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Starting to Smoke


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If you see a smoker misplace their pack you'll see what I mean.



Yeah, we just ask a friend if they have one and repay them later. Smokers don't get irate or go on some killing spree when we lose our pack.





I see smokers go frantically searching through their cars all the time, also they are always after my lighter (unfortunately they all know I always keep a lighter in the car).




Smokers are also boring to go to the pub with because they often want to spend more time outside so they can smoke than be inside with the rest of us, unless us non-smokers are that boring they need a reason to escape.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Ok hear me out. Im 18, im a senior in high school, and i work at Burger King. I live a very very high stress life. My parents treat me like crap and try to run every part of my life. Im taking all the hardest classes in my school, including 2 actual college classes. I come home with 4 subjects of homework a night, but before that i have to work from 4pm-9pm (5pm-1am saturday) So recently ive felt the need for a ciggarette, bad.




So my question, is one or two ciggerettes really all that bad for you, smokers/nonsmokers weigh in.




Oh I see, you can't go on because you're the only person with homework and this must be the most stressful thing ever to happen to anyone who has lived for 18 consecutive years.




If you want to smoke then smoke. Don't try and blame it on anything.




To answer your question, after a cigarette your lungs will start repairing. If a smoker of 20 years doesn't have any cancerous cells and then quits, they only have the cancer risk of a non smoker. A couple cigarettes to relax each Friday afternoon isn't good for you, but it isn't that bad. If you want to be an occasional smoker, make sure you are strict with yourself. Make a plan of how many cigs per month week and day you will allow yourself, and don't go over the limit for anything.

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What kind of response is that ?




OP: I did 5 subjects in year 12, and 2 advanced diplomas. I alwasys got really stressed, never knew what to do first etc. Then I started walking to tafe and actually getting into sports gear and jogging to tafe etc. the exercise helped me release stress and gave me time to think about what needed doing :/




give that a go?




= exercise?


Crazy Old Man.

R.I.P The Old Nite. My Mentor and Brother.

He taught me how to play the game.

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Ok hear me out. Im 18, im a senior in high school, and i work at Burger King. I live a very very high stress life. My parents treat me like crap and try to run every part of my life. Im taking all the hardest classes in my school, including 2 actual college classes. I come home with 4 subjects of homework a night, but before that i have to work from 4pm-9pm (5pm-1am saturday) So recently ive felt the need for a ciggarette, bad.




So my question, is one or two ciggerettes really all that bad for you, smokers/nonsmokers weigh in.




Oh I see, you can't go on because you're the only person with homework and this must be the most stressful thing ever to happen to anyone who has lived for 18 consecutive years.




If you want to smoke then smoke. Don't try and blame it on anything.




To answer your question, after a cigarette your lungs will start repairing. If a smoker of 20 years doesn't have any cancerous cells and then quits, they only have the cancer risk of a non smoker. A couple cigarettes to relax each Friday afternoon isn't good for you, but it isn't that bad. If you want to be an occasional smoker, make sure you are strict with yourself. Make a plan of how many cigs per month week and day you will allow yourself, and don't go over the limit for anything.


God DAMMIT!! this is NOT what im saying. For gods sake, does eveyone have a stick up thier arse on this forum or what. I can HANDLE my stress or i wouldve done myself in a long time ago. WHAT IM ASKING is if ciggys are REALLY that bad for you, and i used that story to give REASON why im asking that question, NOT BEACUSE IM SUFFERING FROM TEEN ANGEST!




And for those who say exercise, ii honestly dont have time, but i do when i can. IM NOT SAYING I MUST HAVE ONE IM JUST SAYING IVE HAD STRANGE CRAVINGS FOR THEM SINCE THE STRESS LEVEL IN MY LIFE INCREASED!!




Sorry, im just really sick of the saracasic immature kiddies who always post stupid HAHA YOUR STUPID< GET OVER IT HAHA HAHAHAHA. Off-Topic has really really gone downhill in recent months -.-


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Sorry, im just really sick of the saracasic immature kiddies who always post stupid HAHA YOUR STUPID< GET OVER IT HAHA HAHAHAHA. Off-Topic has really really gone downhill in recent months -.-


Doesn't that alone make you want to have a smoke? ;)




I know I want to.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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God DAMMIT!! this is NOT what im saying. For gods sake, does eveyone have a stick up thier arse on this forum or what. I can HANDLE my stress or i wouldve done myself in a long time ago. WHAT IM ASKING is if ciggys are REALLY that bad for you, and i used that story to give REASON why im asking that question, NOT BEACUSE IM SUFFERING FROM TEEN ANGEST!




And for those who say exercise, ii honestly dont have time, but i do when i can. IM NOT SAYING I MUST HAVE ONE IM JUST SAYING IVE HAD STRANGE CRAVINGS FOR THEM SINCE THE STRESS LEVEL IN MY LIFE INCREASED!!




Sorry, im just really sick of the saracasic immature kiddies who always post stupid HAHA YOUR STUPID< GET OVER IT HAHA HAHAHAHA. Off-Topic has really really gone downhill in recent months -.-


You're 18?













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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Sorry, im just really sick of the saracasic immature kiddies who always post stupid HAHA YOUR STUPID< GET OVER IT HAHA HAHAHAHA. Off-Topic has really really gone downhill in recent months -.-


Doesn't that alone make you want to have a smoke? ;)




I know I want to.




Amen. Sometimes I don't even post when I get on. I just close it out after a few topics and hope something decent is here when I get on again.

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Ok hear me out. Im 18, im a senior in high school, and i work at Burger King. I live a very very high stress life. My parents treat me like crap and try to run every part of my life. Im taking all the hardest classes in my school, including 2 actual college classes. I come home with 4 subjects of homework a night, but before that i have to work from 4pm-9pm (5pm-1am saturday) So recently ive felt the need for a ciggarette, bad.




So my question, is one or two ciggerettes really all that bad for you, smokers/nonsmokers weigh in.




in all honesty, ive been wondering the same thing myself recently.


youre not alone man, i promise you that, im 18 as well and ive been having alot of stress being thrown at me too,


and to answer the question about the breathing thing, yes, breathing and meditation can be very relaxing to the body, no it does not solve everything and can calm you down in that short amount of time like a "fix" such as alcohol or smoking can




another thing you might want to consider is a therapist if it gets too bad


mine helped tremendously, and now, i even have a medication to help with my panic attacks, before him i didn't even know what a panic attack was! haha




but instead of smoking, try alternative sources for relaxing, things that wouldn't be detrimental to your health and such


things like playing a good video game, playing an instrument, taking up a skill like cooking or digital arts, there is alot of options and really, all you have to do is look for 'em ^_^




but something i HIGHLY recommend is to look into meditation


now there is alot of people saying "oh this and this is meditating" "finding your inner self" and all this other spiritual bull, that makes no sense at all and is nothing more than a waste of time




meditation is nothing more than a breathing skill and mindfulness


try your local bookstore and go to the psychology section to find something on this, but try to avoid anything from the new age section as it will prolly give you the wrong idea, then you start wondering where ur going wrong and just get even more stressed haha. that would be bad

I like stir fry



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but something i HIGHLY recommend is to look into meditation


now there is alot of people saying "oh this and this is meditating" "finding your inner self" and all this other spiritual bull, that makes no sense at all and is nothing more than a waste of time





What if it makes perfect sense? I have a book of teachings by many zen masters and at first none of what they said made sense. But the more I think about it, the more I understand what they're getting at.




Also, I wouldn't say finding your inner self and such is a waste of time, but might be better done at a later time. I've been trying to meditate once in a while lately and it's incredibly relaxing.

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What if it makes perfect sense? I have a book of teachings by many zen masters and at first none of what they said made sense. But the more I think about it, the more I understand what they're getting at.




Also, I wouldn't say finding your inner self and such is a waste of time, but might be better done at a later time. I've been trying to meditate once in a while lately and it's incredibly relaxing.


I stand by my opinion that them zen masters are just plum crazy. Those koans are all about becoming crazy with 'em >_>.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Crap, now I'm losing members in 22 days and I'm stressed out.


Needa smoke.






Just to make it clear (in case you're not aware), Off Topic is fairly well populated with retired players. Many of us don't care about Runescape anymore nor are we going to play to relieve stress. Not meaning to be rude, it just seems by your responses you think we all still play.

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Crap, now I'm losing members in 22 days and I'm stressed out.


Needa smoke.






Just to make it clear (in case you're not aware), Off Topic is fairly well populated with retired players. Many of us don't care about Runescape anymore nor are we going to play to relieve stress. Not meaning to be rude, it just seems by your responses you think we all still play.


I didn't think EVERYONE in Off topic played runescape still, but i was just saying that its fun to make a new char and just explore around a bit once you get your fill just stop. I know most people in off topic don't play but still.


He could also just like cut down a little bit on some of his activities a little bit.



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He could also just like cut down a little bit on some of his activities a little bit.




I know quite a few parents who basically stop supporting their kids around 16/17 years old. The only things they'll provide them with are necessities (food/shelter) and the kids have to go get jobs if they want to be able to have gas in their cars, pay for insurance, go out with friends, etc. It's hard to cut back on a job when you need money and cutting back on school is not an option. While I believe high schools are merely the gov'ts way of getting us ready for minimum wage jobs (if we choose not to futher our education), it's still important to graduate if you plan on making it in the world without working your [wagon] off only to dig yourself a deeper hole.

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He could also just like cut down a little bit on some of his activities a little bit.




I know quite a few parents who basically stop supporting their kids around 16/17 years old. The only things they'll provide them with are necessities (food/shelter) and the kids have to go get jobs if they want to be able to have gas in their cars, pay for insurance, go out with friends, etc. It's hard to cut back on a job when you need money and cutting back on school is not an option. While I believe high schools are merely the gov'ts way of getting us ready for minimum wage jobs (if we choose not to futher our education), it's still important to graduate if you plan on making it in the world without working your [wagon] off only to dig yourself a deeper hole.




That's almost abandonment :|


But I guess it's better then having a parent who tries to be your best friend, instead of a parent figure-person.


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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He could also just like cut down a little bit on some of his activities a little bit.




I know quite a few parents who basically stop supporting their kids around 16/17 years old. The only things they'll provide them with are necessities (food/shelter) and the kids have to go get jobs if they want to be able to have gas in their cars, pay for insurance, go out with friends, etc. It's hard to cut back on a job when you need money and cutting back on school is not an option. While I believe high schools are merely the gov'ts way of getting us ready for minimum wage jobs (if we choose not to futher our education), it's still important to graduate if you plan on making it in the world without working your [wagon] off only to dig yourself a deeper hole.




That's almost abandonment :|


But I guess it's better then having a parent who tries to be your best friend, instead of a parent figure-person.




That's how it should be. I'm sick of seeing cheerleaders driving up to school in pink hummers (yes, really) while having no job. Using daddys credit card to go shopping every weekend makes me sick.




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He could also just like cut down a little bit on some of his activities a little bit.




I know quite a few parents who basically stop supporting their kids around 16/17 years old. The only things they'll provide them with are necessities (food/shelter) and the kids have to go get jobs if they want to be able to have gas in their cars, pay for insurance, go out with friends, etc. It's hard to cut back on a job when you need money and cutting back on school is not an option. While I believe high schools are merely the gov'ts way of getting us ready for minimum wage jobs (if we choose not to futher our education), it's still important to graduate if you plan on making it in the world without working your [wagon] off only to dig yourself a deeper hole.




That's almost abandonment :|




I thought that was the norm.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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He could also just like cut down a little bit on some of his activities a little bit.




I know quite a few parents who basically stop supporting their kids around 16/17 years old. The only things they'll provide them with are necessities (food/shelter) and the kids have to go get jobs if they want to be able to have gas in their cars, pay for insurance, go out with friends, etc. It's hard to cut back on a job when you need money and cutting back on school is not an option. While I believe high schools are merely the gov'ts way of getting us ready for minimum wage jobs (if we choose not to futher our education), it's still important to graduate if you plan on making it in the world without working your [wagon] off only to dig yourself a deeper hole.




That's almost abandonment :|




I thought that was the norm.


sadly, yes and yes =/

I like stir fry



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I'm a smoker, seriously don't start. You may think it reduces stress, but it is very stressful in itself. If I go without a ciggie for a while, I get.. Drum roll please.. STRESSED. Don't start man, I've tried to quit a few time, went without a ciggie for three weeks recently, and have never felt better, but I started again. :(




If you want to reduce stress, buy a boxing bag, or smoke a cone once a week, haha.

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