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Spadas Tags


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Some of them are nice, some of them are just... not as good.


Good ones:






7 - Need to take the lighten layer off








You could improve the lighting a bit though.


The first 4 and the halo tag are bad compared to the rest.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Most of those look good to me, #1-4 seem quite basic in terms of effects/backgrounds though. I really like #7 (not a big fan of the text though), #8 (but I think this one would benefit greatly from some sharpening) and your smudging on # 9 and 10.




Overall, nice work, I'd love to see some more soon.


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Some good tags, though I'm not a fan of the first 4.




The LP seens a bit basic tbh, you need to add a few C4D's to make the piece feel "fuller". Good smudging technique though? Settings?


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Some good tags, though I'm not a fan of the first 4.




The LP seens a bit basic tbh, you need to add a few C4D's to make the piece feel "fuller". Good smudging technique though? Settings?


:F i changed them after doing that. But a 13-19 round brush using shape dynamics and scattering ( it needs some topaz clean to look like that.)












Lulz i think it wuz sumthing liek that

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Really hit or miss for me.




1) To empty, I don't really like the color scheme either. That's more of a preference though, it still "works".




2)Pretty flat, and I think the amount of black space is kind of a cheap cop-out for an easy focal point. It's just kind of bland.




3)I would move the sprite to another spot, I don't think it works there. And again with the complete black space.




4) Pretty basic.




5) I like this one.Good color scheme, and it does the minimalistic thing well although I may have gone with a little less in the middle or maybe even a little bit on the sides.




6) To bright for my tastes and it just doesn't seem to flow very well.




7) Maybe a bit too tall of a sig, it seems a bit unecessary near the bottom. Also I'm not sure if I like the purple completely over the sig like that, maybe tone down the opacity?




8) Looks unfinished.




9) Same as #8, it looks unfinished.




10)Good balance, and a nice color scheme. Draws you in well.




11) It's ok, but I just don't think a light blue background like that works well.




12) Nice, but you're starting to go back to the black space on the sides which is boring.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow, these tags are really great, I love your style :)

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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