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as a female, I'm Pro-Woman not Pro-life....




meaning I fully support abortions. If someone decides to abort.. then it's completely her decision.. she may take into consideration the male's feelings.. but... it's not as if it's the [bleeping] man that's pushing out a baby...

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Heh, good catch, loser (not calling you a name. Just your name). I'm alright with it before the third trimester. By then I consider it too much of a human being. I'm more pro-life than pro-choice, but I still believe it's a viable option before then. A woman could probably make up her mind by then, eh?




Of course, the whole "birthing is hard" reason for it isn't reasonable, not that it's even used often. The drugs they use for most births are cheap and make it like a sleep with a baby later.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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When men can carry a child to term.. and go through the labour pains.. and stuff... your opinion might be considered.




Also, there's teenage pregnancy.. and.. rape.. and... poverty... and abusive relationships.


for all of the above.. there's a high chance that I might, as a female, abort.




Also... there have been cases where older females abort. can you imagine a 40-90 year old woman carrying a child to term? there's severe medical issues that arise from someone too old or too young to be pregnant.


the mother could die.




In the past when Abortions were banned, the only people who were able to get one were the people who were rich enough to leave the country...


and, even if it's banned, people will try any method if they're desperate.




I, personally, would prefer to see abortions in a safe, sterilized environment....




Anyways, people shouldn;t focus too much about abortions.. they should focus on the preventative measures of pregnancy. ie:


  • birth control






also.. just to give you aaa head's up... most doctors will refuse to abort a baby if it's past a certain age... I can't remember how many months it is though. and I believe it's definitely illegal to abort after 5 months.

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Being catholic, you'd already know my views on abortion. But I'll show a little slack. I think the only case abortion is even remotely acceptable is because of rape. Other than that, where the woman decides to have sex knowing fully the risks involved, there's no excuse. It's because of selfish choices like this that an innocent life has to be taken away before it's chance at seeing the world.




The whole "you shouldn't abort it after [certain week or stage of growth]" doesn't work with me either. We can't draw an exact line for what's a human and what isn't. If you ask me or any practicing Catholic, they'd probably say life begins at the moment of conception. Killing it is murder. I don't see how you can draw the line during a pregnancy as what is a baby and what is a useless fetus.


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I believe in pro-choice. This is why....




Basically, if a person wants an abortion, they should get one because the child probably will not be wanted by the family. Chances are, the baby can be dropped off at a foster home or even in the middle of no where. I mean, would you want a baby to die slowly and painfully of thirst and/or disease? Or, would you prefer the child to go instantly before they even know what happened? There would be no sorrow from the child as they don't know what happened. In fact, at a certain stage, their brain hasn't fully developed enough to give consciousness.




Another reason would be if a woman wants an abortion, they'll damn well get one, one way or another. They will go back in an alley and use many crude methods for an abortion. On that device, there can be AIDS, Hepatitis, and many more diseases that can be further spread into the main human population which can kill many more people. If not kill them, it will ruin their lives completely. That's if the woman is lucky. Chances are, the woman can get injured severely by doing this and can die.




What do you choose?




EDIT: Fixed spelling mistakes. #-o


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I'm pro-choice all the way. I see abortions as a personal decision, and I do not think that the government should interfere with personal decisions. If abortion was made illegal, it would still take place but under much more dangerous conditions. Since it would be done illegally, women would be forced to have it be done by people who may not be qualified to do it and have it be done in an unsanitary/unsafe environment, etc.




I wasn't done writing, but I previewed my post and Killerred005 had made a reply, which pretty much says everything that I was going to say anyway :P

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I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce?




Wow. Seriously, I just... wow. What the [bleep]?

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[hide=]When men can carry a child to term.. and go through the labour pains.. and stuff... your opinion might be considered.




Also, there's teenage pregnancy.. and.. rape.. and... poverty... and abusive relationships.


for all of the above.. there's a high chance that I might, as a female, abort.




Also... there have been cases where older females abort. can you imagine a 40-90 year old woman carrying a child to term? there's severe medical issues that arise from someone too old or too young to be pregnant.


the mother could die.




In the past when Abortions were banned, the only people who were able to get one were the people who were rich enough to leave the country...


and, even if it's banned, people will try any method if they're desperate.




I, personally, would prefer to see abortions in a safe, sterilized environment....




Anyways, people shouldn;t focus too much about abortions.. they should focus on the preventative measures of pregnancy. ie:


  • birth control






also.. just to give you aaa head's up... most doctors will refuse to abort a baby if it's past a certain age... I can't remember how many months it is though. and I believe it's definitely illegal to abort after 5 months.[/hide]




I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce?




Yes, but not against your will. You try having a knife to your throat while someone's trying to um... smurf you very painfully. You can get diseases and this can stop you from having kids.




No, I wouldn't know, I'm a guy. But, if you look at most rape encounters, this happens.


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I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce?




Dude. Seriously.




You shouldn't drop the soap if you go to jail.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Well, I do think keeping the baby shows responsibility so I'd definitely frown upon one who aborts - since 99% of the time they did have sex knowing the consequences in the first place. As for allowing it, I think we shouldn't limit people's choices based on some cloudy morality issues. Life can be unfair and cold; even to babies but that's just the way it goes.




I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce?




I hope you're talking about the days when the wife had no say-so about her marriage. But still, I don't get your point. How would you feel if you had a sister and she was raped by a creepy 40-year-old pervert?

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Well, I do think keeping the baby shows responsibility so I'd definitely frown upon one who aborts - since 99% of the time they did have sex knowing the consequences in the first place. As for allowing it, I think we shouldn't limit people's choices based on some cloudy morality issues. Life can be unfair and cold; even to babies but that's just the way it goes.




I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce?




I hope you're talking about the days when the wife had no say-so about her marriage. But still, I don't get your point. How would you feel if you had a sister and she was raped by a creepy 40-year-old pervert?




I didn't really come out as clearly as I wanted to. I meant that I don't see why rape is so bad IF it's for children and not pleasure.

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I didn't really come out as clearly as I wanted to. I meant that I don't see why rape is so bad IF that person is looking for a child or in extreme cases where population is needed.


First case isn't rape. Second case doesn't happen.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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That doesn't make any sense. It isn't rape if the person [bleep] wants it dude.




I meant the rapist, not the woman.






So if a man wants some sexin', and a woman doesn't, it should be fine for him to pull a bull and just, you know...Mount her?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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That doesn't make any sense. It isn't rape if the person [bleep] wants it dude.




I meant the rapist, not the woman.




So if the rapist wants it it is ok? Seriously dude, you can't justify it. It's like saying "well, if that mugger wants the money he should be able to steal it" except more extreme.

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If anything, our world is overpopulated at the moment. Even if we were in a circumstance where we "needed" a higher population, don't you think it's kinda rude to just... walk up to a chick and... you know...?




Edit: Rude? What the hell was I thinking? That's like calling Freddy Cougar a meanie. :lol:

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Well, I do think keeping the baby shows responsibility so I'd definitely frown upon one who aborts - since 99% of the time they did have sex knowing the consequences in the first place. As for allowing it, I think we shouldn't limit people's choices based on some cloudy morality issues. Life can be unfair and cold; even to babies but that's just the way it goes.




I don't want to sound like a creep, but I honestly don't see why rape is so bad. People think it's horrible because that's what others taught them, but it's basically just like a wife not wanting to have sex with her husband. Isn't the human body meant to have sex and reproduce?




I hope you're talking about the days when the wife had no say-so about her marriage. But still, I don't get your point. How would you feel if you had a sister and she was raped by a creepy 40-year-old pervert?




I didn't really come out as clearly as I wanted to. I meant that I don't see why rape is so bad IF it's for children and not pleasure.


If that person wants a child, they can go to a sperm bank. You cannot claim that it is for raising the population, the world is already over-populated. Go talk to a rape victim, and ask them if they think that those cases would be acceptable.

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