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The Old RS? WTF Was So Wrong About It?


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OK seriously what was so bad back in the day? I mean sure there was Bots cutting trees and fishing but was it really so bad as to completely destroy the game? The way I saw it, bots helped the econemy by lowering prices on certain goods like Armor, Weapons, Food, Potions. And thats what the people needed was cheap goods. Now I go back to RS and theres some stupid summoning skill? WTF is this? And the increased Randoms Events not to mention the 3k Tradeing Cap. I wonder WHO would play this nightmare? Today, RS isnt a challenge the price of yews rose so high that f2p's are affording Halloween Masks and Santas, and this isnt even talking about what members can afford.


I remember Jagex said "We will NEVER manipulate in-game prices." oh really? Then WTF is the GE? For all we know Jagex is lowering everything to dirt-cheap and now RS has become a joke. For anyone with a high enough skill can make 20m+ in a single day and Skillers can make way more due to them gambling in the Duel Arena.


Some will say "Then Dont Play Noob!", well my asnwer to that is I dont play. I only went on to see what has become of this doomed game and its far to lame to come back...ever.


So Thank God for FFXI- the best MMO to date.

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On the other hand, the low prices negatively effected the legit material gatherers too. It's a two way street. Lower prices might be good for the buyers, but it's not good for the people who weren't bots and gathered the materials themselves.




PS: FF 11 is a sad excuse for a Final Fantasy game. The real ones are much better. ;)

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Oh god, another person who hasn't bothered to read the RuneScape vs. Real-world Trading diary :roll:




Please read it, and go yell at the autoers and drop-traders who ruined the game for all of us instead of posting a thread which will eventually catch fire.



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

Blogs are dead

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How cute, another crybaby who hasn't read the updates and is going to piss and moan about them without knowing why they were put in.




And as for Final Fantasy, I'm not going to trust the decision making of some kiddie playing a game where the bosses take a clan 20+ hours to kill just once. That makes Habbo Hotel seem enjoyable.




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The only thing worse than your biting ignorance is that you dare call FFXI a better MMO than RS.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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[hide=Colorith's Text]

OK seriously what was so bad back in the day? I mean sure there was Bots cutting trees and fishing but was it really so bad as to completely destroy the game? The way I saw it, bots helped the econemy by lowering prices on certain goods like Armor, Weapons, Food, Potions. And thats what the people needed was cheap goods. Now I go back to RS and theres some stupid summoning skill? WTF is this? And the increased Randoms Events not to mention the 3k Tradeing Cap. I wonder WHO would play this nightmare? Today, RS isnt a challenge the price of yews rose so high that f2p's are affording Halloween Masks and Santas, and this isnt even talking about what members can afford.


I remember Jagex said "We will NEVER manipulate in-game prices." oh really? Then WTF is the GE? For all we know Jagex is lowering everything to dirt-cheap and now RS has become a joke. For anyone with a high enough skill can make 20m+ in a single day and Skillers can make way more due to them gambling in the Duel Arena.


Some will say "Then Dont Play Noob!", well my asnwer to that is I dont play. I only went on to see what has become of this doomed game and its far to lame to come back...ever.


So Thank God for FFXI- the best MMO to date.





somehow, calling you ignorant doesnt work.




those bots screwed many players over, not money wise, but trying to earn experiance. getting exp on yews was imossible then, same with willows and green dragons. now that the're gone, we can actully train efficiently.


jagex doesnt manipulate the GE, highly riched players do this (and personally its piss'n me off) in order to flux prices to their means to make more money. as for making 20m+ a day unless you have wel over 500m, good luck chuck because its not that much.


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On the other hand, the low prices negatively effected the legit material gatherers too. It's a two way street. Lower prices might be good for the buyers, but it's not good for the people who weren't bots and gathered the materials themselves.




PS: FF 11 is a sad excuse for a Final Fantasy game. The real ones are much better. ;)






He has a bloody good point on both counts. The price manipulation was a good thing, as many perishable items were WAY over-priced. Also, FFVII walks all over the newer ones! :thumbsup:

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Also, FFVII walks all over the newer ones! :thumbsup:




dont get me started on how awesome that game is ;)




Anyways that ffx1 costs what, 13$ p month? even wow doesnt cost that much -.- and wow OWNS that game.










I've tried WoW, and frankly, I prefer Rs, how it is today.


Simply because it's just fun, and relaxing. I can skill happily, and achieve my goals without some egotistical PK'er ranting about how good he is, and challenging me to DM him. :|


Runescape is good how it is today, I don't see why so many people moan, especially if they allegedly don't even play, I mean... why bother :?:

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i have an idea. how about we accept the fact that jagex will NEVER remove the ge, never accept bots and rwt, and yew logs will always be expensive. lets move on with life.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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i have an idea. how about we accept the fact that jagex will NEVER remove the ge, never accept bots and rwt, and yew logs will always be expensive. lets move on with life.


By Jove, I think he's got it! =D>

~ W ~



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i have an idea. how about we accept the fact that jagex will NEVER remove the ge, never accept bots and rwt, and yew logs will always be expensive. lets move on with life.


By Jove, I think he's got it! =D>





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I fail to understand why would jagex come back on their decision just to please the OP and a few thousand scapers pretending they are "rioting" :XD:




Please help me! :ohnoes:



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

Blogs are dead

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So don't play noob (hehehe have to say that....)




He does not play anymore. But the thing that still confuses me is why did he create an account on a RuneScape related fansite :thumbdown:



R.I.P. Neko :[

5,445,898,965th to 99 Woodcutting

Blogs are dead

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the creator of this thread clearly has no idea what he is talking about. Jagex do what a business would do, and to prove that they are right in their fight with rwt, ebay also decided not to allow the sale of game items/accounts on their auction site. why? because 'gold farms' were created to get all the rare items then sell them for cash.




[hide=]you want to say another mmo is better? go to the section that isnt the rs section then and quit your whining. this topic has joined a long line of other topics that all decided to board:




Most Difficult Quiz


Rare drops; tzhaar-ket-om: 6 tzhaar-xil-ak: 4 tzhaar-xil-ek: 4 tzhaar-mej-tal: 1 Obsidian cape: 18 Dragon Plateskirt: 4 Dragon Platelegs: 7 Sq Shield left half: 1 Dragon Boots: 1 Dragon Medium Helmet: 11 Draconic Visage: 1 Zamorak Spear: 3 Steam Battlestaff: 1 Godsword Shards: 3 Bandos Chestplate: 1 Bandos Tassets: 1 Abyssal Whip: 1

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Ok. Runescape isnt ruined! God [darn] it, what your says is " 0h n03s, t3h w1ldy is g0n3 4nd n0w 1 th1nk 1 wi11 sp4m th3 f0rums.




God, they took it away. Get over it

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RuneScape vs. Real-world Trading




Also, you say "Who would play this nightmare?", yet you take the time and effort to register on a RuneScape forum to post it.






i wouldn't live in darfur but that doesn't mean i don't care about the outcome there


What I'm trying to say is that he doesn't play the game, and while he can of course still comment on it, I don't understand why he registered here, made that one post, and hasn't come back since.

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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On the other hand, the low prices negatively effected the legit material gatherers too. It's a two way street. Lower prices might be good for the buyers, but it's not good for the people who weren't bots and gathered the materials themselves.




PS: FF 11 is a sad excuse for a Final Fantasy game. The real ones are much better. ;)




two very good points ^_^

I like stir fry



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On the other hand, the low prices negatively effected the legit material gatherers too. It's a two way street. Lower prices might be good for the buyers, but it's not good for the people who weren't bots and gathered the materials themselves.




PS: FF 11 is a sad excuse for a Final Fantasy game. The real ones are much better. ;)




two very good points ^_^


Exactly. The problem with bots is that they will ALWAYS undercut prices for the cash because there's no effort. Without bots people will cut yews when the demand is high and then stop when the supply is ample, which then resets itself (although yew logs are a poor example of the S.A.D economic cycle since they have an extremely stable price. But that point can apply to other resources.)

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