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New Tutorial?

The Observer

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Edit: Changed subject and post a bit.




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I just created a new account today and I started in Tutorial Island. :shock: It looks like they switched back to that as I asked several other people who just created accounts ended back in Tutorial Island. Opinions?




I created a new account called Rick_Rollerr (lol) and this happened.. It looks like Jagex really isn't going to give you up Tutorial Island.








http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?15,16,257,57616819




We have decided to make some large changes to the new tutorial (the version in which you help Sir Vant fight off a three-headed dragon beneath Lumbridge). Until they are complete, we have put the old Tutorial Island back into the game. This means that all accounts created from today will play the old tutorial. All accounts made while the version with Sir Vant and the dragon was active will only have to complete that version of the tutorial.




All players can still talk to Sir Vant, the knight under Lumbridge, for their free experience lamps and to view the tutorials cutscenes.




What do you think the new updates will be?


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Yeah that happaned to me. I was like :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




Good thing is, 0 Defence experiance!!! \' \' \' \'




And its only temporarily until they fix it. So be sure to get your last pictures of Tutorial island while you can! ::'




EDIT: Lol, also it says in green i've completed the Learning the ropes quest, but I have 0 quest points!

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Watch everyone create an account so they can claim they "have a newb character stuck on Tutorial Island."








On the bright side of things...




Edit: I just stole Pryo's avvy. Let's see what happens. :-#




I had to <3: I created the account "Tutor 1sland" and I'm going to take some pictures while it's still available.

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More updates to an introduction to the great game of Runescape, I really don't know what might be coming, but I'm sure it's going to go in a few more skills than just the major ones..mainly crafting. I had no clue what crafting was till I read the entire section of it in the skill guides..

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More updates to an introduction to the great game of Runescape, I really don't know what might be coming, but I'm sure it's going to go in a few more skills than just the major ones..mainly crafting. I had no clue what crafting was till I read the entire section of it in the skill guides..
Sir Vant: It appears I forgot to bring my gloves. Without them, my hands will be burned! Make me some leather gloves so that, when my hands get burned, at least their juices will be sealed in.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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personally i hate the new tutorial. it may seem kool to the first graphix noobs, but it doesn't teach you about the game. there r too many useless cut scenes. the only thing the new tut might accomplish is to trick newbs into thinking that they can fight dragons from the start. they skip crafting and surprisingly they skip mining and smithing. why r they doing this. not only that but they make u gain def xp! no!!!! lol

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if you just type something and then hit enter, text will apear above you head. just because there's no text box doesn't mean there's no text




They took that away months ago.


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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personally i hate the new tutorial. it may seem kool to the first graphix noobs, but it doesn't teach you about the game. there r too many useless cut scenes. the only thing the new tut might accomplish is to trick newbs into thinking that they can fight dragons from the start. they skip crafting and surprisingly they skip mining and smithing. why r they doing this. not only that but they make u gain def xp! no!!!! lol




Old tutorial didn't have crafting either....




I just hope they cut down a bit with the cutscenes... too many, makes the tutorial island last 30 minutes instead of good ol' 5 minutes.

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