a couple days). Just to get into his mind, I guess. I really don't like violence, but if he ever comes after me he better be expecting something. Most people probably can't tell from my appearance that I lift weights and work out often, so I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to try something.




Sorry about no indentions but I really can't think of any place to put them :roll:


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^I just beat our guitarist with my drumsticks.Bastard broke my old pair on my knuckles.Damn his head played almost as well as a snare :lol:




I have [bleep]ed a guy's drinks with lax'es and poured water down his bag.I've done more unmentionable things to him,too.Why?Tried to get touchy-feely with the girlfriend.Lets just say he's come to school with bandages on more than one occasion.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I actually don't need to get revenge very often, and very rarely for something serious.. I guess it helps to cultivate the impression that I'm crazy enough to kill someone. And I don't even try.. I really don't get it, most of the people my age seem to think that I'm criminally insane. Can't imagine why. :|








Most of my revenge can be handled with a punch or stabbing with a ballpoint pen. Nothing specific really stands out, though.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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