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creation or evolution


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was life created by a super being or did everything evolve from certain proteins mixing and creating life, or anything else you beleive.








my opinion is simple. Evolution.




we can see it hapening all around us, animals, people and plants adapting to there suroundings for the better. Bacteria becomes imune to certain anti-biotics things like that. its all living proof that we evolved to what we are today and are still changing. Also if there is a super-human being that created us, who created him, and who created him......


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was life created by a super being or did everything evolve from certain proteins mixing and creating life, or anything else you beleive.








my opinion is simple. Evolution.




we can see it hapening all around us, animals, people and plants adapting to there suroundings for the better. Bacteria becomes imune to certain anti-biotics things like that. its all living proof that we evolved to what we are today and are still changing. Also if there is a super-human being that created us, who created him, and who created him......








There's a point between Evolution and Adaptation. Evolution is going from a let's say frog to a cow. Adaptation is when you adapt to your enviroment. What you said is adaptation, not evolution. I believe in Adaptation, how an animal can in a way control his offspring to better his life in his environment, but I don't believe we came from monkey's.








As you can prob. tell from my avy and sig, I believe in creation.


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I dunno whether it was intentional or not, but a frog to a cow is about as far as you can get from anything that's held to be true with evolution.








At the moment, I believe in evolution, because that's what we have the most credible proof for at the moment.








Not only that, but nature never ceases to amaze me, so a monkey, over the course of thousands or milions of years, becoming something more, doesn't surprise me much at all.
















Off-topic slightly.. Please keep this clean. If you haven't got anything productive to say, don't say anything.




Also, keep in mind, this is evolution versus creation, not christians verses everyone else. Keep the misc. religious/antireligious dribble out of it.

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I've made my own mix of it, so I can keep everybody as my friend. :wink:








God created a base, and then didn't interfere anymore, the base evolved to what we are now.








Well, that's it, easy as pie. :wink:


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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me = evolution (everything was 1st bacteria, then fish, then some of them land animals)








why do we hiccup? because we were once fish, fish hiccup to get water ou of them if they get to much in. when do we hiccup? after we drink.








why do we have a collar bone? they are used for walking on all fours, like apes do(they walk on there arms), we dont walk on all fours, so why do we have a collar bone?








2 answers:




1) evolution




2) God likes putting random junk into his creations








i pick 1

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they did a survey in New Zealand




it went something like this:








55% of people have never been in a church before




35% of people only went in there for funerals/weddings




7% only go in there once a year




3% go in there atleast once a week

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they did a survey in New Zealand




it went something like this:








55% of people have never been in a church before




35% of people only went in there for funerals/weddings




7% only go in there once a year




3% go in there atleast once a week








Ooookkkkk.....try to make posts on topic.








Yes, greatsilverwyrm, the frog to cow was intentional. But that's the base of evoultion, from 1 to another. Dog to dolphin if you'd like... Also...creation does come back to christians, since they are the 1's who believe in it, so u might get religious posts. Since creation u'd need a higher power to make you, religion plays a part in it.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

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evolution isnt jumping from "dog to dolphin" its a extreamly slow and gradual change. thats why i said adaption. they adapt and it changes then they adapt more, change size, shape and gene's untill there something compleatly different.








also if a higher being created us, where did he/she/it come from?


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evolution isnt jumping from "dog to dolphin" its a extreamly slow and gradual change. thats why i said adaption. they adapt and it changes then they adapt more, change size, shape and gene's untill there something compleatly different.








also if a higher being created us, where did he/she/it come from?








actually that is considered evolution. It isn't adaptation, since a dog would be just as good living on the earth. He didn't need to go into a dolphin to make his life easier. It wasn't a life or death choice. It sounds like ur making evolution and adaptation the same. The dog--->dolphin was a slow process. It didn't happen that the next puppy it had was a dolphin.








Evolution- Monkey to man, dog to dolphin








Adaptation- Bald dog in antartica to dog with hair.








Depends on what higher being you're talkin about. But let's say my God. sry greatsilver, but i can't answer this question w/out referin to religious things. He was there before us. If He's a real God, there would be no way we could comprehend heavenly and goddly things with our brains. We are limited to what we can comprehend.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

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also if a higher being created us, where did he/she/it come from?








Nowhere, he/she is just there, nothing you can do about it. That's the awesome coolness about it. 8)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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thats also evolution.








man to monkey is both. man has more mental capasity, speach, walks on legs to free up the hands. all these improve life and are adaptions. but adapted to the extend where its something new making it evolution


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they did a survey in New Zealand




it went something like this:








55% of people have never been in a church before




35% of people only went in there for funerals/weddings




7% only go in there once a year




3% go in there atleast once a week








Ooookkkkk.....try to make posts on topic.








Yes, greatsilverwyrm, the frog to cow was intentional. But that's the base of evoultion, from 1 to another. Dog to dolphin if you'd like... Also...creation does come back to christians, since they are the 1's who believe in it, so u might get religious posts. Since creation u'd need a higher power to make you, religion plays a part in it.








it was in response to paul_wilsons' wish there were polls on tip.it, that is a poll on church goings, so pretty much 90% of people dont go to church for chrisian reasons

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thats also evolution.








man to monkey is both. man has more mental capasity, speach, walks on legs to free up the hands. all these improve life and are adaptions. but adapted to the extend where its something new making it evolution








I see where you're going with this, but think of it this way. There's still monkeys living. If it was adaptation, that means that the monkeys wouldn't be alive anymore, because they needed to adapt to survive.










they did a survey in New Zealand




it went something like this:








55% of people have never been in a church before




35% of people only went in there for funerals/weddings




7% only go in there once a year




3% go in there atleast once a week








Ooookkkkk.....try to make posts on topic.








Yes, greatsilverwyrm, the frog to cow was intentional. But that's the base of evoultion, from 1 to another. Dog to dolphin if you'd like... Also...creation does come back to christians, since they are the 1's who believe in it, so u might get religious posts. Since creation u'd need a higher power to make you, religion plays a part in it.








it was in response to paul_wilsons' wish there were polls on tip.it, that is a poll on church goings, so pretty much 90% of people dont go to church for chrisian reasons








I still don't get it. Why that poll? He didn't even ask for a poll..... It's not even a tip.it poll...nowhere near the subject....








And what's the site of that poll? I'm curious the people it polled....








Edit: Here's from a poll of Americans:








45% of American adults attend church in a typical weekend, not including a special event such as a wedding or a funeral. (2005)








So either u made that up....or New Zealend is really messed up.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

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they did a survey in New Zealand




it went something like this:








55% of people have never been in a church before




35% of people only went in there for funerals/weddings




7% only go in there once a year




3% go in there atleast once a week








Ooookkkkk.....try to make posts on topic.








Yes, greatsilverwyrm, the frog to cow was intentional. But that's the base of evoultion, from 1 to another. Dog to dolphin if you'd like... Also...creation does come back to christians, since they are the 1's who believe in it, so u might get religious posts. Since creation u'd need a higher power to make you, religion plays a part in it.








it was in response to paul_wilsons' wish there were polls on tip.it, that is a poll on church goings, so pretty much 90% of people dont go to church for chrisian reasons








I seriously don't believe 50% or more of a 'western' country have never been in a church. They probably have been there, even it was just as a tourist in some foreign place.








That, and polls are meaningless. If you don't know why people think something, then you have nothing to talk about and no way of getting any the wiser. I'm pretty sure you all know this one:








There's lies, damn lies, and there's statistics








Err, right. Back on topic.








I believe in something similar to what how2pk describes. I don't think all life was created on an earth as it is now by a God(-like being). Nor do I believe entirely in one big bang. The thing is, whatever theory you have about how the universe came to be, it will always be 'weird' in the eyes of men.








Think about it. Suppose the universe was created entirely. What was it created out of? Where did that come from? You don't know, or you need a concept of a God to understand this. Either that, or you say it has always been there - which is also a weird concept to humans. We don't know of anything which is everlasting, so this concept is not much better. So if we don't like the universe once suddenly existing, while not having been there before, and we don't like the universe always having been there... then what do we like?

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I believe in creation.








The big bang theory could be right.... but who the made the atoms that rubbed together and exploded. I believe god created the big bang himself because it would explain phi. Big band creates the heaven and the earth then god made us...then he got lazy when making animals so he shoved osme human features in :)


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well three are many theorys on the big bang that i cant get threw the first sentance withought a headache. like what did it expload into. thre has to be something there to expload into.








anyway i personaly have only been to church for wedings and cristonings of my freinds. quite frankly they scare me... alot. :S




off topic: why do religious people get mad at gory movies when you step in a church and its like a quinton tarinteno move with nails in arms and nests of thorns on heads.








anyway, i fell that all supernatural things are unbeleivable. i dont want to offend anyone but i find it hard to beleive that there is a all mighty being that has created everything. and if there is a god, why do people get sick, and why are there wars, and why are people like Osama alowed to do the things they do.








well most of that was kinda offtopic but i wanted to say it


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and if there is a god, why do people get sick, and why are there wars, and why are people like Osama alowed to do the things they do.








That's what heaven is for, it's what I believe to be part of the meaning of life. Making your own decisions, just like a Mother, God was there in the beginning, caring in the preteens then it comes to a certain age of existence when we reject him, teenager years lol. If someone was there cleaning up our lives the world would be prefect, too perfect. BORING.








Just like to note, I am not a christian. If you must know, I am Jewish


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*peeks around* ok so far so good!








I think evolution is the key. Cause variation makes us slightly diffrent, and with enough variation, we could be come a diffrent species, and that is evolution. I belive in the big bang, but my understanding of how it happend is very little. From what i have gathered this year in science, is that Anti matter was created, and hit more anti matter that was created. Where did this anti matter come from? well from what i got, it just comes into being, for no apparent reason. So we were created by luck, of two anti matters hitting eachother.








Ermmm just a question, where are you people gettting dog to dolphin? Where do they come in?








why do people get sick, and why are there wars, and why are people like Osama alowed to do the things they do.







Like with all people, there are mythes and legends created when people dont know something. In Christianity (sp?) (srry but this about religion, even though im an athiest), it is said that sickness is created by the devil because our sins, and war and people like Osama are around cause god gave us free will. Thats what i have gathered, correct me if im wrong.








Ok im preatty much finished except for one thing. This may sound stupid, but its just a grammer point. He/She is only given to those that are human. It is given to everything that is not human... so therefore everyone should really call god an it... (and i dont capatlize the g in god cause I dont think its a proper name). Please dont be offended anyone.


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I see where you're going with this, but think of it this way. There's still monkeys living. If it was adaptation, that means that the monkeys wouldn't be alive anymore, because they needed to adapt to survive.








*claps* I can't believe people are still capable of saying that.








If you isolate a minority of a species and put said group in a situation where it has to adapt or die, eventually the only genes that will be passed on will be those which help it to survive. Mainly because those which couldn't would've died.








The rest of the species will NOT adapt along with it. Why? Because they have no reason to. However, if you want to follow your logic: there should only be only one species of every animal since all of said animal would've adapted at the same time as the rest.








And if you disagree with that, you deserve to be hit in the head since that is exactly what you implied with your monkey analogy.




Now, make your choice.
















Personally, evolution works.

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One of the clearest supports of a theory of evolution are the Darwin finches. When Charles Darwin first arived at the Galapagos islands, he noticed that there was a finch population on many islands, and that they were virtually identical, except for the shape and size of their beaks. This was because each of the different islands had different kinds of food available. The finches arived as a large flock and then got sepperated among the different islands. Over a time of many years the finches with beaks that were most adapted to gather the food common to their island passed on their genes, until each of the island had it's own distinct species of finches. They all came from the same genus, the Geospiza (ground finches) or the Camarhynchus (tree finches), but genetic research has proven that they've evolved into entirely different species, so different that if you put a male from one island and a female from another together, you'd never get fertile offspring, which is the main condition for two individuals being of the same species.

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I've made my own mix of it, so I can keep everybody as my friend. :wink:








God created a base, and then didn't interfere anymore, the base evolved to what we are now.








Well, that's it, easy as pie. :wink:








I agree. I also figure, like it says in Gehjl'd sig ' I'd rather live like there's a god and find out there isn't, then not beleive and find there is' :wink: Just wanted to say that. Carry on.

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I see where you're going with this, but think of it this way. There's still monkeys living. If it was adaptation, that means that the monkeys wouldn't be alive anymore, because they needed to adapt to survive.








*claps* I can't believe people are still capable of saying that.








If you isolate a minority of a species and put said group in a situation where it has to adapt or die, eventually the only genes that will be passed on will be those which help it to survive. Mainly because those which couldn't would've died.








The rest of the species will NOT adapt along with it. Why? Because they have no reason to. However, if you want to follow your logic: there should only be only one species of every animal since all of said animal would've adapted at the same time as the rest.








And if you disagree with that, you deserve to be hit in the head since that is exactly what you implied with your monkey analogy.




Now, make your choice.
















Personally, evolution works.








It all has to basically do with the huge climactic shift in eastern Africa, when the splitting of the plates began. Here's basically what many to believe to have happened.








The descendents of modern day primates all llived in a vast jungle that spread across africa. However, lets say few million years ago, a giant rift begins to form, splitting the eastern part of africa into two, also making a mountain range from the colliding plates.








Now, on one side, the primate descendents continued to live in their jungle, eventually evolving into the various species we see today. However, on the west side, the mountains have blocked rain and the land turns into savanah, forcing the primates to adapt to their environment.








Since they can no longer swing through trees in the vast savanah plains, they had to learn to walk, new ways to hunt for food, ways to counter different obstacles etc. Since these two sects of the primate descendents lived in two completely different environments for millions of years, they became completely different species. On the west side, the beginnings of modern humans take place, while the east side remains untainted by environmental change.








Moral of the story, we didn't evolve from monkeys. We both evolved from a different distant ancestor.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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