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maybe if you didn't give them anything to report, than they wouldn't report you... -.-

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So that's what blackmarks look like. :lol:





Obey the rules and they won't be able to report you for anything.




QFT, sure it might be a pathetic reason or you're joking with a mate, but who knows who you may offend.


People who can't take a joke?






Seriously I'm somebody who doesn't ever really "offend" people on purpose (and everybody knowing me in real life as well as in runescape would be able to verify that) but I really, really hate the censor (and with that all forms of censorship). If you can't take anything you should go somewhere to siberia and live at a cottage far away from all other people! I've received a blackmark (though am still in the green zone) for literary saying: "Sure I could get weed easily, but it's not that I would ever want that stuff, you only get problems with it!"


Really, what's the problem with that?




Ow and don't say "you shouldn't talk about that in rs": Who are you to tell me what I have to talk about!




Really if you walk around at the street and you hear somebody talking about that do you call the cops too? If you do you'll probably get: "mind your own business" as answer!




Jokes arent the same to everyone.




Why are you listening to me in that case than? Really "mind your own business", and if it's said against you, the first thing one should do is SAY that you don't like that joke 99.9% of the people will stop joking around then!




BTW for what I was reported I wasn't even joking: I was having a good discussion with a few friends about wether or not the dutch drugg policy actually is better! Some random guy apparantly listened with us: it wasn't mind at all at them so why did they ever looked at it and took offending at it is something I simply don't understand.....

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Why are you listening to me in that case than? Really "mind your own business", and if it's said against you, the first thing one should do is SAY that you don't like that joke 99.9% of the people will stop joking around then!




BTW for what I was reported I wasn't even joking: I was having a good discussion with a few friends about wether or not the dutch drugg policy actually is better! Some random guy apparantly listened with us: it wasn't mind at all at them so why did they ever looked at it and took offending at it is something I simply don't understand.....




You're not allowed to talk about drugs on Runescape. If you want to, do it through an instant messenger, not on Jagex's turf.




"If you don't like it, don't look at it" isn't a valid justification for breaking the rules.




Oh and one more thing. If you've ever reported someone for Rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16, you are a gigantic hypocrite.




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'Wannabe mods' help to keep rule-breakers out of the RuneScape community, I am pretty fine with that ::' The only time they annoy me is when they make themselves busy instead of minding their own business. E.g: Wandering around looking for rule-breakers instead of playing the game.




Although I don't report people myself, I find that wannabemods take the places of the people who don't care to keep the RuneScape community clean :roll:

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maybe if you didn't give them anything to report, than they wouldn't report you... -.-


My friend got 2 day mute for saying I eat babies.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Wanna-be mods can be annoying sometimes. I hate the ones that try and make you say something that they can report you for; dunno why because it always ends up in a way that you both are punished. Just dont say anything that can be reported; and if you hate them so much why not say something that looks like it can be reported; but isn't; so they report you and get punished for mis-using the report button. My mod friend is always moaning because all the wanna-be's ask her how to become a mod; her reply is always the same: "Town crier - talk to him..".





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Why are you listening to me in that case than? Really "mind your own business", and if it's said against you, the first thing one should do is SAY that you don't like that joke 99.9% of the people will stop joking around then!




BTW for what I was reported I wasn't even joking: I was having a good discussion with a few friends about wether or not the dutch drugg policy actually is better! Some random guy apparantly listened with us: it wasn't mind at all at them so why did they ever looked at it and took offending at it is something I simply don't understand.....




You're not allowed to talk about drugs on Runescape. If you want to, do it through an instant messenger, not on Jagex's turf.




"If you don't like it, don't look at it" isn't a valid justification for breaking the rules.




Oh and one more thing. If you've ever reported someone for Rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16, you are a gigantic hypocrite.




I'm going proud on that I never ever report somewhere: be it in real life or runescape or anywhere - unless they harm me (or my friends) personally!




But really, talking about druggs is against the rules: do we really have to be that "crampy" (sorry couldn't find the english word for it) about the saying "rules are rules"? Really it's the spirit behind words that makes certain conversations bad and certain good. If somebody goes like: you can buy at xxxxx for 5 bucks druggs that's bad, but a complete discussion about why drugs would be good or bad is something completely different! And especially since the main point was the way of governing, anyone who actually followed the conversation should've seen that, and reporting on the base of 1 word is simply bad....

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Wanna-be mods are defiantly not for the best, they rather aggravate people and just make matters worse. Furthermore, they dont help catch rule breakers, you misunderstand the meaning. Wanna-be mods are those idiots who think they will be moded if they copy and paste F-mod/J-mod replies to topics that break subjects, how stupid can they get? Jag ex even stated they don't want wanna-be mods AT ALL and never to tell someone is breaking a rule as it only draws more attention to it. Also in game Wanna-be mods report for just about anything, they enter popular chats and just wait to report someone in hopes of being a mod, they report for the silliest things. Lol, and you have it no were as bad as this:





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Wanna-be mods are defiantly not for the best, they rather aggravate people and just make matters worse. Lol, and you have it no were as bad as this:








I agree with you completely. My last experience of an example like yours was when a wanna-be came up to us for singing a song with "Birmingham" in and saying it was personal information. He apparently gave us a "warning". It sort of aggravated my friends somewhat. 8-)





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Chained life, learn what it is. Jagex, does not want wanna-be mods AT ALL. They even said to drop the little things and only report for the serious things, not the flipping small things like saying 'weed' 'gtfo' 'stfu' 'noob' etc. If theres someone selling an account, or advertising a website, or trying to hack someone thats what you report for. Even when they stated you can say anything you want as long as you don't go past the filter its okay.

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No Black marks here. ;)




This is Earthy's account...








And this is my old main's account. I've had this account for five years running (I can even play RuneScape Classic). The reason that it isn't my main anymore is, well, because I got bored of him. (I'll still use him for RSC, though! ::').








Edit: Pyro, those aren't private messages! It's just the account offenses, so it isn't illegal.

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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yeah I know how u feel. on my secondary account I got 5 blackmarks because I ''asked someone for their password''. well I can't remember the exact thing much but I do know it was something about a joke.






and now another story. today I got called a WBM myself.... at the moment there were no (chat)moderators, so 3 people were spamming the chat. (you know who you are, but I ownt name names now) I asked them to stop then but they didnt. so I told them again (maybe a bit more angry/annoyed, but I did. I then got called a WBM... just because I odnt like spam. :x

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My friend got 2 day mute for saying I eat babies.


Maybe your friend should start buying Aderol to help with his ADHD. Honostly, you gotta be pretty childish to say stupid [cabbage] like that.




and Remadin, there's this place where you can put your name after each post, a signature.

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I hate spam aswell. :?




I know; but theres a line between them.. its not hurting anyone else; hope it doesn't bother you personally. I got into the habit because on my dads work forum he signs his name off. I don't really care it just seems cool.





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Just the other day I saw a guy who accidentally mistyped "im going to burn yews" and suddenly someone started following and said reported. The player was so desperate to be a player moderator he he claimed the offender said he was a Jagex moderator because he said the word "mod". If you're desperate enough to stop what you're doing and spend time following a rule breaker and reporting him for everything tiny thing just for a silver crown next to your name, that would definitely constitute as a wbm.




The real wbms can be found on the forums. I can't tell you how many players would type senseless comments on a rule breaking thread. "This is going to get locked", "You're breaking the rules", "I reported this thread because some of the words you wrote are censored". I mean seriously, all they're doing is spamming, not helping anyone. Even on some occasions the player will copy and paste the exact words of a moderator. Leave it to the forum moderators to do their job

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