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Starting to Smoke


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And maybe some of us do care, and that's why we're outlining the risks. There are other ways of taking marijuana. I wouldn't recommend smoking it (although it's the most common method)


Yeah but vaporizers are MEGA expensive.




Homemade lightbulb vap? Never used one personally but I've had friends who didn't mind them.

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No, that isn't any better than smoking tobacco. And when you say healthy, do you mean comparatively? Because tobacco isn't much competition when it comes to health benefits.


Smoking marijuana is NOT UNHEALTHY! How many times does this need to be explained? #-o






then why is it illegal?


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then why is it illegal?


I'm speechless. Absolutely, positively...speechless.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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This is from the website I posted. In case some of you are too lazy to go read it:



In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research editors of the British medical journal Lancet concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health."




Do you know what an editorial is? It's an opinion piece witten by the editor of a publication.




This is the editorial you're talking about. It's clearly not a scientific study and it cites no scientific studies. I wouldn't really expect that of an editorial.




This is a scientific study. It has some quesion it's trying to answer and methods of answering it (in this case looking through journals to find evidence of the mental health outcomes of cannabis use). It also has a conclusion, one which isn't based on opinion but rather on the analysis undertaken.






The evidence is consistent with the view that cannabis increases risk of psychotic outcomes independently of confounding and transient intoxication effects, although evidence for affective outcomes is less strong. The uncertainty about whether cannabis causes psychosis is unlikely to be resolved by further longitudinal studies such as those reviewed here. However, we conclude that there is now sufficient evidence to warn young people that using cannabis could increase their risk of developing a psychotic illness later in life.




An editorial shouldn't be confused with a study review. It's pretty characteristic of special interest groups to do this kind of thing to support their agenda.

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Even so, the study you posted also made a leap from fact to opinion. Even though, as they stated, there was no evidence of long term psychotic disorders or problems, they "felt the need" to tell young people that there would be increased risks. That sounds like there may be some sort of personal agenda there...


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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then why is it illegal?


I'm speechless. Absolutely, positively...speechless.




It was something that the government never was able to put a tax on. The tobacco and alcohol industry is thriving and allowed by the government to some extent because of the heavy taxes they put on it. At one time in history alcohol was illegal and people found a way around it, prohibition really got the best of America, lol. It just never applied to marijuana, something that parties are trying to advocate these days.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Even so, the study you posted also made a leap from fact to opinion. Even though, as they stated, there was no evidence of long term psychotic disorders or problems, they "felt the need" to tell young people that there would be increased risks. That sounds like there may be some sort of personal agenda there...




That's a huge stretch, Range. You can't seriously compare an editorial piece to the interpretation of evidence gathered for a literature review. You can spin the semantics to make yourself feel better about it but really, there's a significant difference between the two.




The idea that there is a personal agenda here is conspiracy theory garbage. Really, that kind of jumping to conclusions is laughable. By that logic, any review of the effects of a drug could have a personal agenda because they comment on the need to warn people about it.




To end, read the quote again. It said that "there is now sufficient evidence to warn young people that using cannabis could increase their risk of developing a psychotic illness later in life", not no evidence. It's as if you read something completely different. Added, they didn't even say that they "felt the need" to do anything, so please don't make it seem as if they did by "quoting" that phrase.




My underlying point is that you shouldn't get information from special interest groups and present it as fact without thinking about it critically first. You clearly haven't done that here, because a quick search of The Lancet finds material that questions that editorial's fundamental claim. You should at least pause and question what's going on here before jumping to a conclusion.

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then why is it illegal?


I'm speechless. Absolutely, positively...speechless.




It was something that the government never was able to put a tax on. The tobacco and alcohol industry is thriving and allowed by the government to some extent because of the heavy taxes they put on it. At one time in history alcohol was illegal and people found a way around it, prohibition really got the best of America, lol. It just never applied to marijuana, something that parties are trying to advocate these days.




Actually it was made illegal because of both racism and corporate greed.




http://blogs.salon.com/0002762/stories/ ... legal.html

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So you don't consider a Psychotic episode unhealthy?




One of my mates has recently given up his addiction to pot because he got placed in a mental hospital (out now) as a result of Pot smoking. I now know 2 people to have health problems as a direct result of smoking cannabis.




Lets not forget you are also taking smoke into your lungs, I don't know how anyone can consider that ok.


Did you ever consider that maybe it was their mental disorders that messed them up?





Nope, it was the cannabis. Why would I question the diagnosis of qualified professionals with many years of medical training and experience? Especially when my own observations point me to the same direction, that cannabis is indeed harmful.




I don't blame potheads for wanting to deny facts, ignorance is bliss. But also dangerous.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Even the pros can be wrong.




But I won't deny the fact that cannabis is harmful if you smoke it. I've said this earlier in smoking threads AND whatever amount of marijuana threads there have been on here, any kind of smoke in your lungs is NOT good for you AT ALL. There is a chance for lung cancer, whether you think so or not. It's just the truth, you don't need scientists to point this out.

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If he has time to smoke, he has time to game :geek:


#-o You're joking, right? It takes maybe 2 minutes to have a cigarette.






cigarette in two minutes would hurt every time

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Um, 1 isn't bad for you but, you'll get adicted and smoke more than or 2 a day so, i would just not smoke. :mrgreen:


Every cigarette is bad for you, even if you've never smoked before and never will again.

~ W ~



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Nope, it was the cannabis. Why would I question the diagnosis of qualified professionals with many years of medical training and experience? Especially when my own observations point me to the same direction, that cannabis is indeed harmful.




I don't blame potheads for wanting to deny facts, ignorance is bliss. But also dangerous.


Thanks for stereotyping. Here's some fun facts about some kids that went to my high school. Our valedictorian smoked pot. He smoked about 2-3 times per week. Kept a 4.0 throughout high school as well. He never had any problems with mental issues. Both of my parents smoked pot. My dad especially. My dad also did mass amounts of hard drugs and was a dealer up until 1986 (when my older sister was born). He's now the network administrator for a local high school. He is a very devout Christian and doesn't even drink anymore (aside from wine). He has absolutely no psychotic disorders. Here's another fun fact. I smoke pot. Granted I wasn't top of my class in high school, but i was ranked 25th out of 95 kids in my graduating class. I have yet to miss one class this semester. I'm passing all my classes with B's or higher. I can rattle of literally hundreds of other people I know that smoke pot and are perfectly normal. Pot can be used as a tool to do whatever you want with it. If you want to throw your life away and dedicate your life to marijuana use, you certainly can do that. But if you use it in a responsible way, it can be an outlet for stress and a way to relax with friends. Pot only releases endorphins in the brain, a completely natural event. There are no addictive traits to pot. It's the same as playing video games to me. You can play them recreationally a few times a week and be satisfied, or you can be a lazy bum and dedicate your life to video games and be a failure at life.




And to warri0r. I've seen a few people cite that website as legit before, so I just assumed that it was a medical review. Further research was necessary on my part. My apologies.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Um, 1 isn't bad for you but, you'll get adicted and smoke more than or 2 a day so, i would just not smoke. :mrgreen:




"Oh, I'll only have one, I won't get addicted!"




That's usually how it starts.




And Range, as much as I respect the fact that you were ranked 25th out of 95 students in your graduating class, everyone is different. Why you, your dad, and your friend in school may not have any psychotic disorders, I don't know, but I met a lady in Health class that was a hardcore drug addict and she has at least ten mental disorders, it's very hard for her to find a job anywhere now.

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Even the pros can be wrong.




But I won't deny the fact that cannabis is harmful if you smoke it. I've said this earlier in smoking threads AND whatever amount of marijuana threads there have been on here, any kind of smoke in your lungs is NOT good for you AT ALL. There is a chance for lung cancer, whether you think so or not. It's just the truth, you don't need scientists to point this out.


You also have a wonderful chance of developing lung cancer in life without ever smoking anything.

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Did you ever consider that maybe it was their mental disorders that messed them up?


Psychosis, the mental disorder that was triggered/exacerbated by smoking cannabis, certainly is what "messed them up."




People do it because they like to, not because of an addiction.


Thousands if not millions of pot smokers are psychologically dependent on the drug.




He smoked about 2-3 times per week. Kept a 4.0 throughout high school as well. He never had any problems with mental issues.


Good for him. Different people have different reactions to drugs. Some people are more susceptible to the negative effects than others. The same can be said about harder drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine, meth, etc. I personally know of somebody who, for a few years, was able to keep a steady job and family under a cocaine addiction. Of course, this doesn't mean that everybody can do the same while using cocaine, and it shouldn't be seen as a point of support for cocaine use.




Furthermore, DaN's post had nothing to do with pot affecting one's work! :roll:




Pot only releases endorphins in the brain, a completely natural event.


What [cabbage]. Here is what really happens:




"THC acts on "cannabinoid" receptors which are found on neurons in many places in the brain. These brain areas are involved in memory (the hippocampus), concentration (cerebral cortex), perception (sensory portions of the cerebral cortex) and movement (the cerebellum, substantia nigra, globus pallidus)."


Source: [1]




"Anandamide is involved in regulating mood, memory, appetite, pain, cognition, and emotions. When cannabis is introduced into the body, its active ingredient, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can therefore interfere with all of these functions. ... THC begins this process by binding to the CB1 receptors for anandamide."


Source: [2]




Dopamine is activated as a result of this process. Smoking marijuana has a wide range of physical and psychological effects, many of them potentially negative. For further reading:


How Stuff Works - Marijuana in the Body


AlterNet - How Does Pot Work?




There are no addictive traits to pot.


There are few physically addictive traits to pot. This does not mean that people do not get addicted.




It's the same as playing video games to me.


You may feel this way, but for others it can be extremely habit-forming and -- psychologically -- easily addicting.




Cannabis is only "not unhealthy" in a relative sense: strictly moderate use will, for most individuals, not lead to any significant physical or psychological damage. The same can be said about an occasional tobacco cigarette. However, it would be misleading and foolish to claim that cannabis is absolutely "not unhealthy" given the wide range of negative effects that its use has been linked to.




Your arguments show a complete lack of understanding and experience with soft drug use in general. Sure, you may have smoked pot, but you clearly have no experience with its pitfalls. Those well versed in the topic of soft drugs are well aware of their negative aspects.

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Um, 1 isn't bad for you but, you'll get adicted and smoke more than or 2 a day so, i would just not smoke. :mrgreen:




"Oh, I'll only have one, I won't get addicted!"




That's usually how it starts.




And Range, as much as I respect the fact that you were ranked 25th out of 95 students in your graduating class, everyone is different. Why you, your dad, and your friend in school may not have any psychotic disorders, I don't know, but I met a lady in Health class that was a hardcore drug addict and she has at least ten mental disorders, it's very hard for her to find a job anywhere now.




Everything these days is bad for you, nice exaggeration you did there with the mental disorders anyway. Have you smoked pot before? No? You haven't? And you say it's bad for you? How would you know?






Ohhhh right... Your lungs get affected. You do know that if you go out there will be smoke, if you put things on fire there will be smoke, if you go out for a walk you breath in all sorts of dangerous gasses? I'm not even gonna try to convince you because you're to narrow-minded to actually realise what this really is about.


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Have you smoked pot before? No? You haven't? And you say it's bad for you? How would you know?


We don't need to use heroin to know that it can be harmful to us.




As demonstrated by Range's posts, mere personal experience will not lead to physical/psychological understanding. :lol:

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Have you smoked pot before? No? You haven't? And you say it's bad for you? How would you know?


We don't need to use heroin to know that it can be harmful to us.




As demonstrated by Range's posts, mere personal experience will not lead to physical/psychological understanding. :lol:




There is quite the diffirence between narcotics created in labs and something natural. That's good that you know that it's harmful to you but if somebody can use something responsibly; doesn't even matter what it is; who are you to say that it is wrong or right?


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As demonstrated by Range's posts, mere personal experience will not lead to physical/psychological understanding. :lol:




Yeah it can, because effects are individual. What might get one person drunk wont affect another person at all... What gets another person psychologically hooked on nicotine or pot, is just a recreational substance for another person who can drop it at any time.




I think everyone knows cigarettes contain toxics and are generally bad for your health. It still doesn't mean it will cause YOUR death or give you lung cancer (while it may do so to another person).




Watched the olympics? Chinese athletes were directly advertising cigarette products. Sounds ironic, but really it isn't. If their general health is good, they have a balanced diet, a few puffs of smoke wont kill them.

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There is quite the diffirence between narcotics created in labs and something natural.


Simply because a recreational drug occurs naturally doesn't mean that it's necessarily safer to consume. Take a look at datura and nicotiana (tobacco), for example. Two naturally occurring recreational drugs that can be extremely harmful to your psychological and/or physical health.




That's good that you know that it's harmful to you but if somebody can use something responsibly; doesn't even matter what it is; who are you to say that it is wrong or right?


I am not suggesting that heroin use is morally wrong. I'm simply showing that your earlier argument is flawed, and that we do not need to use a drug to show that it can be harmful to us.

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