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The Great Orb project: Be nice


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Green team loses The Orb Project no matter what. Im not gonna surrender and all, but its kinda anoying that in 9 games i played best score was almost tie, (we lost) and got 400 tokens from 9 games.... -.- Oh and best ppl score was 3 greens against 4 yellows. Of course there was times when i was left alone against 4 or 3 opponents... -.- Still strying, maybe will get teh talisman staff till the end of the month...

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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green always losing is a myth. I always play on green and win a lot of the time. And the only reason people dont want to let people win "just 1" game is that that makes them lose 300 tokens. ( 100 for losing phase, 200 token win bonus)

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green team does NOT always lose. Infact, i watched a game where me and a friend used Team speak to communicate with each other like, he would set up 1 orb then id repell it into the altar.




We had great communication, and yet we lost on yellow team. We had the best work we were scoring like up to 8 points each in a game and still lost.








you just cant have 2(3 slackers) players be your entire team VS 5.

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On my very first game it was evenly matched. Until we lost ONE match (the air altar) and two of them decided to quit. So it was me and someone else against four. That other guy stayed until the water altar and then he quit. So it was just me left.




Luckily the team I was against let me have the last two altars (Nature and Chaos) because it was my first game and I was so confused as to where all my team had gone. Yay 200 tokens!




So some people do have some morals. Some.


Li Chef


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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If green always losing is a myth , then why today i lost all 6 games i played? OMG, i mean teammates quit if yellow wins at least 2 rounds, bunch of noobs, still managed to win 4 rounds and get 400 points...

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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they changed on how you play it now




before when all of one color left say 5 green vs 0 yellow the game would continue




now the game just ends right after the next alter






I had a bug earlier that even though everyone else on the other team left...we still continued for another 2 alters before it ended.




OT: I definitely agree that being nice...does help the opposing team stay, and that if one person does stay for the remainder of the time, even if he is badly outnumbered...rewarding him is a good idea.




(I am sleepy, so if this didn't make sense...)








As part of this, it's actually you can usually only last 2 more altars if they quit by leaving through the portal. What i'm meaning is that people leave mid-altar on Water and walk back to the tower. This has happened to me twice, and we couldn't get further than the Fire Altar. Similarly, the last person on the opposing team left on the Fire Altar and we couldn't get past the Chaos Altar. So i'm thinking its still a 2 altar delay OR, it may just be the time which it would take for a person to walk to the Water to the Tower(unlikely.)




The majority of games I play are on the Green Team, and I've won the majority of my games as well. I agree that the Yellow Team is somewhat up themselves in the sense that "they're better," but its mainly the size of a yellow orb is practically twice the size of a Green. One way to overcome this challenge would simply give Green orbs tendrils(hence making each other as easy to get.)




If your opposing team entirely quits, you get the tokens for the games you did win.




What's worse in actuality is the "unnecessary help" where it's another person "helping" you with your orb, despite you've almost got it to the altar. This happened today for 3 rounds on my team, which since a lot of people compliment my normal unhampered playing style, I was totally "cramped" in terms of how well I could express the "skill" in this minigame (directional flows etc etc.) I had stated multiple times "off my orb" various times and they still didn't listen.


In this game, after the 4th Altar, I simply was so fed up that I sabotaged my team. Its actually really effective with 65 rc (quite low by some standards) but with the +8 from the robeset boost. Just repel your teams orbs away (most effective in the Altars with a large playing area) and try to score your opponents orbs into the altar. You can also destroy your own teams barriers without fail (i'm assuming, since all times I tried, 100% destroy on own team) Effectively, I got the game tied, despite being cussed by my own team (they acted like stingy babies, and one even gave me the chance to report him, which I promptly took). As my point is, be fair to people even on your team, they can turn the tides of the whole game.




What is better and much more relaxing is when you get a team and opposing team that want to play a 50-50 game (4 Altars each, overall tokens are 500,) WHICH IS NOT CHEATING, it doesn't give the advantage to either team, since 2 games, one whole win, one whole loss would essentially be the same as 2 games both playing 50-50 (and fair to both teams, no?) Also, when people complaing saying "take them, c'mon (and etc)" I simply reply with, "If you don't like it, go to another world." What is sometimes harder to do is when some people try to start a 50-50, but the other team just wants to win anyway, in that case, I coerce my team to just quit (making the opponents only get perhaps 200 more tokens if my whole team quits.)




My Morals essentially are : When its 50-50, make it as fair as 50-50. I'll quit if a team doesn't follow it, or if its my own team, i'll sabotage.


When we're playing entirely competitively, then I won't rub the wounds of the opponents, nor take the annoyance of being defeated by overly-proud people, which are usually taunt my team.(I usually just tell them "You don't deserve the wins")

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In my first ever game, I chose to be Yellow Team. Lo and behold, we got swept by Green Team (except for two ties--you get nothing for a tie? Ridiculous). After every round Green would be all "gf" and all I could think was "no, it was not a good fight."




I got so annoyed at a game that I never got a chance to win at even once that I never played again. But I didn't know that you get 100 tokens per altar, that's more than I would have thought. Maybe I'll try it out some more.





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In my first ever game, I chose to be Yellow Team. Lo and behold, we got swept by Green Team (except for two ties--you get nothing for a tie? Ridiculous). After every round Green would be all "gf" and all I could think was "no, it was not a good fight."




I got so annoyed at a game that I never got a chance to win at even once that I never played again. But I didn't know that you get 100 tokens per altar, that's more than I would have thought. Maybe I'll try it out some more.








ya i would only say gf after an actual gf


air alter 18>17 i think yellow won -.-

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Who cares if it is 4v1 honestly? If you've done the work then take the rewards. Don't let somebody who isn't doing the work get it. It would be slacking.




You miss the point. You should realize that if no one is left on the other team (due to leaving or logging out) you will be teleported back to the Guild, and therefore not allowing you to get more tokens for a while. If there's only 1 person left on the other team you should notice that if it were you on your own on the other team, with 5 people against you, you have no chance of winning a single round, and therefore you are basicly wasting your time.




HE however decides to stay during the game for a little longer so YOU can keep going and rack up on both essences and tokens, even though he isn't really earning something useful himself and is sometimes even getting shout at. One should realize at this point that this guy on the other team we are talking about is showing an act of absolute good fellowship (something that Runescape used to be all about a few years ago, but with the decreasing average age in Runescape players is now rapidly fading away) and should therefore be respected, people like this are rare these days unfortunately. And how can you be more respectful to someone in that case by giving him one round's victory, you might even help him a little attracting his orbs instead of your's so he will at least get a decent amount of rune essences that round. And c'mon, that's nothing compared to the victory you will get over the other 9 rounds. During the same time you've gotten 9 times the reward he/she gets, while you've even had more fun with your team while he was probably just standing there, waiting for the game to end...



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Yeah, you should be nice in the GOP, like in every other part of the game. Does this really need a thread of it's own :P? For me it's of course so that you should always be nice to those who deserves it!



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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