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Here's something thats been bugging me


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But what if your army is not a handful of mages, but makes up 30% of your forces with 20% rangers and 50 soldiers..?




If you face those kind of odds with your 95% melee 5% binder force, you're going to be wasted...


Meleers packing full rune + dragon hide, as they should, will completely dominate that 30% quickly. Instead of having the majority on one meleer tanking for 30-60 seconds like what usually happens, you'll kill those mages in robes within 5 seconds, with only 4-6 meleers/rangers.




Mages don't have good enough armour to be properly used. 100% soldiers will easily kill off 20% to 70% of Mages. Why? It's faster to kill a mage with melee, then a mage can kill a meleer.




It's a huge waste to have your army built up with mages, as they may hit hard on rune, but they will die faster than they can cast 3, perhaps 4 fire blasts. This isn't even considering wearing Dragon Hide against Mages.




This only explains F2P though.




In P2P DDS's will take control easily, or godswords will kill off the mystic armour much faster.


Meleers wouldn't dominate the Magers TBH




I argee a barrage of fire blasts is dangerous.that can easily kill a guy.(with ts)




P2p dds'es wouldn't be much of a problem if you have trained your prayer.


Use ahrims it has more defense then mysic.


Godswords wouldn't be dominate they are slow.


By the time a meleers lands a hit


an ancienter could have ice blitz'ed it.


a faster weapon is better against ancienters imo.

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The only effective weapons against a well trained ancient, are Darkbow, Magic Shortbow, Rune Crossbow, or Seercull... Seercull and Magic Shortbow automatically dont make the cut because they are too ineffective in a war otherwise...

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The only effective weapons against a well trained ancient, are Darkbow, Magic Shortbow, Rune Crossbow, or Seercull... Seercull and Magic Shortbow automatically dont make the cut because they are too ineffective in a war otherwise...




I agree with the rest but that i don't.


I know myself i have used a d bow in several wars - its only good for the spec. Its too slow, so the moment you need to eat you can't fire. Messes up your combat as an all-round weapon. Id advise MSB > D bow purely as rune arrows TEAR through ahrims and are fast - meaning more eating/potting time just incase.


The rune xbow beats them anyway so that above was pointless



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Meleers wouldn't dominate the Magers TBH


I think I meant to say rangers/meleers will always out-do magers, not to say magers aren't deadly in a war, just too many of them and it hurts your own team/clan at winning. My point or so was more directed at F2P so I didn't go into p2p detail, thus it was sloppy. :|

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Will ALWAYS out-do a mage.........




really is it always?


that is far fetched.


that a ranger|meleer can ALWAYS out-do a mage.


i don't think is ever enough of anything imo.


As of currently in F2P, yes, unless you have one person who doesn't know what they are doing with shrimp, and then you have someone with swordfish, and maging in an open concept area. Same thing with a ranger.




I'm not up to date enough with p2p gear to properly give a good estimation so I won't.

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You really can't use much strategy and organization in all-styles as you can in malee-and-binds simply because all-styles is very chaotic. That's the reason why most clans like malee-and-binds, and, it's somewhat also the reason why they don't do P2P much, if at all.

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Thats where I disagree...




In all sides combat you need to do a lot more planning before the war ever starts... And yes, organisation is more complicated, which means yours needs to be a lot better then the opponents if you wish to win...

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Clans have gotten used to only having to worry about melee and have pretty much forgot range and mage are effective forms of combat, plus then the meleers would have a harder time and since they're the majority they don't want range/mage allowed.

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Yes, exactly, Lordofrah1...




I'm here to rant about those clans wh dont allow t, while they should... I think its a sign of weakness...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Found a vid of a matched opts between EoS and RSD that reminded me of this thread.








All styles allowed.

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Archers dominated that, & the blasts did the early KOs. Range is more accurate than melee, so having no melee (except for maybe 2H) looked like the better choice. Seeing as this is recent, it's good evidence that melee isn't always the best way to go.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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I'm going to have to back TS on this one. Even with "[insert style] is better than [insert style]" out of the picture, there is absolutely NO reason that a certain skill should be widely disallowed in a war. If one clan decides to use an unorthodox setup in a war, and they lose because of it, it's thier fault for not knowing how to apply said setup. I mean, if both clans agree not to use a skill as a special-rules war, that's cool, but if its widely disallowed throughout the entire clan/warring community, there's just something wrong with that picture.




I'm here to rant about those clans wh dont allow t, while they should... I think its a sign of weakness...


^^that pretty much sums up my point... its one thing to not use a skill because it sucks, but when you go around BANNING it for some reason unknown to me, it only shows that those fighting the war (or at least making the rules) are afraid of said skill, otherwise, wouldn't they be encouraging the OpFor to use it, to snag an easy win? Besides, mage DOES NOT outdo melee most of the time, at least from my experience. A group of 2-3 lvl ~70cmb mages(fire blast) working together have cost me MANY wins in f2p clanwars, where I would have won with little effort had they not been there.

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IMO, to say it's weakness is going a little too far.




As far as I can see, the no fire-blast stems from back when it was just common sense not to take a stack of death runes into the wildy. When you're bumming around in your wizard robes, all the opposition melee'rs were going to run straight for the big blue target. That combined with the general lack of high leveled mage pures would have led to said rule being generally accepted.




To a degree the same thing applies today. There's no longer a risk of losing your runes and you have much better armour, but there's still a general lack of high leveled mages with combat training. Outnumbered many to one, they don't gain recognition, and the zerg swarm of meleers gets no experience against them.


A good mage can destroy rune meleers, whilst a bad mage will simply be a liability to their team. Either way, somebody has a rather good case against them.




When you compare this with P2p, it makes much less sense. Clans are generally better organised, and better equipped - physically and mentally.




Stormrage is quite right that it's a stupid 'rule', but until the general f2p population learns how to deal with it, I believe you're stuck.

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The reason blasts are dieing is because of the wilderness, il elaborate before im flamed. People use to blast for rune since it does the most damage, in the wilderness most mage's didn't bind because theirs a less chance of the loot.




Also with all style fights they are fought because of peoples ego's, the clan community has people being known as "tanks" and they don't want to ruin their e-rep by getting kod. With melee and binds they can still preserve their ego of being "tanks" while having fun.




Another reason is because in the wilderness people couldn't say melee binds because when clans pk they bring all 3 styles.




Any questions or disagreements feel free to reply :P

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Red just explained for me to Lore why I think its a sign of weakness not to use blasts... I believe the word was 'e-rep'...

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I'm not saying you're wrong - it's quite obvious that you're correct.




I was merely pointing out that it's simply the fact that they're not allowed which stops it being used.




They're not used often, so it's not worth bringing the dhide to defend against it.


When a mage shows up, they unbalance the melee only war completely. The losing side gripes, the winning side has to concede that they didn't 'fairly' (I use that word hesitantly - what's fair is very subjective to whether you won or lost).


And so the next time the losers have a war, they ban the use of blasts. The winners don't use it because they want to claim all the glory possible next time, and not have their victims claim cheating.




The cycle repeats.




I do not war/pk regularly. My arguments on this topic are merely reasoned, and I don't claim to have *any* expertise. I'm happy to be wrong =P

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The only problem with this ofc is that its based on WAR rules.


In PKRI - as red said - all styles were used. So if you clashed unpreparred... bad luck.


But i disagree with him about the binds factor - most f2p teams and clans i PKed with brought binds. The person who often got the kill would split a bit (if full rune usually a kite or helm) with the binder. Admittedly if you have several binders its alot more difficult - but not impossible to split it.

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The only problem with this ofc is that its based on WAR rules.


In PKRI - as red said - all styles were used. So if you clashed unpreparred... bad luck.


But i disagree with him about the binds factor - most f2p teams and clans i PKed with brought binds. The person who often got the kill would split a bit (if full rune usually a kite or helm) with the binder. Admittedly if you have several binders its alot more difficult - but not impossible to split it.




Some clans had very few binders when pking only pkri because Blasts=better chance of loot.

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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The only problem with this ofc is that its based on WAR rules.


In PKRI - as red said - all styles were used. So if you clashed unpreparred... bad luck.


But i disagree with him about the binds factor - most f2p teams and clans i PKed with brought binds. The person who often got the kill would split a bit (if full rune usually a kite or helm) with the binder. Admittedly if you have several binders its alot more difficult - but not impossible to split it.




Some clans had very few binders when pking only pkri because Blasts=better chance of loot.




Read what i put again. Some clans don't have binders, but some do. If the binders did there job most of the time the loot was split (In my experience).

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The only problem with this ofc is that its based on WAR rules.


In PKRI - as red said - all styles were used. So if you clashed unpreparred... bad luck.


But i disagree with him about the binds factor - most f2p teams and clans i PKed with brought binds. The person who often got the kill would split a bit (if full rune usually a kite or helm) with the binder. Admittedly if you have several binders its alot more difficult - but not impossible to split it.




Some clans had very few binders when pking only pkri because Blasts=better chance of loot.




Read what i put again. Some clans don't have binders, but some do. If the binders did there job most of the time the loot was split (In my experience).




Not many clans which pulled 50+ woulds top to share loot and normally had like 20 binders max.

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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Jagex just supported this manner of warring by making it possible to have mages just use Bind/Snare/Entangle only...




No way that my clan will ever war like that though...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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  • 7 months later...

When it comes to blasting people forget to bind, and blasters are most of the time instand ko.


That's why blasting isnt good in my opinion, No idea why clans dont use it


Most decent large clan uses all styles in pkri's


The clans Rsd fights <3: ?

M on my Chest.


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We're talking about planned wars, not PKRI...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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