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How is your clan governed?


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Well, Militos Deci has one main Leader + a few smaller leaders, however the Loyals (the proven members) also have a lot of say in our order, seeing that we usualyl make topics on forums they can see.


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Well, *-P.K.Masters-* has one leader, two co-leaders, two high council and two warlords. Each title has their own responsibilities. For example, high council deals with members and warlords deal with other clans and clan relations. For member ranks, we start off at new recruit, then early veteran and finally veteran.


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BK has 3 leaders, 7 council, advisors (kind of a long term position, the number grows everytime there is a new one but people are very rarely given that rank), 2 warlords (a part of leadership outside of warring aswell), emeriti (retired leaders) and the cadet leader (junior clan leader) who are all a part of leadership. They chat about ideas and things and generally make the decisions but the leaders have the final say and the ability to over rule things which has pros and cons really. There have been "co leaders" in the past which translates as vice leaders to normal people. We also have had a head warlord rank but I am not sure that is still in use either.

Do you want to love me?

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I would start out doing basically everything yourself unless you have a trusted friend. Then like sanpe said, fill in as you see members suitable for the certain position. I recommend having odd numbers in each position though.




See killerred's post for my clan though.

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Best thing is to manage everything yourself. If you find that you have people who can be trusted, you could start giving them small responsibilites and see how they handle them :)


If you are just starting a clan you will not need that many mods/warlords/hc/etc because your clan will be fairly small....Good LUCK!

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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It is good to do everything yourself at the start but you must and should dish out responsibility eventually and have 2 or even 3 leaders.




Don't top heavy yourself, you want more members than leaders by quite a big number.




Maybe I have inherited leadership so I feel differently, but never feel it is just your clan, it is everybody's in the clan as well. So make them a part of it and don't think that you are above them or anything. You are above them purely because of the work you done and to keep order within the clan, but don't give an aura that you are "wise" unless your clan mates thinks that way and respect you in that way.




Run a clan with this idea in mind:


Clans are expendable to the clan member, but the clan member is not expendable to the clan.




Unless you are a huge clan of course.

Templar Guardians

When are trying to lend something, the word to use is borrow. Not barrows, which is a mini-game.

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My clan is a dictatorship. I have a few generals and captains who have the power to kick people from the clan chat if they get disruptive and our clan forum has 2 admin and 2 moderators, but all clan decisions are made by me. People are welcome to voice their concerns, opinions, ideas, etc. but I get the final say.



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My clan is a dictatorship. *removed sentance*. People are welcome to voice their concerns, opinions, ideas, etc. but I get the final say.




:thumbsup: The best way to run a new clan, that way you have the most say in how it develps :thumbsup:

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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We have 4 leaders, 10ish forum moderators and 20ish clan chat moderators. Numbers of forum and clan chat mods vary, and we don't hesitate removing anyone if we feel they aren't right for the position. Forum moderators have a bit more to say in the forum and rules part of the adminitration, but otherwise the members have a big say. Our admin forum is also active, and we get quite a few of the issues regarding specific users and technical problems solved there.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Clan Europe has 5-6 leaders working under me.


We also have couple admins doing the most technical stuff.




Rule is, leaders are free to make their own decisions, but when they mess up, they are responsible for it themselves and responsible to clean the mess. Big decisions are ran through me, because nobody wants to have "the chat" with me after things have fallen apart without me knowing.




Really capable people, though. They have proven to outskill me in every aspect already.


RS name Dimitrix

Leader of Clan Europe - secondary clan for all Europeans, ask permission from your main clan leader about joining.

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I've been in two clans. I like how founders have certain power and respect in the clans. They have the most to lose after all. It is them who starts and nourishes the clan as it grows.




An active council who plays rs, forum active and irc active is really best. If your staff and leaders are respected and able to lead well, you have less trouble with the little stuff. If you choose to have council for your clan they need to be dedicated to be active and fair. This is the goal to grow and have a team of leaders. Some positions should be appointed while others may need to be elected. Members need to know that council has final say, but council needs to respect the opinions and listen to its members.




The clan I'm in is wonderful in the way the leadership and members make up an awesome family like community. I really would not change much in how our leadership is handled.




I find less rules and more member self-governing is good also. You should not have to be running around like their mother scolding all the time. Only stepping in when needed and making it clear what will happen when rules are broken. Stick by whatever the rules are for all members and don't show favorites.




Good luck starting your clan.

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I am one of the 3 Leaders/Creators/Admins of a F2p skill clan.


We have 2 Forum Moderators, 3 Event Coordinators and 4 Clan chat Mods.




We see ourselves (Leaders) as people that maintain everything that has to be done for the clan that a member can't do himself/herself.


Since we are Skiller Clan, we have no use for anyone to lead anyone, a skiller clan is more like a Community and less like a Organzation that needs leadership to function but if we let someone else be the Leaders of the clan there would be a totally different clan as people are different and make different decisions and this may not be liked by some, big changes like that could collapse the clan if the former Leaders were very much liked by the members.




TFS was created 1 year and 3 Months ago, my first clan, creator/leader/admin of it since the start and still going strong. :mrgreen:






My tips:




Do everything by yourself for as long as you can.




Treat every member the same, no matter what! The members are the clan, You are a member of the clan, the differences between you and the others are that you are the creator, the decider, the leader. Other members will only listen to you if you are fair to everyone and if you know what you are doing.




"The members won't go into a dark forest by themselves unless you go in and add some light in it".


But what if someone does go?


Well, you should make youself needed, only you should have the ability to bring light into the forest.




Conflicts between members will affect everyone, solve them in time and be fair.






Most importantly, earn their respect!


Just because you are the leader doesn't mean you are god, show them you have some knowledge about what your clan is about and respect others as they respect you.




Don't be too soft or too hard, might be hard to know what's soft or hard but try them out and you'll find the way you should act.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clan Jaguar consists of leaders who serve until they desire to step down and 4 council members - 2 council members voted in every 2 months by the clan to serve 4 months... every 2 months we have elections for 2 council members to step down and 2 more a chance to step up




retired leaders have the option of staying on the council as an adviser, but they are not permitted to vote in council discussions

Shakazulu ~ Member of Clan Jaguar since April 2002

Clan Jaguar ~ 7 years as of July 12th


27 Minute Slideshow Tribute to Clan Jaguar


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I've been in two clans. I like how founders have certain power and respect in the clans. They have the most to lose after all. It is them who starts and nourishes the clan as it grows.




An active council who plays rs, forum active and irc active is really best. If your staff and leaders are respected and able to lead well, you have less trouble with the little stuff. If you choose to have council for your clan they need to be dedicated to be active and fair. This is the goal to grow and have a team of leaders. Some positions should be appointed while others may need to be elected. Members need to know that council has final say, but council needs to respect the opinions and listen to its members.




The clan I'm in is wonderful in the way the leadership and members make up an awesome family like community. I really would not change much in how our leadership is handled.




I find less rules and more member self-governing is good also. You should not have to be running around like their mother scolding all the time. Only stepping in when needed and making it clear what will happen when rules are broken. Stick by whatever the rules are for all members and don't show favorites.




Good luck starting your clan.




Pretty much what she said (same clan :P). We have a Primary Leader and then four council with raid/event leaders on them. If creating a new clan from scratch you'll want to handle everything for yourself until it becomes too much.


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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