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Pixel Project: N_Odie's Sig *Updated a tad*


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well my next project after the POTM entry is a new signature for N_Odie :). he has asked for a runescape signature, in the setting of edgeville bank.




its my first time doing something entirely runescape related, most of the time i put the character in my own background or area.










[hide=past pics]344566ur2.png






not much done yet but i figured i would try to keep showing the improvements and getting C/C along the way ::'


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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The dragon and cat needs some work, hard to tell what they are.


also the varity of colored clothes or different clothes would be nice, also a female or 2




but I like it., maybe make a green scenery behind the window, or like a runecrafter

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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i was thinking about try to have the evil daves house thru the window and yea i havent gotten to fixing the cat and dragon, they were something i figured i draw to make some laughs.




but yeah thanks :)


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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Odie's male? 0.0




Always thought he was a she.




Anyways... the sig. The one man you've detailed looks really good, if the others continue in that style they'll be pretty much done. The background needs something... it can't be left a blank window, and I know you're probably planning on getting to it, so I'll just make a few suggestions.




A cityscape could be cool. Have the men in a top tower of a castle, looking over a sprawling city.




A garden, like a POH one. Fountains, trees, hedges and all. It'd be hard to fit much detail into that small window, but it'd be cool.




And the meow above the cat's head should go too. =P


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Hey matey, havn't seen you for a while.




The glass isn't working for me, I'd say change the handle of the glass, it's too straight. And as other people have said, the "Meow" from the cat isn't really working.




Otherwise it's a brilliant signature, you've improved greatly since I first saw your posts here.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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*Opens pants and looks down* Still male! :D :^o


(thats what you get for having a hot girl in ur avy lol)






Anyways, looks great! I can't critique you as I am no expert but it looks like it is coming along just like I would have hoped!And bigger too!




(Cowboy rocks, I mean how many artist give you a temp pixel sig lol) <3:





RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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yea too be honest that girl in your avy way back when made me think (whats a hot girl doing on these forums :s)




and yeah i wasnt too game on perspective with the walls, but i dont see why i wouldnt just fix it :)




and yes... the meow wasnt even going to be in the pic, i just wanted to make sure you all realized it was indeed a cat :lol: .




thanks guys on all the C/C im going to work on it later today. but for now im taking a break :shock: my eyes still hurt from drawing this stuff last night


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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updated a little. still not happy with the guy i made most recently. im not having a good art day :-# i have those sometimes.


Your bad art days are probably better than my good days haha




The sig looks like it's coming along well. Not really any c/c from me yet.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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  • 4 weeks later...

gee, wonder who bumped this... ODIE -.- too bad you dont do that for my blog (hint hint) hah well if you guys didnt know, i go to a prep school so my freetime on weekdays (and weekends for that matter) are cut to a minimum, ill finished this before october i promise odie :) and prob sooner then that obviously 8-)




yea the dmed is ugly if u see my progress (not posting until i have much more done) youll see i removed the stupid med :wall:


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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Very cool. <3: I think a someone saying HYT is definitely needed though. ::'




I agree. If it is truly world 99, Edgeville Bank, you can't go wrong with a hyt. I mean, that basically is tip it's ingame base.




Can't wait for the result.

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your a dork #-o oh well i guess its cool 8-) well this weekend is 3 days so ill work to almost finishing it alright? but do me a favor and dont turn this one into a stat siggy :P




Believe me it won't. Staff was encouraged to have it as a siggy for the first week :P Crew was basically had to lol.




:D But tbh, it makes a bad [wagon] stat siggy :)

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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