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No PK? No Staking? No market? No drop trades?


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So i came back from my long retirement and wanted to check things out. First thing i see, new page, new looks new game basically. RS HD. Well ok fine i guess, i can run it in low detail to keep the 'oldschool' touch to it (even if it's been gone since the release of RS2), moving on from there. No pking? No staking? No trading? Mindblowing changes, unacceptable changes!.


PKing MADE RS. Even if RS2 killed it with a big bunch, and now its gone completely. No words there.


Staking gone? The main reason since RS2 to level up a pure character - GONE. Unbelievable.


No trading? Another core feature of this game gone.




So i went to check my bank alt if he's alive. He was. I withdrew my valuables, some small rares and a party hat. Dropping over to my main. And guess what? Nothing. Items won't pop up. They even removed that. It's just completely insane, how the game developers can totally **** up their game over the course of 1~ year? Ontop of this they have extended the max combat to 138. Yesterday i saw a level 125 i believe without even a single 99. Mindblowing. I remember the days you had to be maxed out to become lv123...




So not only this game has been dumbed down to such an extent it's not enjoyable, but also the levels and stats don't mean a **** anymore. Where is this 'holy-****' feeling from others when you 3 hitted people back in rsc, 30 30 dead? Instead anything under 70 while maxing is "omfg u noob".


Instead all i see from people is something like this: "Emote plz", "omfg emote!!44" "U NOOB SHWO EMTOE I *** UR MOM". All this just makes me sick. And only one thing to add.


Back to World of Warcraft.

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So...Back to WoW?Good riddance.I hope all of the people who haven't realised the trade limit is in place leave as well,we'd have a better community.Have you even read the RuneScape rules?No multiple logging in,that means no tranference of items either.Anything you get in that account cannot be from yourself.That is to say,drop trading was illegal in the first place.




I hope all you guys who can openly admit to drop trading get perm-banned and when you come back from WoW you can't play a damn thing on your bloody account.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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1. This is 5 months old, you could've asked a in game friend what happend.




3.I prefer the "dumbed" down version of the game. It easier to train without getting annoyed y 13 year old kids making pures just for pixels.


[software Engineer] -

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So...Back to WoW?Good riddance.I hope all of the people who haven't realised the trade limit is in place leave as well,we'd have a better community.Have you even read the RuneScape rules?No multiple logging in,that means no tranference of items either.Anything you get in that account cannot be from yourself.That is to say,drop trading was illegal in the first place.




I hope all you guys who can openly admit to drop trading get perm-banned and when you come back from WoW you can't play a damn thing on your bloody account.








I know what is/was 'legal' or not. And that droptrading was bannable was known to me before you even knew about this game (not that i know of anyone who has gotten the ban hammer for it during the 7 years). Unfortunately its the players who had to suffer because of Jagex's stupidity. Basically people were allowed to have several toons but not interract with them. If you tell that to any serious MMO developer today, they would laugh their as*es off. Because by simple logic its non-sence, how such fundamental feature of any MMO, was actually a bannable offence in another.


After a while Jagex didn't care about 'char-interracting' anymore, wether they were busy as hell with dupers, botters etc, or maybe Jagex realised their mistake - how pathetic the rule really was but couldnt be arsed to remove it (perhaps in fear of losing their credibility). Nonetheless, everyone did it. And personally i cannot see what's wrong with parsing your OWN stuff that you've earned amongst your very own characters.




If you gonna complain about EBAY traders and the gold farmers who you think sunk this game like Titanic, then think again. It wasn't the players fault. It's the developers fault -> JAGEX. They were able to create a decent catchy game, but they couldn't fix the loopholes created by themselves so the game collapsed. And the players got to suffer for it because of the developers incompetency. In 2004 the pressure was too high. 20% of the players were running around in shemale-like outfits. Then you knew something was seriously wrong. So it came, RS2.


But RS2 on its own created more problems. So they fix some and get new rightaway. Problem now was, the game changed dramatically. Everyone stayed on rsc as long as they could (2 week transfer time i believe), and in the end, many players quit because the Player Killing (what made RS so good) became bullsh*t. So some chose to stay in rsc, some went on with rs2 for a while and then quit, but many did the right decision at that time. They simply began to sell their characters. Causing a massive wave of RWT. And it just began rolling like a snowball, and again, again players had to suffer. For the sh*t JAGEX came up with. And now people like you 'dragoonson', would say "hey its raining" if jagex sh*t on you. Seriously. Fanboys like you are so easy pleased its beyond me.


And who knows, i *might* get banned but i wonder who would benefit most from that. Me who's not even playing the game, or you - the happy customer that is being sh*t on, and you don't even notice.

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1. This is 5 months old, you could've asked a in game friend what happend.




3.I prefer the "dumbed" down version of the game. It easier to train without getting annoyed y 13 year old kids making pures just for pixels.




1) Oh right.. Wait...


2) No sh*t?


3) Yeah i can understand that you prefer 150k/hour exp and easy mode compared to rsc's 20k exp/hour in the very most skills. *that's like yay i can be lv100 too mommy*

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Seriously, you have some major issues. You talk about how messed up RS is now, while simultaneously (that means at the same time) admitting that you were part of the problem.




Dropping items and selling characters is against the rules and was the ONLY factor in removing staking, pking, and all that you hold dear.




Basically, even though I am sure it wasn't your intention. Your rant only exposed you as one of those people that ruined those aspects of Runescape for the rest of us.




:thumbup: Great Job!!! :thumbup:

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If you don't like it, don't play it. It's not very dignified to come here and type all this nonsense. You don't know what you're arguing about. You say you want to go back to WoW, then do it, posting this on a RS fansite makes you look even more of an idiot. There are mmorpgs with far better combat systems and pvp than RS, stop hanging onto RS like a dead old goose already.

2480+ total

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1. This is 5 months old, you could've asked a in game friend what happend.




3.I prefer the "dumbed" down version of the game. It easier to train without getting annoyed y 13 year old kids making pures just for pixels.




1) Oh right.. Wait...


2) No sh*t?


3) Yeah i can understand that you prefer 150k/hour exp and easy mode compared to rsc's 20k exp/hour in the very most skills. *that's like yay i can be lv100 too mommy*


2) You admit to doing it?


3) Responses like that are going to make people wonder who really is worse... the children or the ones who spite them.

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If you gonna complain about EBAY traders and the gold farmers who you think sunk this game like Titanic, then think again. It wasn't the players fault. It's the developers fault -> JAGEX. They were able to create a decent catchy game, but they couldn't fix the loopholes created by themselves so the game collapsed. And the players got to suffer for it because of the developers incompetency.




So, basically you're saying that the RWT problem was due to Jagex and now, you're complaining that they fixed it????







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So i came back from my long retirement and wanted to check things out. First thing i see, new page, new looks new game basically. RS HD. Well ok fine i guess, i can run it in low detail to keep the 'oldschool' touch to it (even if it's been gone since the release of RS2), moving on from there. No pking? No staking? No trading? Mindblowing changes, unacceptable changes!.


PKing MADE RS. Even if RS2 killed it with a big bunch, and now its gone completely. No words there.


Staking gone? The main reason since RS2 to level up a pure character - GONE. Unbelievable.


No trading? Another core feature of this game gone.




So i went to check my bank alt if he's alive. He was. I withdrew my valuables, some small rares and a party hat. Dropping over to my main. And guess what? Nothing. Items won't pop up. They even removed that. It's just completely insane, how the game developers can totally f*ck up their game over the course of 1~ year? Ontop of this they have extended the max combat to 138. Yesterday i saw a level 125 i believe without even a single 99. Mindblowing. I remember the days you had to be maxed out to become lv123...




So not only this game has been dumbed down to such an extent it's not enjoyable, but also the levels and stats don't mean a sh*t anymore. Where is this 'holy-sh*t' feeling from others when you 3 hitted people back in rsc, 30 30 dead? Instead anything under 70 while maxing is "omfg u noob".


Instead all i see from people is something like this: "Emote plz", "omfg emote!!44" "U NOOB SHWO EMTOE I FUK UR MOM". All this just makes me sick. And only one thing to add.


Back to World of Warcraft.




Oh look, another child who hasn't bothered the read the website coming on Tip.It to complain and make half-witted statements about something he knows nothing about. Pking, Staking, and Trading weren't removed. Oh my god no reason to level up a pure character? Whatever will we do to survive without our pure alts!! Oh right, have a more mature community.




As for your pure, I hope you lost those items you dropped, serves you right for idiotically traipsing your way into the game after finding out about the trade limitations without thinking, hey maybe they did something about drop trading too, that'd be a bit of common sense for you. And as for combat levels, you'll find that a new skill has been released called Summoning that raises combat. Oh no, a 125 without any 99's? Clearly the concern of someone with nothing more important going on in life, other than getting school supplies for when he starts with the big boy school next year.




Go back to WOW, the Barrens is missing its Chuck-Norris-Joke-Spitting moron.








I know what is/was 'legal' or not. And that droptrading was bannable was known to me before you even knew about this game (not that i know of anyone who has gotten the ban hammer for it during the 7 years). Unfortunately its the players who had to suffer because of Jagex's stupidity. Basically people were allowed to have several toons but not interract with them. If you tell that to any serious MMO developer today, they would laugh their as*es off. Because by simple logic its non-sence, how such fundamental feature of any MMO, was actually a bannable offence in another.


After a while Jagex didn't care about 'char-interracting' anymore, wether they were busy as hell with dupers, botters etc, or maybe Jagex realised their mistake - how pathetic the rule really was but couldnt be arsed to remove it (perhaps in fear of losing their credibility). Nonetheless, everyone did it. And personally i cannot see what's wrong with parsing your OWN stuff that you've earned amongst your very own characters.




If you gonna complain about EBAY traders and the gold farmers who you think sunk this game like Titanic, then think again. It wasn't the players fault. It's the developers fault -> JAGEX. They were able to create a decent catchy game, but they couldn't fix the loopholes created by themselves so the game collapsed. And the players got to suffer for it because of the developers incompetency. In 2004 the pressure was too high. 20% of the players were running around in shemale-like outfits. Then you knew something was seriously wrong. So it came, RS2.


But RS2 on its own created more problems. So they fix some and get new rightaway. Problem now was, the game changed dramatically. Everyone stayed on rsc as long as they could (2 week transfer time i believe), and in the end, many players quit because the Player Killing (what made RS so good) became [cabbage]*t. So some chose to stay in rsc, some went on with rs2 for a while and then quit, but many did the right decision at that time. They simply began to sell their characters. Causing a massive wave of RWT. And it just began rolling like a snowball, and again, again players had to suffer. For the sh*t JAGEX came up with. And now people like you 'dragoonson', would say "hey its raining" if jagex sh*t on you. Seriously. Fanboys like you are so easy pleased its beyond me.




Right, so you're complaining that Jagex is enforcing their rules. Way to bring about the crybaby 12 year old attitude. "Wahh, any REAL game company would LAUGH AT IT". Oh really? You mean the companies that haven't been able to maintain more paying members than the company they're laughing at? I'm sure the creators of Auto Assault would laugh at Runescape shortly before turning back to shutting down their failed mess of a game.




So what you're saying is Jagex forced people to break the law (Intellectual Property Theft as well as breach of contract) by...making updates that these idiots couldn't cope with? The real world trading problem didn't come from people on RSC selling their accounts, unless those players from rsc owned thousands of accounts named Jin Qin 209825.




But it all boils down to you saying Jagex was the problem in Real World Trading and Drop Trading, and now you're whining like a small child because they fixed said loopholes. Well let me apologize on Jagex's behalf for making a game they thought would be more open and free than other MMO's (Looting death piles for starters), and now have to restrict that because of gold farmers, and kiddies like yourself who drop trade rares to their alts so they can feel superior to the other level 3s in the neighborhood.




This thread is a massive failure, and if the thread starter keeps coming back, it will only weaken an already crumbling argument.




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Not only did you admit to doing it, but you're going back to WoW. I couldn't be happier. See ya later, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I think some people here misunderstood me on few points and i want to clearify before i leave this thread.




1) I never said it was a bad thing gold farmers are gone and RWT is gone. It IS a good thing, HOWEVER the cost of it got way too high and out of hand. If Blizzard implemented changes like these to WoW, the game would be screwed up big time, like RS is now.


2) Again, how the HELL can it possibly be wrong to trade my hard earned items to another character of mine. If noone else except the owner will use the character and the items what harm can it do? And again, a simple solution to the 'trading problem' could've been a simple account management system by Jagex. One owner, and limited number of character slots. All transactions can be done within your characters, yet the 3000 gold limit applies to other people. Even friends. THAT SIMPLE.


3) I don't even need to specify for you why i used a lv3 alt as a banker, but it was only for security reasons.


4) How the HELL was i a contributor to ANY of the problems? I didnt sell my char, nor items, i didnt bot or macro, i didn't dupe or hack the client.




I can tell none of you are any oldschool players, just RS2 products with no clue and eat everything that gets throwen at you.





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2) Again, how the HELL can it possibly be wrong to trade my hard earned items to another character of mine.




[Rule #8: Multiple Logging In]




It's in the rules and in the Terms of Service. Doesn't matter HOW you feel about the rule, it's not permitted by their ToS. Violation of contract, plain and simple.




Oh, by the by, it doesn't matter how long any of us have been around. The rule regarding this hasn't changed. I hope you enjoy your time over at WoW, because I sure as hell don't want to see you back.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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2) Again, how the HELL can it possibly be wrong to trade my hard earned items to another character of mine.




[Rule #8: Multiple Logging In]




It's in the rules and in the Terms of Service. Doesn't matter HOW you feel about the rule, it's not permitted by their ToS. Violation of contract, plain and simple.




Oh, by the by, it doesn't matter how long any of us have been around. The rule regarding this hasn't changed. I hope you enjoy your time over at WoW, because I sure as hell don't want to see you back.




Yet they don't ban for it, because it's re*arded?

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2) Again, how the HELL can it possibly be wrong to trade my hard earned items to another character of mine.




[Rule #8: Multiple Logging In]




It's in the rules and in the Terms of Service. Doesn't matter HOW you feel about the rule, it's not permitted by their ToS. Violation of contract, plain and simple.




Oh, by the by, it doesn't matter how long any of us have been around. The rule regarding this hasn't changed. I hope you enjoy your time over at WoW, because I sure as hell don't want to see you back.




Yet they don't ban for it, because it's re*arded?




Actually they do. Sometimes they just add blackmarks. You are supporting drop trading and the transfering of items accross accounts owned by the same person. People like you screw the game up for the rest of us.




And to add to your comment about there not being no market. Ever heard of Monster hunting?




Heres a question :




how the HELL can you be so ignorant?


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Gawd we need a sticky for this :| . The Wilderness is gone, no more free trade, no more drop trading. It' s been 8 months allready, just step over quietly already.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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Yet they don't ban for it, because it's re*arded?






Why would they have it in their rules if it was so (developmentally delayed). I am sorry that I have only been playing this game for 3 years and 11 months, but a rule is a rule is a rule.




I for one enjoy the game even after all the changes. I just happen to believe that there is more to Runescape that drop trading, and pking.




But hey, what do I know?

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So...Back to WoW?Good riddance.I hope all of the people who haven't realised the trade limit is in place leave as well,we'd have a better community.Have you even read the RuneScape rules?No multiple logging in,that means no tranference of items either.Anything you get in that account cannot be from yourself.That is to say,drop trading was illegal in the first place.




I hope all you guys who can openly admit to drop trading get perm-banned and when you come back from WoW you can't play a damn thing on your bloody account.








I know what is/was 'legal' or not. And that droptrading was bannable was known to me before you even knew about this game (not that i know of anyone who has gotten the ban hammer for it during the 7 years). Unfortunately its the players who had to suffer because of Jagex's stupidity. Basically people were allowed to have several toons but not interract with them. If you tell that to any serious MMO developer today, they would laugh their as*es off. Because by simple logic its non-sence, how such fundamental feature of any MMO, was actually a bannable offence in another.


After a while Jagex didn't care about 'char-interracting' anymore, wether they were busy as hell with dupers, botters etc, or maybe Jagex realised their mistake - how pathetic the rule really was but couldnt be arsed to remove it (perhaps in fear of losing their credibility). Nonetheless, everyone did it. And personally i cannot see what's wrong with parsing your OWN stuff that you've earned amongst your very own characters.




If you gonna complain about EBAY traders and the gold farmers who you think sunk this game like Titanic, then think again. It wasn't the players fault. It's the developers fault -> JAGEX. They were able to create a decent catchy game, but they couldn't fix the loopholes created by themselves so the game collapsed. And the players got to suffer for it because of the developers incompetency. In 2004 the pressure was too high. 20% of the players were running around in shemale-like outfits. Then you knew something was seriously wrong. So it came, RS2.


But RS2 on its own created more problems. So they fix some and get new rightaway. Problem now was, the game changed dramatically. Everyone stayed on rsc as long as they could (2 week transfer time i believe), and in the end, many players quit because the Player Killing (what made RS so good) became [cabbage]*t. So some chose to stay in rsc, some went on with rs2 for a while and then quit, but many did the right decision at that time. They simply began to sell their characters. Causing a massive wave of RWT. And it just began rolling like a snowball, and again, again players had to suffer. For the sh*t JAGEX came up with. And now people like you 'dragoonson', would say "hey its raining" if jagex sh*t on you. Seriously. Fanboys like you are so easy pleased its beyond me.


And who knows, i *might* get banned but i wonder who would benefit most from that. Me who's not even playing the game, or you - the happy customer that is being sh*t on, and you don't even notice.










Glad to know there are at least a few people on here that aren't a bunch of brain washed fanboys of Jagex. Everything you say, is what I've been saying... It's the obvious truth but people on here won't accept it.

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I can tell none of you are any oldschool players, just RS2 products with no clue and eat everything that gets throwen at you.










I've been saying this for ages ... Glad to know I'm not the only one... I've also been playing since the days of rs1... such a shame what the game has become.

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I can tell none of you are any oldschool players, just RS2 products with no clue and eat everything that gets throwen at you.








i take offence to that. not to metion for a lv112 your skills make you look like a RS2 product yourself.


also like to add, it WAS player's fault for trade limit etc as they were the one's who actully purchased rares, items, RS gold etc. the Goldfarmers didnt knock on their door with toomyguns threatening them to buy their products or they'd shoot the next door neighbours cat.


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Glad to know there are at least a few people on here that aren't a bunch of brain washed fanboys of Jagex. Everything you say, is what I've been saying... It's the obvious truth but people on here won't accept it.




You're still here? Every time I see you post, it's always some sort of uninspired "omg jadax mind washed noob knees fanboy lawl" idiotic drivel.





I can tell none of you are any oldschool players, just RS2 products with no clue and eat everything that gets throwen at you.








Yea, says the guy with only 8 skills above 70, and 9 of them unranked.




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I can tell none of you are any oldschool players, just RS2 products with no clue and eat everything that gets throwen at you.








Why are you so arrogant? I Have been playing since 2002. My other account started as RSC. I almsot have the same amount of 80's as you do 70's and you call me a "Rs2 Product"?




FYI, I play the game for fun. If you over react to a little thing, You really should get help. You need to go to rehab tbh. You have MMO Syndrome (You cant get away from mmo's).




We are being nice and you are flaming us.




Your just dust.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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So because we don' t agree with you we' re Jagex fanboys. Whell, you don' t agree with me so I can call you a spoiled PKer. Sounds good? And don' t give me crap about being a RS2 product. I just read the updates from around Aug 03 to Feb 04, then I started playing. And from what I read Andrew and others busted their buts off for you.




And know what? They did it. Some were unhappy, it would seem most were happy since today there are millions playing Runescape and over a million paying members. If what you say is true then Runescape should only have aroun 10k dedicated players.




But just look at Wow. If you want mindless gaming go there, all you ever do is kill, kill, kill, quests want you to kill, gather some stuff, kill again, repeat. The game is too friggin expensive, the community blows alot more than RS and by all means there is nothing exciting to do than kill, kill and more kill.

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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